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Topic: 2012 History Non Fiction Challenge ***List Thread***

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Kat (polbio) -
Subject: 2012 History Non Fiction Challenge ***List Thread***
Date Posted: 12/10/2011 1:42 PM ET
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OK, a few people said they would be interested so here we go. Just like the other challenges you can do a full challenge(12) or a half (light) challenge of any 6 of your choice.  Here are the categories:

1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

If anyone needs any suggestions or clarification please let me know. Most of them are open to interpretation.smiley

Have Fun!!


The Rules of the Challenge:

1. Pick either 6 categories for a lite challenge or 12 for the full challenge and enter your titles as you choose them.

2. Books can be chosen and/or changed at any time through out the year

3. In order to mark the books completed, you have to have finished the book anytime between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2012

4. One book can not be used in two categories

On Jan. 1st of 2013, I will have my DH or DD draw a name from those who have completed the whole challenge (not including myself) and  one name from those who completed the lite challenge and the chosen names will each recieve a credit from me.



Last Edited on: 12/14/11 11:21 AM ET - Total times edited: 6
polbio avatar
Kat (polbio) -
Date Posted: 12/10/2011 2:07 PM ET
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I will be adding as I go, but i will get it started.

1. Local Lore: Making Sense of the Molly Maguires by Kevin Kenny

2. Award Winning: The Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy by David Hoffman (2010 Pulitzer Prize)

3. Over There:  The First World War by Hew Strachan Finished Jan 2012

4. Uncle Sam: Over Here by David Kennedy Finished January 2012

5. Natural Force: The Great Fire of London by Neil Hanson

6. Life and Times: U-Boat Commander by Peter Cremer Finished November 17, 2012

7. To War: Jackson's Valley Campaign by David G. Martin Finished January 28, 2012

8. To Sea: The River at the Center of the World: A Journey up the Yangtze  and Back in Chinese Time by Simon Winchester or Pacific Rising by Simon Winchester

9. Pride and Prejudice:

10. Newby: Balkans by Misha Glenny Finished September 28, 2012

11: Charity: Berlin in the Balance by Thomas Parrish (covers the Berlin Airlift)

12: The World At Large: VIetnam: A History by Stanley Karnow (Vietnam) Finished 6/17/12

Last Edited on: 11/28/12 9:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 12
loralei avatar
Date Posted: 12/10/2011 2:49 PM ET
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I will try a light challenge. 


1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)   Night 

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II   They Dared Return

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)  1776

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author   The Poisoner's Handbook

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.  A Short History of Norway

Last Edited on: 12/11/11 9:51 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
I-F-Letty avatar
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Date Posted: 12/10/2011 4:07 PM ET
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I thought I would give this a go but I have to much on my plate to take on another challenge.

Last Edited on: 3/18/12 12:07 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
bkydbirder avatar
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Date Posted: 12/10/2011 4:47 PM ET
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I'll try to give this a shot and see how I do!


1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region): Wild West Women of Some Gumption by Marilyn M Schulz

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - finished 7/20 12

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster : So Terrible a Storm - A Tale of Fury on Lake Superior by Curt Brown read 10/28/12

6. Life and Times: Read a biography : In My Hands: Memories of a Holocauset Rescuer by Irene Opdyke

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle: Night of Flames by Douglas W Jacobson(Poland, Belgium WWll)

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc) : The Sinking of the Titanic by Logan Marshall read 4/17/12

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities: Massacre at Moniac Crossing by Janice Daugharty (racial battle in No Fla. in 1904)

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author: A Higher Call by Adam Makos 

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good :link The Envoy by Alex Kershaw (Swedish Diplomat saves Hungarian Jews)

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.: Sufferings in Africa by Capt. James Riley

Last Edited on: 2/15/13 10:09 AM ET - Total times edited: 7
VickyJo avatar
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Date Posted: 12/10/2011 6:15 PM ET
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Okay, I'm up for another challenge!  We'll see what happens...

