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Marti W. (spitfiresjewel) - Bulletin Board

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Marti W. (spitfiresjewel)'s Bulletin Board Entries

Marti W. (spitfiresjewel): My books are currently in a non-smoking home with cats for those of you with allergies but they come from an assortment of sources: PBS, library, used book store, etc. and so may have been exposed at one point. I do have older books on my shelf that show wear commiserate with their age: yellowing pages and cover wear but they do meet PBS swapping standards. Series romances are always 3/1. Thank you for viewing my bookshelf.
Entry added on 11/6/2016 12:03 PM
Vicki B. (successms):

Hi Marti. I did receive your book about the feral cats. O eill mark it received. Sorry. I had an in line of duty assault at my job. I just gave you 2 credits for the inconvenience. I love cats too.

Reply added on 6/16/2017 8:45 PM
Last edited on 6/16/2017 8:48 PM
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