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Topic: 2015 Paranormal Challenge Discussion

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rxrcds avatar
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Subject: 2015 Paranormal Challenge Discussion
Date Posted: 11/12/2014 6:37 PM ET
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Here's the categories for the 2015 challenge. Feel free to start organizing books but only titles finished after 1/1/15 should be included. All books can be from any of these genres (unless specified to be certain ones per category): (UF, YA, mystery, paranormal romance, erotica, graphic novels & mangas are OK too).

Here is our Reading Challenge for 2015. Challenge starts Jan 1, 2015.

  • Read one in a category bronze medal for that category
  • Read two in a category silver medal for that category
  • Read three in a category gold medal for that category
  • Read four in a category for diamond status for that category
  • Read five in a category for platinum status for that category

Complete 15 of 20 of the categories to become a champion. Some categories are carry overs from last year

  1. Can't Wait for those New Releases - Read 1-5  new 2015 releases of any paranormal book.
  2. Blood is Not Enough - Read 1-5 books that involve bloodshed or have "blood" in the title.
  3. Broken Hearted - Read 1-5 books that have a break up or death.
  4. Double Double Toil & Trouble - Read 1-5 books involving magic users, witches, warlocks, fae, etc.
  5. The Truth is Out There (paranormal free for all) - Feel like you're reading an episode of X-Files? Psychic phenomena, Aliens, Chupacabra, anything paranormal fits.
  6. Calling Miss Cleo - Read 1-5 books that involve psychic phenomena, premonitions, tarot, etc.
  7. Hellbent for Leather - Read 1-5 books that have cover art featuring tattoos, weapons or leather clad yumminess.
  8. 1 If By Air, 2 If By Sea - Read 1-5 books that involve beings that can either fly or swim (angels, fairies, mermaids, selkies, dragons, etc).
  9. Let's Hear it For the Boys - Read 1-5 Books that has a male author, a male lead character or male name in the title.
  10. Teenage Wasteland - Read 1-5 Books that are Young or New Adult (main character in their teens or 20s).
  11. Lions, Tigers & Bears. OH MY! - Read 1-5 books that have shapeshifters other than werewolves.
  12. No Passport Required - Read 1-5 that take place in a different country, a fictional place (foreign or domestic) or where the characters take a trip during the book.
  13. New To Me- Read 1-5 books by authors you haven't read before or that are #1 in a series.
  14. Watching the Detectives- Read 1-5 books that are paranormal mysteries or involve private investigators/police.
  15. Collecting Dust - Read 1-5 books that have been on your TBR for 1 year or more or that you had WL'ed for 1 year or more.
  16. DIY - Have a great idea that didn't make the list? Create your own category here.

Bonus categories

  1. Read 10 books from your TBR Pile
  2. Read 5 Non WL books
  3. Read 5 e-books, library books, or books borrowed from a friend (feel free to post here if you need or want a buddy to borrow from)
  4. Read 5 anthologies
rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/12/2014 10:12 PM ET
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Icons (these probably need to be resized):






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sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 11/13/2014 2:20 PM ET
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Well i don't need anymore books coming my way, pulled all for the 2015 challenge and have it covered without looking for more.  Boy that was a big TBR pile.  Thanks for getting the list up and ready.  Now I have to keep out of the bags for next year.

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/13/2014 5:05 PM ET
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YAY! Glad you'll be able to make a dent in the TBR without having to look for any extras on any of the categories :)

meadow27 avatar
Date Posted: 11/13/2014 7:13 PM ET
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I'd like to join, is there a specific date you have to finish the challenge by? I'm always looking for paranormal suggestions =)

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/13/2014 7:27 PM ET
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Hey there! Thanks for wanting to join us!

The challenge is for the calendar year from January 1st through December 31st 2015 so books would just need to be completed by 12/31/15. There is a lists topic as well where you can copy and paste the categories then update what you've read.

jessicat avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2014 1:29 AM ET
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I'm so glad to see this running again for next year! I found the 2014 list about a month ago and decided it was much too late to join. My paranormal TBR list is currently at 837 books (not counting YA), so I'm sure I'll have plenty to read for 2015!

panick avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2014 7:55 AM ET
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Great job with the categories for the 2015 challenge, Melissa. Not that I'm close to completely filling in all the categories for the 2014 challenge but at least I have something in each one and I loved trying.

