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Topic: 2020 Contemporary Challenge

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escapeartistk avatar
Subject: 2020 Contemporary Challenge
Date Posted: 12/26/2019 3:48 PM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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Challenge goals - choose one of the challenge goals below, then choose one topic and read 1 or more books from that topic, or mix and match, reading books from different topics:

  • Round trip travel: 24 books
  • One-way ticket: 18 books
  • Mini-vacay: 12 books
  • Long-weekend getaway: 6 books

Topic #1: Around the world – Read a book that is set in or written by an author from as many countries as books you will read. (Example: If you’re doing the one-way ticket challenge, read 18 books/countries)

Topic #2: Judge a book by its cover - Read 1 or more books in which the title...

  1. Contains a number
  2. Includes a color
  3. Is symbolic
  4. Uses alliteration
  5. Includes a name
  6. Is an allusion
  7. Contains initials
  8. Is a prepositional phrase
  9. Mentions a location
  10. Includes a title (Mrs, Sir, Lord…)
  11. Contains punctuation

Topic #3: Awards season - Read books that won or were short-listed for any the awards below. (If I’ve left off any awards that you think are important, feel free to add them to your list.) 

  1. Man Booker
  2. Edgar Award
  3. Hugo Award
  4. Indie Booksellers’ Choice Awards
  5. Lambda
  6. National Book Award
  7. National Book Critic’s Circle
  8. Nebula
  9. Nobel
  10. Pulitzer
  11. Women’s Prize for Fiction
  12. Pen/Faulkner
  13. Locus

Topic #4: Through the years – Read at least 1 book from each decade.

  1. 1970's
  2. 1980’s
  3. 1990’s
  4. 2000’s
  5. 2010’s
  6. 2020

Last Edited on: 12/26/19 6:53 PM ET - Total times edited: 3
escapeartistk avatar
Subject: My spot
Date Posted: 12/26/2019 3:48 PM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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Challenge goals - choose one of the challenge goals below, then choose one topic and read 1 or more books from that topic, or mix and match, reading books from different topics:

  • Round trip travel: 24 books
  • One-way ticket: 18 books
  • Mini-vacay: 12 books
  • Long-weekend getaway: 6 books

Topic #1: Around the world – Read a book that is set in or written by an author from as many countries as books you will read. (Example: If you’re doing the one-way ticket challenge, read 18 books/countries)

The Last Wish by Sapkowski (Polish writer) (3/23/20) 3.5 stars

In the Woods by French (Irish writer) (11/25/20) 4 stars

Vita Nostra by Dyachecko (Ukrainian authors)

A Fire in the Sun by Effinger (Algeria) (4/20/20) 3.5 stars 

The Nightingale by Hannah (France) (6/27/20) 4 stars

Mexican Gothic by Moreno-Garcia (Mexico) (7/17/20) 2 stars 

The Secrets We Keep by Prescott (USSR/Russia) (8/6/20) 2 stars

The Pale Criminal by Kerr (Germany) (11/10/20) 3.5 stars

Midnight Sun by Meyer (US) (12/24/20) 3 stars

Topic #2: Judge a book by its cover - Read 1 or more books in which the title...

  1. Contains a number: First Blood by Morrell (8/7/20) 3 stars 
  2. Includes a color: The Green Rider by Britain (6/23/20) 2.5 stars
  3. Is symbolic: Mirror Dance by Bujold (4/6/20) 4.5 stars
  4. Uses alliteration: In Farleigh Field by Bowen (5/30/20) 2 stars
  5. Includes a name: The Sudden Appearance of Hope by North (12/21/20) 4 stars 
  6. Is an allusion: Alice I Have Been by Benjamin
  7. Contains initials: The Life and Times of Michael K by Coetzee
  8. Is a prepositional phrase: Under a Pole Star by Penney (5/16 /20) 4.5 stars
  9. Mentions a location: Leaving Berlin by Kanon (4/18/20) 3 stars
  10. Includes a title (Mrs, Sir, Lord…): The Romanov Empress by Gortner
  11. Contains punctuation

Topic #3: Awards season - Read books that won or were short-listed for any the awards below. (If I’ve left off any awards that you think are important, feel free to add them to your list.) 

  1. Man Booker: The Testament of Mary by Toibin
  2. Edgar Award: The Captives by Immergut (4/12/20) 4 stars
  3. Hugo Award: Trail of Lightening by Roanhorse (7/21/20) 4 stars
  4. Indie Booksellers’ Choice Awards: The Round House by Erdrich (9/7/20) 4.5 stars
  5. Lambda
  6. National Book Award
  7. National Book Critic’s Circle: Austerlitz by Sebald
  8. Nebula: Witchmark by Polk (4/4/20) 4.5 stars
  9. Nobel: Sula by Morrison
  10. Pulitzer: The Orphan Master's Son by Johnson
  11. Women’s Prize for Fiction: The Power by Alderman (7/7/20) 3.5 stars
  12. Pen/Faulkner: The Mercy Seat by Askew (5/9/20) 4 stars
  13. Locus: Ninth House by Bardugo (1/12/20) 4 stars
  14. World Fantasy: Pandemonium by Gregory (10/11/20) 2.5 stars

Topic #4: Through the years – Read at least 1 book from each decade.

