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Topic: Does Anyone Use Soap Nuts?

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sandnoceangirl avatar
Subject: Does Anyone Use Soap Nuts?
Date Posted: 1/11/2013 8:42 PM ET
Member Since: 6/4/2011
Posts: 76
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Just curious as to how well they work at cleaning clothes. I've been thinking about switching to them and just wanted some opinions. Thanks!

Last Edited on: 1/11/13 8:47 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 2/13/2013 2:26 AM ET
Member Since: 5/10/2005
Posts: 2,956
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I've used them for a couple years.  The bottoms of the socks don't come white, but they didn't before either. :)

Since I wash in cold water I take and boil a bunch of them (I think 12-15 : 6c water, I usually double it) then use it as liquid soap.   I freeze half for use later; I'd rather make a big batch than frequent small ones.

I keep the liquid soap in the fridge since it seems to otherwise get a film that bothers me.