Setting up my 2015 Challenge list now!

chickpicks avatar
Date Posted: 11/14/2014 10:15 AM ET
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Ok hopefully LIFE doesn't interfere with my reading this year! :) GAME ON! I like some of those icons too

entRedRaider avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2014 10:19 AM ET
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I'm always amazed at people who can pre-fill their lists for the next year.  It's not that I don't have the books to fill it (boy, do I!), but many of my books would fill several categories, so I don't know where they'll end up.  Plus, I only know what my paranormal book club will read for the next two months, so I can't fit those in until later in the year.  And then there are the books I have to read for swaps and boxes...

I do keep a list with suggestions of books, but I'm never confident enough to "officially" list them till I get 'em read.

And welcome to all the new people!  I can't wait to peruse what you'll read... devil

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2014 10:24 AM ET
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The one year I tried to pre-fill, it was a horrible train wreck. I kept procrastinating and didn't want to read anything I had set aside. Like you Erin, lots of my stuff could go to several different categories and I sometimes move them around throughout the year. And, oh yes, the reading for games :)

sulock avatar
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Date Posted: 11/14/2014 10:49 AM ET
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I am a pull and fill categories but some get shifted and some I start and find them so dull I delete and post them.  But pulling them out of shelves and separating them makes me sort thru my TBR pile easier, there are always books that jump ahead but I found that some have sat for a long time buried.  It kind of makes me read them if they fit a slot and I can decide to keep or trade.  I finished both challenges I tried this year and read books that would have fallen thru the cracks otherwise.  For games I don't put anything in a game I haven't read, or started and didn't like it.  I really found games get me some books but reading wishlisted books and then sending out multiples of wl books then selling credits I can buy the books I want badly.  At least that is what I found, I am only in one game, fun but not my greatest way of getting books I really want.

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/17/2014 2:23 AM ET
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1 if by air, 2 if by sea freebie: The Rising by Holly Kelly is free on Amazon for Kindle. Lots of great ratings.


vampsteph avatar
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Date Posted: 11/20/2014 7:35 AM ET
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I tried this in 2013 and stopped 3/4 into the year. Don't remember why.  I am gonna try again in 2015. Not looking forward to this winter. I need anything and everything to help!!!   

SassenachD avatar
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Date Posted: 11/24/2014 7:10 PM ET
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I think I am going to try this challenge, Finally!. I used to devour Paranormal, then nothing....I guess I OD'd...I am hoping to rekindle that spark! I might need some help!

rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 11/24/2014 7:12 PM ET
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Welcome Maria! Feel free to stalk the 2014 discussion & lists if you need some recommendations :)

SassenachD avatar
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Date Posted: 11/24/2014 7:26 PM ET
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I am definitely looking them (2014 lists) over! Thanks!

jpoitras avatar
Date Posted: 12/3/2014 4:37 PM ET
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Hmmm to even try a challenge in 2015 since 2014 left no time for reading!! 


rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/3/2014 4:41 PM ET
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Well, you can always just try for the 1 in each category then be super proud if you manage to do more smiley

kpbunny avatar
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Date Posted: 12/28/2014 10:47 PM ET
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Thanks, Melissa, for doing this again in 2015.  :)

Seriously, last year was a reading train wreck for me. Too much happening in my life. But, I am motivated to do better in 2015. I couldn't do worse unless I didn't read anything at all.  Woohoo!

Good luck and good reading, everyone!

wyomingblonde avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2014 12:28 AM ET
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I'm in for 2015 - crapped out at the end of 2014 because I lost some of my lists due to formatting, then lost my complete reading list on my profile because it suddenly cut off a bunch at the bottom 


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rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/29/2014 12:43 AM ET
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So sorry Amy! Do you keep a list anywhere else as back up, just in case? I've got a Book List here for each year, then also review things on

kpbunny avatar
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Date Posted: 12/30/2014 4:56 PM ET
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What new paranormal book is everyone waiting for in 2015?

I think mine is "Reap the Wind" by Karen Chance because it's been put off being published for over a year.

Seamtress avatar
Date Posted: 12/30/2014 8:38 PM ET
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Been waiting on another ghostwalker book for a while.I like Briggs' Mercy books, but I started reading her with the Alpha & Omega series.

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rxrcds avatar
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Date Posted: 12/30/2014 9:22 PM ET
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Looking forward to Fairest by Marissa Meyer. Just have to wait a few spots on the library WL.