1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II~~Night by Elie Wiesel~~2/25

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle~~Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand~~7/7

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

Last Edited on: 7/8/12 8:41 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
Page5 avatar
Date Posted: 12/10/2011 6:34 PM ET
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1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

The Guns of August - Tuchman

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II

The 900 Days - Salisbury or Hitler - Flood

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

White Hurricane - David G. Brown - completed 2/15/12

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

Bedpan Commando - Wandrey  9/8/12

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

1812: Napoleon in Moscow - Austin

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

The Water Is Never Cold - O'Dell   completed 12/2/12

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - Brown   completed 5/1/12

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

The General and the Jaguar - Welsome

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK. 

 The Wall Between - Samuelli completed 5/26/12  


Last Edited on: 12/30/12 6:42 PM ET - Total times edited: 10
mepom avatar
Mary (mepom) -
Date Posted: 12/10/2011 9:14 PM ET
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Well, I may be in for the light challenge. AT LEAST, I will watch this forum and learn some titles/authors that will be great books.


peculiarway avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2011 4:30 PM ET
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Alright, I'm game.

1. Local Lore: The Swamp: The Everglades, Florida, and the Politics of Paradise by Michael Grunwald

2. Award Winning: The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl by Timothy Egan [FINISHED 2/11]

3. Over There: In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson

4. Uncle Sam: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow

5. Natural Force: Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Erik Larson

6. Life and Times: Eden's Outcasts: The Story of Louisa May Alcott and Her Father

7. To War: 1776 by David McCullough

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand

9. Pride and Prejudice: Those Wonderful Women in Their Flying Machines: The Unknown Heroines of World War Two by Sally V. Keil

10. Newby: Victoria's Daughters by Jerrold M. Packard

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris, 1830-1900 by David McCullough

Last Edited on: 5/2/12 6:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 9
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Date Posted: 12/11/2011 11:05 PM ET
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Okay, I think I can find books I want to read in 6 of the categories, I'll give the light version a try!


3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II * Sala's Gift: My Mother's Holocaust Story/Ann Kirschner  finished 1/20/12

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster *  The Children's Blizzard/David Laskin  finished 1/27/12

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle *  War Journal/Richard Engel  finished 2/23/12

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities  The Colony:The Harrowing True Story of the Exiles of Molokai/John Tayman  finished 1/3/12

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author *  Triangle: The Fire That Changed America/David Von Drehle  finished 1/31/12

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events  Hope in Hell:Inside the World of Doctors Without Borders/Dan Bortolotti  finished 1/4/12




Last Edited on: 2/24/12 10:42 AM ET - Total times edited: 7
chelsea avatar
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Date Posted: 12/11/2011 11:25 PM ET
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Lite version is a possibility.  Thanks.

1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Isaac's Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History by Erik Larson 

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK. 


Last Edited on: 2/12/12 10:18 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: I'll Try
Date Posted: 12/12/2011 12:56 PM ET
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1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region):  The Chisholm Trail by Wayne Gard  Finished 04-22-2012

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do):  Personal History by Katherine Graham  Finished 07-02-2012

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II: When Hell Froze Over by E. M. Halliday  (This is the book about the American expeditionary force in Russia at the end of WW1 and after WW1, not the Korean War.  Finished 02-05-2012

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc): Not sure on this one - either They Called Them Greasers by Arnoldo de Leon, or Law and Order vs the Miners, West Virginia 1907-1933 by Richard D. Lun,i or The Wobblies! A Graphic History of the Industrial Workers of the World edited by Paul Buhle and Nicole Schulman.

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster: The White Cascade by Gary Krist  Finished 05-03-2012

6. Life and Times: Read a biography:  Oil Field Child by Estha Briscoe Stowe Finished 01-21-2012

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle: Red Sun Rising: The Siege of Port Arthur by Reginald Hargreaves  Finished 03-03-2012

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):  Not sure here - considering Curse of the Narrows by Laura M. MacDonald.  I'm not sure if it meets the criteria.

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities: Arc of Justice by Kevin Boyle Finished 03-31-2012

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author: The Texas City Disaster, 1947 by Hugh W. Stephens

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link  The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK:  Not sure on this one either.  I'm thinking about: Rule of Terror - Russia under Lenin and Stalin by Helmut Andics.  I have several other books that meet the criteria, and may pick: The House of Medici, Its Rise and Fall by Christopher Hibbert, The Last Apocalypse, Europe at the Year 1000 A.D. by James Reston Jr., The Medici, a Tale of Fifteen Generations by James Cleugh, Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel, Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages by Frances & Joseph Geis, or A History of Medieval Europe by R. H. C. Davis. 

