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Topic: $5 off first order at Online Discount Store and Free Shipping (minimum $20

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Subject: $5 off first order at Online Discount Store and Free Shipping (minimum $20
Date Posted: 7/4/2012 12:19 PM ET
Member Since: 11/12/2008
Posts: 1,680
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I want to recommend  a website which is the cheapest source of name brand (health food store) vitamins, herbs, beauty aids, etc that I have found.  Shipping is free with $20.00 purchase. Use coupon code ZEG814 for $5.00 off your first order. They have toothpaste, deoderant, lotions, creams and other things we use every day.

They also carry bulk spices for the kitchen. I can order 1# bags for about the same as the little 1 oz bottles at the grocery store. I always keep on hand: All Purpose Seasoning by Frontier (I use it on stews, stir-fry, everything!); Vegetable Broth Powder (I use it in place of bouillon cubes in recipes, and for soup stock - it's all natural.) I buy garlic in bulk to put in the chicken feed, and it is cheaper than the animal grade garlic from other sources, especially when you figure in free shipping.

I also stock up on Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil facial cleansing pads for my teenagers. They work better than anything we have found over the counter (But keep the lid on tight or they will dry out).

They carry toothpaste w/o Fluoride, for the little ones who swallow toothpaste. :) I use the Flora brand Floradix with iron liquid formula and it is the only thing that has helped me as my body apparently does not absorb the iron from tablets or other prescriptions the doctors tried to give me over the years. After a few weeks on the Floradix my anemia is gone!! I've been ordering for years, and like everything else, they have gone up in price, but when I first stumbled across it, I couldn't believe the low prices. Plus, I have become quite herb savvy just from reading the reviews on the products! I hope you enjoy the products and the savings. Peggy