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Topic: 2025 Fantasy/Science Fiction Reads

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Subject: 2025 Fantasy/Science Fiction Reads
Date Posted: 1/13/2025 1:39 AM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
Posts: 5,143
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Court of Fives by Kate Elliott: 1/12/2025, 4.5 stars:  Returned to a favorite author to discover a world where a commoner named Jessamy meets an upper class patron prince named Kallariarkos as they prepare to compete in the Fives, an athletic competition that can change their lives.  Her talent draws the prince as he seeks to excel as well.  Can she help him succeed and avoid service in the patron army?

Project Hail Mary by Andy Wier, 1/17/2025, 4 stars.  The only survivor of a desparate space mission, Ryland Grace hopes to save humanity and earth.  Unfortunately, he remembers not even his name and his mission.  Very nice plot with an exciting accompanying tale.  The book won a Goodreads Choice Award, Winner for Readers' Favorite Science Fiction (2021)

Aenir (The Seventh Tower, #3) by Garth Nix, 1/18/2025.  Based on the spirit world of Aenir, this one concentrates on concepts the author put forth in the first two books of the Seventh Tower series.  Readers look at Tal's experience and decide whether they believe this reality and what it could mean to escape your own.  The new one may be dangerous in that evil entities may originate and take over the people and create an oppressive socity.

Blade Runner (Blade Runner, Bk 1) by  Philip K. Dick, 1/20/2025, 4 stars:  Originally published in 1968, the book focuses on a futuristic world created by the author in the year 2021.  Earth is covered with radioactive dust and most life is gone or dying.  Others have emigrated to bleak existence on Mars.  A mega corporation models androids to aid the humans of Mars but a number dislike the life on that planet and return illegally to Earth.  But on earth they are hunted down by bounty hunters like Rick Deckard who receives $1,000 for each android he retires.  However, the androids are very intelligent and sometimes able to outwit, kill or wound the hunters.  Rick is on the trail of several, pursuing the last three, one of which, the leader, is the most dangerous in the group.

Rogue Star by Fred Fredrick Pohl is a story about a future where mankind is ruled by an authoritarian totalitarian government known as the Plan of Man.  During this time a driven scientist is convinced he can design a rogue star.  When he does, it threatens the galaxy and wars on the sun.  Read 1/22/2025, 4 stars.

Artificial Condition (Murderbot Diaries, Bk 2) by Martha Wells, 2/8/2025, 4 stars.  Murderbot and ART become friends. The former believes it may be responsible for the murder of miners in the past.  On its way to investigate in the situation it decides to help a human group.  The group is trying to retrieve their data from a client refusing to give it to them.  Meanwhile Murderbot encounters a sexbot associated with its past and those who refuse to give back the clients their data and try to kill them.

A Court of Thorns and Roses (Court of Thorns and Roses, Bk 1) by Sarah J. Maas, 2/13/2025 4.5 stars.

The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke


Last Edited on: 2/17/25 5:17 PM ET - Total times edited: 8