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Topic: Adventures of Ty Clippard

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Subject: Adventures of Ty Clippard
Date Posted: 10/8/2018 6:20 PM ET
Member Since: 4/19/2008
Posts: 5,903
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It was only appropriate that when the Woodpeckers started dancing and heaving gold coins at us that Pink Floyd exploded out of all 9 speakers with Comfortably Numb - "you are only coming thru in waves" And Repo dumped a month's rent on the mirror. . "Jeez, acid and coke" I lamented. "Think we'll get high enough". "Damn" said Repo "You are right!" and he fumbled in his kit bag. "We can't properly christen that Chicken Shack without some reds, man what was I thinking." The wave of Floyd had crested and receded and Buffalo Springfield came on with "For What it Worth" Repo, clicked his razor blade to the bass line of Bruce Palmer, as he spread more coke along Woody's feathers, the plumage was electric with neon details which shifted colors from green to blue and back. It may have been in my head or part of the complexity inherent in the Woody Woodpecker Mirror Kit (for entertainment value only).