  1. 1970: The Seven-Percent Solution by Meyer (12/31/20) 3.5 stars
  2. 1980’s: Grass by Tepper -1989 (3/30/20) 4 stars 
  3. 1990’s: Memory by Bujold - 1996 (9/19/20) 4 stars
  4. 2000’s: Twilight by Meyer - 2005 (12/23/20) 3 stars
  5. 2010’s: Storm of Locusts by Roanhorse (7/23/20) 4.5 stars
  6. 2020: Stormsong by Polk (5/2/20) 3 stars

Last Edited on: 1/4/21 12:33 AM ET - Total times edited: 40
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Date Posted: 1/3/2020 3:03 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
Posts: 5,143
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Great job Kristin!  I can't decide where to start but I will participate.  Particularly like the Awards section.  I did a challenge for Goodreads last year in which I read an award winning book every month.  I will probably bounce around among the challenge goals!  Going for 24 books but i will be skipping around from one area to another!

Challenge goals - choose one of the challenge goals below, then choose one topic and read 1 or more books from that topic, or mix and match, reading books from different topics:

  • Round trip travel: 24 books
  • One-way ticket: 18 books
  • Mini-vacay: 12 books
  • Long-weekend getaway: 6 books

Topic #1: Around the world – Read a book that is set in or written by an author from as many countries as books you will read. (Example: If you’re doing the one-way ticket challenge, read 18 books/countries)

1. Mexico:   Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia, 10/13/2020, 5 stars


Topic #2: Judge a book by its cover - Read 1 or more books in which the title...

  1. Contains a number
  2. Includes a color  The Red Lily Crown: A Novel of Medici Florence by Elizabeth Loupas, 7/20/2020
  3. Is symbolic
  4. Uses alliteration
  5. Includes a name  A Cat Named Darwin: How a Stray Cat Changed a Man into a Human Being by William Jordan, 1/16/2020, 3 stars
  6. Is an allusion  The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin, 3/20/2020, 3 stars
  7. Contains initials
  8. Is a prepositional phrase  Realm Of The Reaper (Everworld #4) by K. A. Applegate, 3 stars
  9. Mentions a location  Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass, Bk 1) by Sarah J. Maas. 8/8/2020, 5 stars
  10. Includes a title (Mrs, Sir, Lord…)
  11. Contains punctuation  Olive, Again: A Novel by Elizabeth Strout, 5/21/2020. 3 stars

Topic #3: Awards season - Read books that won or were short-listed for any the awards below. (If I’ve left off any awards that you think are important, feel free to add them to your list.) 

  1. Man Booker  Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders, 1/20/2020, 2 stars
  2. Edgar Award
  3. Hugo Award  Fire Watch by Connie Willis, Hugo Award for Best Novelette for "Fire Watch" (1983)Nebula Award for Best Novelette for "Fire Watch" (1982), 4 stars
  4. Indie Booksellers’ Choice Awards
  5. Lambda
  6. National Book Award A Stillness at Appomattox (Army of the Potomac, Bk 3) by Bruce Catton (1954)
  7. National Book Critic’s Circle  The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
  8. Nebula
  9. Nobel
  10. Pulitzer (2020)  The Nickel Boys: A Novel by Colson Whitehead. 9/3,2020, 5 stars
  11. Women’s Prize for Fiction  2010The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver, 4/28/2020,  4+ stars
  12. Pen/Faulkner  
  13. Locus  Half a King (Shattered Sea, Bk 1) by Joe Abercrombie, 10/10/2020, 4 stars

P.S.  Adding The Alex Award:  The Invisible Life of Ivan Isaenko by Scott Stambach, 2/3/2020, 4.5 stars

P.S.  Adding the Arthur C. Clarke Award:  Nova Swing (Light, Bk 2) by M. John Harrison, 5/19/2020 4 stars

P.S.  Adding Tiptree Awards:  Hild (Light of the World, Bk 1) by Nicola Griffith (Tiptree Honor Book) 2013,7/12.2020

pic #4: Through the years – Read at least 1 book from each decade. 

  1. 1970 s
  2. 1980’s
  3. 1990’s  Perelandra by C.S. Lewis, ISBN 9780684823829, 7/3/2020
  4. 2000’s  Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes by Thomas CathcartDaniel Klein,(2008), 2/25/2020, 4 stars  Funny, funny book!
  5. 2010’s   Night of Cake & Puppets (Daughter of Smoke & Bone) by Laini Taylor (2017), 2/2/2020, 2 stars

Last Edited on: 10/25/20 9:08 AM ET - Total times edited: 75