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Topic: 2015 Challenge ideas

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escapeartistk avatar
Subject: 2015 Challenge ideas
Date Posted: 10/24/2014 9:47 PM ET
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Does anyone have any 2015 challenge ideas to share? (Or is anyone else itching to set up the challenge this year?)

My only idea so far is some compilation of challenge categories from the past few years.

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 10/26/2014 11:04 AM ET
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Whatever we decide on, I would like one category to include New to You Authors.   I once participated in a new to you author challenge in the Romance threads and it was a good one.  I found some terrific authors.  

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 10/26/2014 11:05 AM ET
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I also really liked the Year Published category.  It forced me to find some oldies but goodies on my TBR shelf.

How about

Four books:    New To You Authors

Five books:  Sci Fi, Memoir, Historical, Romance,  Continent other than North America (I can't find better words!  Someone name this)

Five books:  1950-70,  1971-1985    1986-1990    1991-2014     2015


Someone feel free to flesh out change or scrap.  I am typing on a pad and can't do it very well.  I am all thumbs with touch screens!


Last Edited on: 10/26/14 11:11 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 10/26/2014 12:23 PM ET
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the first novel by an author.

janete avatar
Date Posted: 10/26/2014 5:35 PM ET
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Hi, all , I was poking around some of the Good reads groups and came across this list if challenges, some of which I believe we've already done

but others were new to me challenges such as reading a book published in the  year you were born. Not sure how their points system works, and it looks too complicated in any case. But some of the challenges look like fun.

Janet E 

escapeartistk avatar
Date Posted: 10/29/2014 12:24 AM ET
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Thanks for the links, Janet! 

I'm thinking I could set something up that has a section of "new to us" categories and a section that revisits previous categories, maybe. I will play around & see what happens. Feel free to keep posting ideas as they occur to you!

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 11/1/2014 1:54 PM ET
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I personally don't go for the point stuff.  Who cares.  I do love the challenge of reading different themed books.  

janete avatar
Date Posted: 11/1/2014 2:24 PM ET
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Pamela, I agree with you. I think the points stuff used in GR challenges is too much. But I did like some of the themes mentioned on that list.  For me, working on the challenges is a fun way of trying to whittle down my TBR shelf ( really shelves, to be honest!)

Janet E

escapeartistk avatar
Subject: Now open for comment...
Date Posted: 11/1/2014 6:22 PM ET
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Ok, I think this will accommodate everyone's suggestions and preferences. I took/adapted several from the "Good Reads" list if they didn't closely repeat our previous topics. 

  • Super deluxe challenge (24 books): 1 book per topic…OR double-up and read 2 books for each topic you choose, covering at least 2 topics from each category
  • Deluxe challenge (18 books): any 18 topics, at least 1 book from each category
  • Traditional challenge (12 books): at least 1 book from each category
  • Minimalist challenge (8 books): 8 books, at least 1 from each category


Category 1: “Something Old”…read a book that:

  1. has been on your “Reminder” or “WL” list for at least a year
  2. has been on your shelf for at least a year
  3. you intended to read for the 2014 challenge but didn’t get to
  4. you really want to re-read
  5. you borrowed from the library or a friend
  6. is from your favorite genre

Category 2: “Judging a Book by its Cover”…read a book:

  1. with cover art you like
  2. with cover art you don’t like
  3. with snow, ice, icicles, naked trees or fog on the cover
  4. with a person's first AND last name in the title
  5. with a season, holiday or month in the title

Category 3: “Dating”…read a book from:

  1. 2015
  2. 2010-2014
  3. 2000-2009
  4. 1990-1999
  5. 1965-1989

Category 4: “Authors”…read a book:

  1. by one of your favorite authors
  2. by a new-to-you author
  3. that is an author’s first book
  4. by an author who shares your birth year (Helpful link:

Category 5: “The Numbers Game”…read a book:

  1. that you consider short
  2. that you consider long
  3. that is part of a series
  4. that was published the year you were born




Last Edited on: 11/1/14 6:23 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
janete avatar
Date Posted: 11/1/2014 7:12 PM ET
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Well done, Kristin!  You've covered a range of topics from easy to more challenging, and I see you've raised the ante  from  21 to 24 for the super deluxe challenge just to make things more interesting.  I'm looking at my bookshelves as I write, and look forward to another reading year! In many ways, I think that planning the reads for the. Challenge is as enjoyable as doing the readings.

Janet E

Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 11/1/2014 8:06 PM ET
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Excellent.  Perfecto.  I am in.  

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 11/5/2014 2:37 PM ET
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You have a nice variety of choices. I will be in as well.



Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 11/5/2014 3:23 PM ET
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could there be something with sports. a novel involving a sport.

barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 11/5/2014 6:53 PM ET
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I'm in as well.


Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 11/5/2014 7:51 PM ET
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How about adding an option to read one sports book instead of a choice in OPTION 1 or OPTION 2?   I think that is a great addition.


janete avatar
Date Posted: 11/5/2014 8:03 PM ET
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Or another suggestion: just add a "Wildcard" option to category 2 or at the end, to substitute as we see fit, a topic to our liking??


Janet E


Last Edited on: 11/5/14 8:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 11/6/2014 12:19 PM ET
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Yes, What Janet said.  The Wildcard option.  Any other categories anyone is feels is missing?  

Granites2001 avatar
Date Posted: 11/6/2014 3:13 PM ET
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I have never done a reading challenge before.   I love the Idea.   I have books coming out of by ears that I need to read, so I think i'm in.   smiley

janete avatar
Date Posted: 11/8/2014 11:29 AM ET
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Kristin, perhaps category 1, item 6 could be  from your favorite genre or topic -- that would incorporate the wildcard idea.


what do you think?


escapeartistk avatar
Subject: 2015 challenge posted
Date Posted: 11/8/2014 3:02 PM ET
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The 2015 challenge has been posted!

I included the wild card idea but left off the sports-specific topic since there are many other ways to incorporate it in the existing topics. However,  think we should keep it in mind for the future if we design a more subject-specific challenge.

Hope this works for everyone! 


Cosmina avatar
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Date Posted: 11/8/2014 7:38 PM ET
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YEA, Kristin.  And thank you so much for getting us ready for the 2015 challenge.

Now......who can either recommend a good book published in 1955 or I will have to use my Wild Card option for that one.


Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 11/9/2014 4:19 AM ET
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good book published in 1955

how about The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.? published in 1955. You can use this one book for contemporary and classic.

janete avatar
Date Posted: 11/9/2014 2:04 PM ET
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This looks like it'll be a fun challenge. Thanks, Kristin! I made some initial reading choices, although I do find I switch things around during the reading year. But these are ones that I either already have on my TBR book shelf or they are ones that my real life book group will be reading. I *so* want to be able to read and then swap the books away in order to reduce my TBRs.

Janet E

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Subject: 2015 Challenge
Date Posted: 11/12/2014 5:43 PM ET
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I love your list for this year, Kristin!  I can't wait to fill in the slots with books I already have on my shelves.
This is one of my favorite things to do in November!



barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 11/12/2014 7:54 PM ET
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Hey I'm a 1955 person too. The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit was an excellent book...good choice! I'm going to read the children's book Carry On, Mr. Bowditch ( '55 and won the Newberry Award in '56. I'm trying to catch up on children's books I always meant to read but didn't.)
