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Topic: 2015 Westerns Reading Challenge

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Subject: 2015 Westerns Reading Challenge
Date Posted: 4/5/2015 8:29 AM ET
Member Since: 11/16/2006
Posts: 76
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Nobody has set up a Western Reading Challenge yet, so I have taken it upon myself to make one. I am going to list 12 categories, and to complete the challenge you pick 10 of these categories to do. The deadline for the contest is January 1, 2016, so you have all year long to complete the books of your choice!


  1. Read three books by a favorite Western author


  1. Read a Western by a new-to-you author


  1. Read a classic Western (pre-1965)


  1. Read a more recently written Western (2000 or newer)


  1. Read a Western over 300 pages long


  1. Read a Western written from the point of view of a Native American


  1. Read a non-fiction book about the Wild West


  1. Read a Western that was made into a movie (bonus category: you can watch the movie, too!)


  1. Read a Western with a weapon of some kind in the title


  1. Read a Western with a place in the title


  1. Read a collection of Western short stories


  1.  Read a Western that takes place in the state you live in (if applicable) or a state which you have visited



Good luck at completing the challenge, and I hope you have fun!

Last Edited on: 4/5/15 8:32 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: Western Challenge ???
Date Posted: 7/15/2017 2:10 PM ET
Member Since: 4/5/2007
Posts: 203
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Hi, Is there still a western challenge and how do I join the western club?? 


linda c