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Topic: 2013 History Non Fiction Challenge ***List Thread***

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Subject: 2013 History Non Fiction Challenge ***List Thread***
Date Posted: 6/6/2013 1:40 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
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Since no one else has started a thread for the topic, I will do so.  Anyone who wants to participate is welcome.   At the end of the year I will be happy to give a credit to someone who completes the challenge.

Do a full challenge (12) or a half (light) challenge of any 6 of your choice.  Here are the categories, most of which are repeated from 2012 and I'm including the books I've read or selected to date:

1. Local History: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region):

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award:  

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II:  

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Disaster:  

6. Life and Times (Biography):  

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle: 

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):  

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities:  

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author:  

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link  

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK:

Substitutions:  Read any two non-fiction books of your choice to replace two of the categories above.  Simply list the category, say sustitution and give the book title and auther.

The Rules of the Challenge:

1. Pick either 6 categories for a lite challenge or 12 for the full challenge and enter titles as you choose them.

2. Books can be chosen and/or changed at any time through out the year

3. In order to mark the books completed, you have to have finished the book anytime between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 so anything you have read from Jan. 1, 2013 counts.

4. No book can not be used in two categories.  However, you may use a book from another challenge if it fits here.  Like in Goodreads, cross posting is encouraged for this challenge.

Last Edited on: 11/16/14 1:57 PM ET - Total times edited: 27
drw avatar
Date Posted: 6/11/2013 7:17 PM ET
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1. Local History: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region) Blood of Tyrants:  George Washington and the Forging of the Presideny - completed 10/10 - 5 stars

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award:  The Looming Tower:  Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11 (Pulitzer Prize) - completed 10/1 - 5 stars

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II: Saving Italy:  The Race to rescue a Nation's Treasures from the Nazis - completed 7/3 - 3 stars

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc) Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power - completed 1/27 - 4 stars

5. Natural Disaster:   

6. Life and Times (Biography):  Shopping, Seduction, and Mr. Selfridge - completed 4/29 - 4 stars

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle:  Syria: The Fall of the House of Assad - completed 4/25 - 4.5 stars

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):  I

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities:  

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author:  The First Muslim:  The Story of Muhammad by Lesley Hazleton - completed 6/25  - 4.5 stars

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link 

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK:  House of Stone: A Memoir of Home, Family, and a Lost Middle East - completed 4/18 - 4 stars

Substitutions:  Read any two non-fiction books of your choice to replace two of the categories above.  Simply list the category, say sustitution and give the book title and auther.

The Rules of the Challenge:

1. Pick either 6 categories for a lite challenge or 12 for the full challenge and enter titles as you choose them.

2. Books can be chosen and/or changed at any time through out the year

3. In order to mark the books completed, you have to have finished the book anytime between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 so anything you have read from Jan. 1, 2013 counts.

4. No book can not be used in two categories.  However, you may use a book from another challenge if it fits here.  Like in Gooddreads, cross posting is encouraged for this challenge.

Last Edited on: 10/10/13 8:35 AM ET - Total times edited: 5
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Date Posted: 6/17/2013 5:27 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 2/8/15 5:38 AM ET - Total times edited: 15
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Date Posted: 7/3/2013 11:00 AM ET
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Thanks for posting this--I'm done with 2 of my 4 2013 challenges and was hoping someone would post here.  I think I'll go for the light challenge since the year's half over.

1. Local History: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award:  

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II: 

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)  

5. Natural Disaster:   

6. Life and Times (Biography): 

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle:  

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):  

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities:  

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author:  

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link 

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK: 

Substitution #1 

Substitution #2  

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Date Posted: 7/3/2013 2:35 PM ET
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Do a full challenge (12) or a half (light) challenge of any 6 of your choice.  Here are the categories, most of which are repeated from 2012 and I'm including the books I've read or selected to date:

1. Local History:  Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region):  The Last Stand by Nathaniel Philbrick, 4 stars, 9/26/2013

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award:  Team of Rivals The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln (audio), 4.5 stars, 6/26/2013

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II:  Unbroken by Laura HIllebrand, 11/19/2013, 4 stars

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc).  An Especially Tricky People A Doonesbury Book by G.B. Trudeau, 3 stars  This is a book that features Doonesbury cartoons with comments about life and events of the time.  Enjoyed it.  Like a trip back in time for me.  Back to wnen Patty Hearst did her thing, and questions about politics of the 1970s, all done in the delightful cartoon way of the Doonsbury world. 

5. Natural Disaster:   Isaac's Storm:  A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurrican in History by Erik Larson, 7/4/2013, 4 stars

6. Life and Times (Biography):  Thomas Jefferson:  The Art of Power by Jon Meacham. 4/2013, 5 stars

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle:  Utah Beach:  The  Amphibious Landing and Airborn Operations on D-Day, June 6, 1944 by Joseph Balkoski 

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):   Isaac's Storm by Erik Larson, 7/12/2013, 5 stars

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities:  The Black Rose byTananarive Due

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author:  The Orchid Thief by Susan Orlean. 7/24/2013, 4 stars

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link  From the listDewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by  Vicki MyronBret Witter, 11/4/2013, 3 stars

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK:  I am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced by Nujood AliDelphine Minoui3 stars

Substitutions:  Read any two non-fiction books of your choice to replace two of the categories above.  Simply list the category, say sustitution and give the book title and auther.

