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Topic: 2015 Biography Challenge--LISTS ONLY

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Subject: 2015 Biography Challenge--LISTS ONLY
Date Posted: 11/19/2014 5:46 PM ET
Member Since: 11/15/2011
Posts: 56
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Here is the Biography list for 2015.  Included are categories suggested by other readers.  I hope the categories are broad enough to accommodate all reading tastes.  If not, remember you can always make Free Choice substitutions.  Let's all have fun assembling our lists!

Super Challenge = All categories  (15 categories)

Regular Challenge = 12 categories

Lite Challenge = 6 categories

Any category may be replaced by a "Free Choice" 


1.  Someone from your state

2.  Someone from China

3.   A criminal

4.  A poet

5.  A military hero

6.  An author

7.  A Middle Eastern person

8.  An immigrant's story

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format

10. Autobiography

11. Someone involved in a scandal

12. Entertainer

13.  Sports figure

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice

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Subject: My 2015 Biography Challenge
Date Posted: 11/19/2014 5:48 PM ET
Member Since: 11/15/2011
Posts: 56
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Super Challenge = All categories  (15 categories)

Regular Challenge = 12 categories

Lite Challenge = 6 categories

Any category may be replaced by a "Free Choice" 


1.  Someone from your state--Write it When I'm Gone by Thomas M. DeFrank  (Gerald R. Ford)

2.  Someone from China--Pearl Buck in China by Hilary Spurling

3.   A criminal--In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

4.  A poet--Lives Like Loaded Guns by Lyndall Gordon  (Emily Dickinson)

5.  A military hero--The Last Lion, Vol. 1 by William Manchester  (Churchill)

6.  An author--A Time to Dance by Rumer Godden and A House with Four Rooms by Rumer Godden (Rumer Godden's memoirs)

7.  A Middle Eastern person--House of Stone by Anthony Shadid (Memoir of Shadid Family)

8.  An immigrant's story--The Family by David Laskin  (Story of author's family)

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format--After Green Gables: L.M. Montgomery's Letters to Ephraim Weber, 1916-1941

10. Autobiography--The Ear of the Heart by Dolores Hart

11. Someone involved in a scandal--Wild Romance by Chloe Schama (Theresa Longworth Yelverton)

12. Entertainer--Shirley Temple: American Princess by Anne Edwards  (Completed 1/26/15)

13.  Sports figure

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice


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Date Posted: 11/19/2014 7:02 PM ET
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susank17 avatar
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Date Posted: 11/21/2014 1:12 PM ET
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I have memoirs and bios on my shelves ready to read!  Here's my motivation for the Lite Challenge, at least.

Super Challenge = All categories  (15 categories)

Regular Challenge = 12 categories

Lite Challenge = 6 categories

Any category may be replaced by a "Free Choice" 

1.  Someone from your state  The Outermost House - Henry Beston

2.  Someone from China Falling Leaves - Adeline Yen Mah

3.   A criminal  Free Choice -The Hare with Amber Eyes = Edmund de Waal

4.  A poet Free Choice - Book of Ages The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin - Jill Lepore  5/14

5.  A military hero Free Choice - Hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions for an Ordinary Life - Karen Maezen Miller 6/20

6.  An author  Virginia Woolf - Hermione Lee

7.  A Middle Eastern person  Reading Lolita in Teheran - Azar Nafisi

8.  An immigrant's story  An Area of Darkness - V. S. Naipaul

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format

10. Autobiography  The Year of Reading Proust - Phyllis Rose

11. Someone involved in a scandal - Free Choice  My Family and Other Animals - Gerald Durrell

12. Entertainer Life in Motion; An Unlikely Ballerina - Misty Copeland

13.  Sports figure Boys in the Boat - Daniel James Brown 1/21

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice  Pioneer Girl - Laura Ingalls Wilder & Pamela Smith Hill  4/29

Last Edited on: 6/16/15 11:37 PM ET - Total times edited: 6
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Date Posted: 11/28/2014 8:26 AM ET
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I'll be doing the traditional challenge. These are my choices:

1. someone from your state--Ring/A Biography of Ring Lardner (Jonathan Yardley)

2. a criminal--The Unicorn's Secret (Steven Levy)

3. a poet--Selected Letters of Theodore Roethke (ed. Ralph J. Mills, Jr.)

4. a military hero--Life and Times of Anne Bailey (Virgil A. Lewis)

5. an author--Dreiser (W.A. Wanberg)

6. a Middle Eastern Person--I Am Malaya (Malaya Yousafzai with Christina Lamb)

7. an immigrant's story--May Sarton (Agnes Sibley)

8. diary--The Red Leather Diary (Lily Koppel)

9. autobiography--Speak, Memory (Vladimir Nabokov)

10. someone involved in a scandal--Louise Brooks (Barry Paris)

11. entertainer--How Can I Keep from Singing?/The Ballad of Pete Seeger (David King Dunaway)

12. free choice--Into the Wild (Jon Krakauer)

I must comment that compiling this list was a major challenge in itself!


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Date Posted: 11/30/2014 7:40 PM ET
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Love this one Mary1!!   "I hope the categories are broad enough to accommodate all reading tastes.  If not, remember you can always make Free Choice substitutions."   

