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Help Center - PBS Underage Policy

Search Terms:

The PBS policy on underage members as stated in the Terms of Service is:

"This Site may be used only by persons 18 years of age or older. National Book Swap [PBS] makes no representations whatsoever regarding the suitability of any items exchanged through this Site."

If you are under 18, and wish to swap books here:

  • Please ask an adult family member who lives in your house about trading books for you.
  • If you already have an account with us, and you are a minor, we will contact you soon about closing your account.
    • Any credits that you may have can be transferred to a family member that is over 18 in your home (minus the 2 free credits that were obtained through the opening of this "illegal" account).
    • If neither of your parents is registered, we hope one of them will register with us, and we will certainly welcome you back as a member when you turn 18!

If you are a parent who wants to register an account for your underage child, we are sorry, but you cannot do so.

  • We know that this may seem an inconvenience for you or your child, but we instituted this policy on the advice of legal counsel.
  • We cannot guarantee your child's safety on the Internet, nor assure you that your child will be protected from child-inappropriate content.
  • We support the love of books and reading in children! But we want them to be safe, too. So please, use your account to swap books for them, until they turn 18.
  • Please note that Underage persons must not send Personal Messages to other members. 
    • if you are over 18, and a minor sends personal messages from your account, your account will be suspended, and you will be warned and instructed on how to prevent this in future.
    • A repeated violation may cause termination of membership.



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