The Rules of the Challenge:

1. Pick either 6 categories for a lite challenge or 12 for the full challenge and enter titles as you choose them.

2. Books can be chosen and/or changed at any time through out the year

3. In order to mark the books completed, you have to have finished the book anytime between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 so anything you have read from Jan. 1, 2013 counts.

4. No book can not be used in two categories.  However, you may use a book from another challenge if it fits here.  Like in Goodreads, cross posting is encouraged for this challenge.

Last Edited on: 11/27/13 1:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 19
caralen avatar
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Date Posted: 7/3/2013 9:04 PM ET
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1. Local HistorySkolnick. Where Courage is Like a Wild Horse: The World of an Indian Orphanage (completed 6/16)

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award: 

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II:

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Disaster:

6. Life and TimesSachs. The Ninth: Beethoven and the World in 1824 (completed 10/10)

7. To War: Yalom. Birth of the Chess Queen: A History (completed 10/23)

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):

9. Pride and Prejudice: Turner. Confessions of Nat Turner

10. Newby: Jordan & Walsh. White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America (completed 4/28)

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Parsipur. Kissing the Sword: A Prison Memoir (completed 10/1)

Last Edited on: 10/23/13 11:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
garrity avatar
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Date Posted: 7/5/2013 1:20 PM ET
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Do a full challenge (12) or a half (light) challenge of any 6 of your choice. Here are the categories, most of which are repeated from 2012:  Light Challenge is complete. 


1. Local History: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region):

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award:  A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson (2004 Aventis Prize, 2005 EU Descartes Prize)

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II:  History of an invention: Calendar: Humanity's Epic Struggle To Determine A True And Accurate Year by David Ewing Duncan

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history A Magnificent Catastrophe: The Tumultuous Election of 1800, America's First Presidential Campaign by Edward J Larson

5. Natural Disaster:

6. Life and Times (Biography):

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle:  History of a belief: A Mind of Its Own: A Cultural History of the Penis by David M Friedman

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction book dealing with minorities: The Lampshade A Holocaust Detective Story from Buchenwald to New Orleans by Mark Jacobson

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author:  The Disappearing Duke: The Improbable Tale of an Eccentric English Family by  Andrew Crofts, Tom Freeman-Keel

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK:

Substitutions: Read any two non-fiction books of your choice to replace two of the categories above. Simply list the category, say sustitution and give the book title and auther.

The Rules of the Challenge:

1. Pick either 6 categories for a lite challenge or 12 for the full challenge and enter titles as you choose them.

2. Books can be chosen and/or changed at any time through out the year

3. In order to mark the books completed, you have to have finished the book anytime between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2013 so anything you have read from Jan. 1, 2013 counts.

4. No book can not be used in two categories. However, you may use a book from another challenge if it fits here. Like in Gooddreads, cross posting is encouraged for this challenge.

Last Edited on: 1/1/14 11:45 AM ET - Total times edited: 9
lurchador avatar
Date Posted: 7/16/2013 3:10 PM ET
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1. Local History: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region): Jersey Brew, The Story of Beer in New Jersey by Michael Pellegrino 3 Stars

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award: 

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II:

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc)

5. Natural Disaster:

6. Life and Times (Biography): Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson 5 Stars

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle:

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc): Ship of Ghosts: The Story of the USS Houston, FDR's Legendary Lost Cruiser, and the Epic Saga of her Survivors by James D Hornfischer 4 Stars

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities:  The New Jim Crow: Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander 4 Stars

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author: The Ball: Discovering the Object of the Game by John Fox 5 Stars

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK: In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and and American Family in Hitler's Berlin by Erik Larson 4 Stars

Substitution #1

Substitution #2

Last Edited on: 9/13/13 11:38 AM ET - Total times edited: 6
DieHard avatar
Bruce -
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Date Posted: 8/15/2013 11:32 PM ET
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1. Local History: Read a non-fiction book dealing with the history of your area (city, state, region):

2. Award Winning: Read a non-fiction history book that has won any award:  

3. Over There: Read a non-fiction book dealing with World War I or World War II:  We Die Alone: A WWII Epic  of Escape and Endurance - David Howarth 5/24/13

4. Uncle Sam: Read a non-fiction book dealing with America's political history (could be government, biography, local etc) Tempest At Dawn - James D. Best 5/05/13 

5. Natural Disaster:  

6. Life and Times (Memoir):   Rocket Boys - Homer Hickam 1/09/13 

7. To War: Read a non-fiction book dealing with a war/battle: Inferno: The Fiery Destruction of Hamburg 1943 - Keith Lowe 8/25/13

8. To Sea: Read a non-fiction book dealing with water (navy, local lore, regional, etc):  

9. Pride and Prejudice: Read a non-fiction dealing with minorities:  Captain: The Journey of Derek Jeter - Ian O'Connor 10/13/13

10. Newby: Read a non-fiction book by a new to you author:  Bottom of the 33rd: Hope, Redemption, and Baseball's Longest Game - Dan Barry 8/09/13

11: Charity: Read a non-fiction book dealing with humanitarian events (for an idea is a good link  

12: The World At Large: Read a non-fiction book that takes place in a country other than USA, or UK: The Vatican Diaries - John Thavis 11/05/13

Last Edited on: 11/5/13 9:36 PM ET - Total times edited: 4