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Book List - Audio Books - Not Listable

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<?=$who;?> Audio Books - Not Listable Audio Books available for members as special offers. They cannot be posted due to below quality disk quality (alhtough they will play just fine), or no case, or a substandard case. I will ship these for 1 credit or as a freebie in multiple book requests
List created by Kerry R. (haasker) on Jan 18, 2015
List Votes: 1 Books: 6 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 0 List Type: Closed
Kerry R. (haasker)
Jarhead : A Marine's Chronicle of the Gulf War and Other Battles by Anthony Swofford
When the marines -- or "jarheads," as they call themselves -- were sent in 1990 to Saudi Arabia to fight the Iraqis, Swofford was there, with a hundred-pound pack on his shoulders and a sniper's rifle in his hands. It was one misery upon another. He lived in sand for six months, his girlfriend...  more

Kerry R. (haasker)
Health Journeys: A Meditation to Help You with Healthful Sleep by Belleruth Naparstek
Designed to promote peaceful sleep; create relaxed feelings of safety and calm; release muscular tension in the body; clear mind of worry and obsesive thinking; heighten a sense of protection and support. Followed by continuous music.

Kerry R. (haasker)
Drive-Time Devotions (Book 1) by Gary McSpadden
You live life in the fast lane. Don't run out of gas on the curve. Fuel up with Drive-Time Devotions--3 collections of brief but powerful audio devotions to plug into your car stereo. Each CD or cassette contains 20 devotions . . . one for each weekday of the month. Less than four minutes long,...  more

Kerry R. (haasker)
The Beginner's Guide to Animal Communication: How to Listen and Talk With Your Animal...
The ability to communicate with animals is not a rare gift, but a skill we all possess. On The Beginner's Guide to Animal Communication, author and teacher Carol Gurney brings nearly 20 years' experience in interpreting the language of animals to anyone seeking a "heart-to-heart" connection with...  more

Kerry R. (haasker)
I Think There's a Terrorist in My Soup : HOW TO SURVIVE PERSONAL AND WORLD PROBLEMS W...
On September 11, 2001, veteran comedian David Brenner was in the midst of a 'cushy' 48-week stand-up gig in Las Vegas. Immediately after that day, he cancelled the engagement and instructed his manager to book him on a nationwide tour. He called it the 'Laughter to the People' tour, and on it he...  more

Kerry R. (haasker)
Heart Sick, 9 CDs [Unabridged] by Chelsea Cain
No description available.

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Comment added 1/18/15 by Kerry R. (haasker):
Ex Library. Case and liner ok, disks are below my standards, but will play fine.