I'm not sure how this challenge works.  Can I change my mind on the books I want to read as I go along, or am I limited to the books I've selected?  I'm not sure that the book I selected on number 8 meets the criteria. It's about a disaster in the harbor at Haliflax, Nova Scotia, in 1917.  I assume I have until the end of December 2012 to read these.  Is that correct?  Can I start now, or do I have to wait until January 1st?   I have all my books already, so I'm raring to go.  This is sure an encouragement to read some of the books that have been sitting on my shelves for awhile, most of which my husband has already read.

Pam C


Last Edited on: 7/2/12 5:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
polbio avatar
Kat (polbio) -
Date Posted: 12/12/2011 11:24 PM ET
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Hi Pam,

YOu have all of 2012 to read the books. You can begin reading now, but must finish the books in 2012. You can change your mind as much as you want :)

Yes, teh Curse of the Narrows would fit that category and looks like a really interesting book.


yankeechick avatar
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Date Posted: 12/13/2011 9:36 AM ET
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Ok, I'm in.  I have quite a few non-fiction books I'd like to delve into.  I'm gonna start off with the lite version....


1. Local Lore: 

2. Award Winning:  Devil in the White City by Erik Larson (2004 Edgar Award - Best Fact Crime)

3. Over There:

4. Uncle Sam:   1776 by David McCullough  

5. Natural Force: 

6. Life and Times:   John Adams by David McCullough

7. To War:

8. To Sea: 

9. Pride and Prejudice: 

10. Newby:  Hellbound on His Trail: The Elecrtifying Account of the Largest Manhunt in American History by Hampton Sides

11: Charity: 

12: The World At Large:The Memoir of Marco Parenti: A Life in Medici Florence by Mark Phillips

Last Edited on: 12/31/11 9:45 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
drw avatar
Subject: Love this challenge
Date Posted: 12/19/2011 5:43 PM ET
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Thanks for this challenge; all of these books are already on my shelves just waiting to be read!


1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)-Midnight Rising:  John Brown and the Raid that Sparked the Civil War by Tony Horwitz  Completed 1/09

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)The Worst Hard Time - Timothy Egan

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II Unbroken - Laura Hildebrand

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc) - Destiny of the Republic - Candice Millard Completed 4/14

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster -Justinian’s Flea: Plague, Empire, and the Birth of Europe - William Rosen

6. Life and Times: Read a biography-Catherine the Great-Robert K. Massie Completed 10/2

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle-April, 1865: A Civil War Saga - Jay Winik

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)The River of Doubt - Candice Millard

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities-Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - Dee Brown

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author-Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer - James L. Swanson

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events- The Zookeeper's Wife - Diane Ackerman

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.-Dancing in the Glory of Monsters: The Collapse of the Congo and the Great War of Africa

Last Edited on: 10/2/12 6:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 5
mattc avatar
Matt C. (mattc) - ,
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Date Posted: 12/19/2011 7:16 PM ET
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1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do) - Vicious: Wolves and Men in America by John T. Coleman (Winner of 2005 John H. Dunning Prize for American History)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc) - Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard (finished 1/5/12)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

6. Life and Times: Read a biography - Lenin: A Biography by Robert Service

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

Last Edited on: 1/5/12 8:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
caralen avatar
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Date Posted: 12/21/2011 1:17 PM ET
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1. Local LoreClark. Lynchings in Oklahoma: vigilantism and racism in the twin territories and Oklahoma, 1830-1930 (completed 1/30)

2. Award Winning: Egan. The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowl (completed 12/24) [2006 National Book Award for Nonfiction]

3. Over There: Tuchman. The Proud Tower: a Portrait of the World before the War, 1890-1914 (completed 6/26)

4. Uncle Sam: Millard. Destiny of the Republic: a Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President (completed 1/11)