1.  Someone from your state FREE Choice Substitution:  Paula by Isabel Allende, 5/4/2015, 4 stars

2.  Someone from China:  Becoming Madame Mao by Anchee Min, 9/14/2015, 3 stars

3.   A criminal:  The Good Nurse: A True Story of Medicine, Madness, and Murder or True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey, 9/26/2015, 3.5 stars

4.  A poet:  The Poet of Baghdad by Jo Tatchell, 7/24/2015, 4.5 stars

5.  A military hero:  Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious General (The Killing of Historical Figures) by Bill O'Reilly, 2/5/2015, 5 stars

6.  An author:  Invincible Louisa (The Story of the Author of Little Women) by Cornelia Meigs, 1/27/2015, 4 stars

7.  A Middle Eastern person:  Cleopatra:  A Biography by Stacy Schiff, 4/22/2015, 4 stars

8.  An immigrant's story:  Yes, Chef a memoir by Marcus Samulesson, 1/3/2015, 4.5 stars

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format:  Away from Home:  Letters to My Family by Lillian Carter & Gloria Carter Spann, 1/5/2015, 4 stars

10. Autobiography:  Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight (An African Childhood) by Alexandra Fuller, 5/28/2015, 4.5 stars

11. Someone involved in a scandal:  Free choice substitution - The Dogs Who Came to Stay by George Pitcher, 4/8/2015, 3 stars

12. Entertainer:  Garth Brooks the Road out of Santa Fe by Matt O'Meilia, 1/11/2015, 3 stars

13.  Sports figure:  The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown, 3/16/2015, 5 stars

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry:  Free choice substitution - The Water Is Wide by Pat Conroy, 5/2/2015, 4 stars

15. Free Choice:  The Boy Kings of Texas: A Memoir by Domingo Martinez, 1/29/2015, 3.5 stars

Last Edited on: 9/26/15 9:19 AM ET - Total times edited: 61
garrity avatar
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Date Posted: 12/1/2014 6:39 PM ET
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Here is the Biography list for 2015.  Included are categories suggested by other readers.  I hope the categories are broad enough to accommodate all reading tastes.  If not, remember you can always make Free Choice substitutions.  Let's all have fun assembling our lists!

Super Challenge = All categories  (15 categories)

Regular Challenge = 12 categories

Lite Challenge = 6 categories

Any category may be replaced by a "Free Choice"


1.  Someone from your state

2.  Someone from China

3.   A criminal   With Badges & Bullets: Lawmen & Outlaws in the Old West edited by Richard W Etulain and Glenda Riley 3/2/15

4.  A poet

5.  A military hero

6.  An author   In Character by John Mortimer 4/18/15

7.  A Middle Eastern person

8.  An immigrant's story  The World in My Kitchen: The Adventures of a (Mostly) French Woman in New York by Colette Rossant 2/4/15

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format

10. Autobiography

11. Someone involved in a scandal  Shut Up He Explained The Memoir of a Blacklisted Kid by Kate Lardner 6/7/15

12. Entertainer

13.  Sports figure

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice   What I Saw in America by G K Chesterton 4/09/15

Last Edited on: 6/8/15 12:19 AM ET - Total times edited: 6
esjro avatar
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Date Posted: 12/13/2014 9:28 AM ET
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1.  Someone from your state

2.  Someone from China

3.   A criminal Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson Author: Jeff Guinn

4.  A poet

5.  A military hero

6.  An author

7.  A Middle Eastern person

8.  An immigrant's story

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format

10. Autobiography

11. Someone involved in a scandal

12. Entertainer Love Life Author: Rob Lowe

13.  Sports figure

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice


Last Edited on: 2/22/15 7:42 PM ET - Total times edited: 2
Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 12/17/2014 11:10 PM ET
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Super Challenge = All categories  (15 categories)

Regular Challenge = 12 categories

Lite Challenge = 6 categories

Any category may be replaced by a "Free Choice"


1.  Someone from your state

2.  Someone from China

3.   A criminal

4.  A poet

5.  A military hero

6.  An author

7.  A Middle Eastern person

8.  An immigrant's story

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format

10. Autobiography

11. Someone involved in a scandal

12. Entertainer

13.  Sports figure

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice

chelsea avatar
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Date Posted: 12/17/2014 11:30 PM ET
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1.  Someone from your state    Vantage Point by Lyndon B Johnson

2.  Someone from China

3.   A criminal     The Spy's Son by Bryan Denson

4.  A poet

5.  A military hero     Stonewall Jackson: The Man, the Soldier, the Legend by James Robertson

6.  An author     Tennessee Williams: A Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh by John Lahr

7.  A Middle Eastern person        Reading Lolita in Teheran - Azar Nafisi

8.  An immigrant's story

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format      A Diary from Dixie - Mary Boykin Chesnut

10. Autobiography     The Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S Grant by Ulysses S Grant

11. Someone involved in a scandal    Zelda: A Biography by Nancy Milford

12. Entertainer

13.  Sports figure             The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice     Unbroken by Lauren Hillenbrand

Last Edited on: 1/11/15 1:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 5
drw avatar
Date Posted: 1/3/2015 11:57 AM ET
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Here is the Biography list for 2015.  Included are categories suggested by other readers.  I hope the categories are broad enough to accommodate all reading tastes.  If not, remember you can always make Free Choice substitutions.  Let's all have fun assembling our lists!

Super Challenge = All categories  (15 categories)

Regular Challenge = 12 categories

Lite Challenge = 6 categories

Any category may be replaced by a "Free Choice" 


1.  Someone from your state Benjamin Franklin: His Life and Times by Walter Isaacson Finished 2/20 4 stars

2.  Someone from China

3.   A criminal

4.  A poet

5.  A military hero

6.  An author

7.  A Middle Eastern person

8.  An immigrant's story

9.  Diary, letters, or journal format

10. Autobiography

11. Someone involved in a scandal

12. Entertainer

13.  Sports figure

14.  Inventor or founder or captain of industry

15. Free Choice


Last Edited on: 2/21/15 8:39 AM ET - Total times edited: 6