Anne of Green Gables Author:M. C. Helldorfer (Adaptor), L. M. Montgomery, Ellen Beier (Illustrator) When Anne Shirley arrives at Green Gables, with its shower of apple blossoms and fields of buttercups, she hopes it will be the place she can call home. It's everything she's ever dreamed of! So when Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert tell her they were expecting a boy orphan -- someone strong enough to help around their farm -- Anne despairs.... more » Is it her flaming red hair they don't like? Or her matching temper? Or her nonstop chatter? If only they'd give her a chance to mend her ways. But spunky Anne has a knack for getting into mischief -- as much as she has for spreading happiness all around her. She's a unique girl. She's Anne of Green Gables.« less
a delightful read - bringing me back to the days when I first read the series, Anne is the spunky child we all wish we could be: intelligent, imaginative, friendly, yet stubborn. Grow to love Anne just as I have!
My all-time favorite author, and book! If you have never read Anne of Green Gables, what a treat you have in store! I have read, and re-read, the entire Anne series. I never tire of it!
This heartwarming story has beckoned generations of readers into the special world of Green Gables, and old-fashioned farm outside a town called Avonlea, where they soon discover there is no one in all of literature like Anne Shirley. Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, has arrived in this verdant corner of Prince Edward Island only to discover that the Cuthberts - elderly Matthew and stern older sister Marilla - want to adopt a boy, not a feisty redhaired girl. Anne - who simply must have more scope for her imagination and a real home - wins them over completely.
This is hands-down one of my favorite books of all time. There is no one like Anne in the history of literature who can match her spirit and ability to get into hilarious scrapes. This children's classics will be loved by readers of ALL ages, guaranteed. It will make you laugh and cry and wish you were living in Anne's world. I LOVE it!
I had never read this book until I was an adult. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. The characters are real and believable. Now I want to read the entire series.
The Illustrated Anne of Green Gables hardback book. We all know the story. We all already know how heart warming the story is. The characters of the wonderful imagination of L.M. Montgomery tug at our hearts in the classic tale of an orphan in search for love and passion for adventure. This book will be a wonderful addition to your collection!
One of the best books ever written for children/teens and adults! I had somehow never encountered this book when I was a child, but came across a copy when I was in my twenties and it was love at first sight! I went on to read most of the Anne series and a few other things the author has written besides. Even at her rare "worst" L.M. Montgomery performs at a high level. When she is "on" she is utterly captivating. Highly recommended!
The ultimate girl's classic! Your little girl/early teenager has to read Anne of Green Gables. Then sit down and watch the movies with her. It's good, clean, romantic fun.
I hope young girls still read this series. I can remember the first time I did, and how much I loved it, and couldn't wait to get back to it. I think I was about 9 when I read it. Anyone who has a girl around that age should make her the tremendous gift of introducing her to these books. Probably for about the same reading level as the Little House books, and just as good.
Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert were a brother and sister who wanted to adopt a young boy to help out with the chores around the farm. But when Matthew returned with bouncy red-haired Anne instead of the expected boy, Marilla exclaimed, "What use is she to us?" However, it's not long before the chatty, imaginative Anne has woven her way into the lives and hearts of those around her. Through a number of funny, touching escapades, the writer shows listeners why Anne is one of the most beloved heroines of classic literature.