5. Natural Force:  McCollough. The Johnstown Flood (completed 6/12)

6. Life and Times: Frassetto. The Great Medieval Heretics: Five Centuries of Religious Dissent (completed 9/1)

7. To War: Smith. Counting the Days: POWs, Internees, and Stragglers of World War II in the Pacific (completed 9/27)

8. To Sea: Bergreen. Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe (completed 12/12)

9. Pride and Prejudice: DuBois. The Souls of Black Folk (completed 3/38)

10. Newby:  Linklater. Why Spencer Perceval Had to Die (completed 8/25)

11: Charity: Addams. Twenty Years at Hull House (completed 8/9)

12: The World At Large: Hochschild. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa (completed 10/21)

Last Edited on: 12/24/12 1:51 AM ET - Total times edited: 18
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Date Posted: 12/27/2011 5:48 PM ET
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2012 History Challenge Discussion Thread

I was going to sleep on it before joining this challenge. But, the heck with that! Within the span of a hour, two things quickly changed my mind...

  1. Finished a very, very good book Chocolate: A Bittersweet Saga of Dark and Light by Mort Rosenblum which left me wanting more - both in terms of history and edibles.
  2. Took one look around my house. Within 5 minutes in one room, I found 5 titles that would qualify for this. I realized that while this will be a challenge, it won't be much of a stretch.

Not going to plan ahead too much, and going to try to rely on what I have in-house already. Or on my TBR list. Or what I can get from the local library.



1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region) Old Crow Wing: History of a Village By Sister Bernard Coleman, Sister Verona LaBud, and John Humphrey. (Originally published 1967. Republished 2000.)

Since this is printed locally and there's no ISBN to link to, allow me to quote a couple of things about the book itself...

BACK COVER BLURB: The Village of Crow Wing was on of the first settlements in greater Minnesota. Established near the mouth of the Crow Wing River on the east back of the Mississippi, this is its story from the initial beginnings to its eventual demise and final rebirth as Crow Wing State Park.

NOTE FROM THE 2000 EDITOR: The story as written here was originally published over three decade ago by two Catholic Sisters and a Brainerd historian. These three spent countless hours pouring through manuscripts, interviewing, and digging through archives in museums across the state. Theirs was truly a labor of love. Some of the writing may not necessarily be seen as correct or proper phrasing or usage, or may seem just a bit "bumpy." It is with respect for their work, however, that we have taken no liberties with the original copy except for a few spelling corrections for clarification, and an addition to the back of the book to bring readers somewhat up-to-date. A few of the original photos are no longer available, so some replacements have been made to keep the book as visually appealing as possible.

As far as my reactions to this book, give a me few days. Frankly, I'm pooped from working overtime at work and am still not out of the woods yet. (Which ties right in with my region in Northern Minnesota!) So, I'll be back to write a few sentences about what I liked and learned.

Let me get my couple of criticisms out of the way. The editors' 'update' at the back-of-the-back was so lacking, I don't know why they bothered. It was basically a paragraph that can be summed up as, 'Oh, by the way, you can visit the site at Crow Wing State Park.There is one original building and a restored church.' Not even directions to the park or how to contact them. Visiting the state park years ago is how I found out about this ghost town. There is a bit more info listed at the park's official webpage, and an informative article about the Red River Trail by Minnesota Conversation magazine.

The other, major, thing this book was lacking was a decent map. There is a state map of various areas of cession by the Native Americans and the treaty years. Considering how this whole region was dependent on it's waterways, you'd think someone (in either 1967 or in 2000) would've put in a map that showed the local rivers and lakes constantly referred to in the text. I think both the authors and the recent editors assume 'everyone' knows the area. Then again, I'm a map fanatic, so I almost take it personally when maps are overlooked.

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do) Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin  heart2006 Lincoln Prize

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc) Lincoln's Men: The President and His Private Secretaries by Daniel Mark Epstein smiley

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster The San Francisco Earthquake by Gordan Thomas and Max Morgan Witts indecision

6. Life and Times: Read a biography Chinese Cinderella: The True Story of an Unwanted Daughter by Adeline Yen Mah crying

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle Richmond Burning: The Last Days of the Confederate Capital by Nelson Lankford frown

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)   In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by Nathan Philbrick yes

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

Last Edited on: 12/16/12 7:35 PM ET - Total times edited: 22
avsjen avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2011 11:09 PM ET
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1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region): A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains (in 1879)/Isabella L. Bird

