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Topic: Always looking for Manga sets - complete or near-complete sets - got any?

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Alameda avatar
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Subject: Always looking for Manga sets - complete or near-complete sets - got any?
Date Posted: 7/7/2016 6:29 AM ET
Member Since: 1/7/2007
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(Edited a bunch 'cause I can't spell for beans)

Do you have a complete or near-complete Manga set that you would like to move on but don't want to break-up the set you've worked so hard to put together?

I'm always on the look out for complete sets, as well as near-complete sets of Manga's - any type/genre - when I get 2, 3, or 4 sets put together I donate them to our local kids group(s) for their enjoyment (and hope they get fired up for more reading). 

Would like a deal if possible, especially for the larger sets with 10, 15, or 20+ volumes to a set. If you have some that you would like to part with please send a PM - Thanks!


Danny N (Alameda) - Havelock NC

Edited 07/09/16 - I'm also interested in large lots of any and all Manga's - I'm currently working on at least 100 different manga series and can always use more and more and more titles - same story, when I get a new title for a series I start looking for the missing pieces. When I get a deal for 35, 50, 100 mangas I just sort them by titles and start plugging the holes as they appear in PBS...when I'm down to needing one or two more titles to complete a set then I usually end up at Amazon and buying the required titles to complete the set. 

If you have a large number of manga's that you want to move on - well give me a PM and lets find a deal that works for both of us . . . Large being 5, 10, 15, 20...50, 75, 100 - got more?



Last Edited on: 8/9/16 12:55 PM ET - Total times edited: 4
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Date Posted: 7/27/2016 3:19 AM ET
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Alameda avatar
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Date Posted: 7/27/2016 6:54 AM ET
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Welcome back - PM sent!

thrnbrooke avatar
Subject: Like that idea!
Date Posted: 10/20/2017 10:12 AM ET
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Great idea!  I might need to ask for that as well.  I purchase and pay out of pocket all the Manga and Graphic Novels my school enjoys.  Sometimes we get random numbers.  I'm sure my students would love near or complete sets!  

Good luck to you!!!


kodos avatar
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Subject: Edited by the PaperBackSwap Team
Date Posted: 11/5/2017 11:56 AM ET
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Alameda avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2017 6:19 AM ET
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Yeah Steve I know what you mean - I used to live in the San Francisco Bay area - little island town called Alameda - right next to Oakland, with Berkely just up the road. Used book stores everywhere, thrift stores everywhere and a ton of people feeding them their discards. I didn't get into Manga's until a few years ago. I now live in a small town (10,000 - 20,000) called Havelock - some folks call it Havenot -

PBS and all the members have been a life saver for me as most everything I want for reading isn't available locally but is available via PBS and all the members, or else from Amazon and the internet.  

I recently retired (coming up to 5 years in January) and got hooked on Anime. Every once in awhile I'll see an Anime that was so good that I would hunt up the Manga that the Anime was based on - and almost always the Manga was far better than the Anime - there's 10,000+ Anime shows to watch which means there are 1,000,000 Manga stories out there. No one could ever collect them all.

But it sure is fun trying! 

As an aside - I still have my Marvel Comics collection from when I was a kid - collected all the Marvel comics up until the price went from 12 cents to 15 cents and had to stop collecting 'cause I could no longer afford to buy them. My collection is/was just a working collection - nothing pristine here - all thumbed thru time and time (and time) again. Wish I had known about Manga's back in the day.


kodos avatar
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Subject: Edited by the PaperBackSwap Team
Date Posted: 11/13/2017 7:42 AM ET
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