Helpful Score: 1
Instead of Alpine, Emma and Vida try to solve a murder in Seattle to help her long-lost cousin, Ronnie. In a tale of convoluted mothers and wannabe mothers, Emma and Vida try to untangle the knot of truth almost to their own undoing. As a result, Emma looks inward to her own sense of family. Good ending and, as always, I enjoyed the book. Kudos to Mary Daheim.
Crime-fighting Emma Lord, publisher of the Alpine Advocate, finds murder a little too close to home as she and her house-and-home editor try to clear her cousin Ronnie of strangling his girlfriend. Ronnie's alibi isn't exactly all that might be hoped for. He says he was out drinking at the time, but... Includes an interview with Mary Daheim, who also writes a popular series about a B & B owner and her irrepresible (not to mention irrascible) cousin.
Emma Lord, editor-publisher of The Alpine Advocate, isn't thrilled having an inside track. The Seattle murder of an Alpine native is generating headlines, but the accused killer is Emma's long-lost cousin. He can't prove his innocence and someone is planning to edit Emma right out of existance.
It is a while since I read this series, but I recall enjoying them. Emma Lord, the central character, is likeable as are the other regular characters in this series.
Besides investigating a murder that Emma's long lost cousin is involved in, she thinks about her family relationships. If you are from Seattle or know it well, you will get a good tour of the city.
Great characters. Mary Daheim's great series. Very thorough writing.
another in Alpine series. I really enjoy these.
A very enjoyable series!
This series of a small Washington state newspaper evidently will go from A to Z before it ends. The editor and owner, Emma Lord, is a single mom with a grown son who changes colleges and majors as often as changing socks. Emma's staff is a mix of some great characters and the small mountain town setting is wonderful as are the townspeople. Emma has a long time love, but the sheriff would like to be closer to her. The mysteries are very original. One of my very favorite series and authors.