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do): Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion/Edward J. Larson (Pulitzer Prize)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption/Laura Hillenbrand

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc): Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring/Alexander Rose

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster: Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883/Simon Winchester

6. Life and Times: Read a biography: Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman/Robert K. Massie

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle: Band of Brothers/Stephen E. Ambrose

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc): Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea: The History and Discovery of the World's Richest Shipwreck/Gary Kinder

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities: We Are the Ship: The Story of Negro League Baseball/Kadir Nelson

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author: Slaves in the Family/Edward Ball

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events: At the Dark End of the Street/Danielle L. McGuire

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK: The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris/David G. McCullough

Last Edited on: 6/13/12 9:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 11
kickerdad avatar
kickerdad - ,
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Date Posted: 12/31/2011 12:08 AM ET
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Here are the categories:

1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II

       COMPLETED 3/14/2012   Ghost Soldiers, The Epic Account of WWII's Greatest Rescue Mission :: Hampton Sides

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

Last Edited on: 3/23/12 12:30 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
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Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
Date Posted: 1/4/2012 9:47 PM ET
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This sounds like fun!  I hope to at least accomplish the light challenge.  I'll fill in the titles as I complete them.


1. Local Lore: Wild and Wacky Lompoc by Harry J. Crompe (completed 12/2/12)

2. Award Winning: American Sphinx by Joseph J. Ellis, winner of the National Book Award (completed 12/1/12)

3. Over There: On Hitler's Mountain Irmgard A. Hunt (completed 2/13/12)

4. Uncle Sam: The Summer of 1787 by David O. Stewar (completed 5/5/12)

5. Natural Force: The Johnstown Flood  David McCullough (completed 1/23/12)

6. Life and Times: Lion in the White House by Aida D. Donald (completed 12/11/12)

7. To War: Band of Brothers  Stephen A. Ambrose (completed 3/25/12)

8. To Sea:Titanic Survivor: The Newly Discovered Memoirs of Violet Jessop Who Survived both the Titanic and Britannic Disasters by Violet Jessop, edited by       John Maxtone-Graham (completed 1/11/12)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl written by Herself by Harriet A. Jacobs (completed 5/21/12)

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author: First Mothers: The Women Who Shaped The Presidents by Bonnie Angelo (completed 10/27/81)

11: Charity: Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family by Miep Gies (completed 11/12/2012)

12: The World At Large: Colors of the Mountain by Da Chen (completed 10/18/2012)

Last Edited on: 12/13/12 2:39 PM ET - Total times edited: 13
beebs avatar
Date Posted: 1/6/2012 1:03 AM ET
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I saw a banner in someone's signature line and decided to check it out.  I may or may not take this challenge seriously, but I'm parking my list here:


1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)


2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)


3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II


4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)


5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster:  
               The Children's Blizzard by David Laskin   (4/30/12)


6. Life and Times: Read a biography


7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle


8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)


9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities


10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author


11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link


12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

Last Edited on: 5/1/12 12:56 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 1/6/2012 9:34 AM ET
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It's free parking, so go for it! Thanks for joining us Becki and Cindy.

DieHard avatar
Bruce -
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Date Posted: 1/8/2012 10:01 AM ET
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1. Local Lore: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won an award (any award will do)

3. Over There: The Great Raid by William Breuer  1/8/12

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Force: Read a non-fiction book about a natural disaster

6. Life and Times: Read a biography

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc)

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK.

georgiagymdog avatar
Date Posted: 2/1/2012 2:34 PM ET
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1. Local Lore: Gilded by Deborah Davis

2. Award Winning: The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

3. Over There: All But My Life by Gerda Weissman Klein

4. Uncle Sam: In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larsen

5. Natural Force: The Loss of the SS Titanic by Lawrence Beesley

6. Life and TimesTyphoid Mary by Anthony Bourdain

7. To War: Leap Into Darkness by Leo Bretholz

8. To Sea: Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

9. Pride and Prejudice: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot

10. Newby: The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston

11: Charity: Stones into Schools by Greg Mortenson

12: The World At Large: How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed by Slavenka Drakulic

Last Edited on: 11/29/12 1:14 PM ET - Total times edited: 13