Helpful Score: 1
He is one of the best thriller and courtroom procedural writers around. His plots are sophisticated and complex.
Compelling politcal and courtroom drama; could be fact as well as fiction! Dialogues too real!! Hard to put down.
I love his books. Lots of suspense, hard to put down.
Balance of Power is a novel about guns, lawyers, and politics. The author has extraordinary insight into how Washington Works.
My copy of this book is in pristine condition because I read very little of it. I've been reading Richard North Patterson since he started being published, but his set of three Kerry Kilcannon books left me cold. I think I finished the first one ("No Safe Place"), but may not have. I know I didn't finish the second ("Protect and Defend"), and I barely got into this one at all. All three books cover the candidacy and presidency of the fictional Kerry Kilcannon, whose political beliefs are totally at odds with my own. It's bad enough having a real live liberal loon in the White House who seems to be working hard to destroy the country I love; I just can't stomach spending the short time I have left on earth reading about a fictional one.
That being said, I have thoroughly enjoyed everything else Patterson has written. His prose is excellent, his characters lively, and his plots usually hold my interest.
I read enough of this book to see that Patterson was about nine years ahead of his time when he completed it in 2003, since the main focus of the book is gun violence and its aftermath. You've probably already guessed what my position is on gun control. Having spent over twenty years in the military, I have an deep and abiding respect for the policeman in uniform, but that doesn't change the fact that the job of the police is reactive - they show up after a crime has been committed and do their best to apprehend the doer. I believe that when it comes to my personal safety, I need to be proactive - I need to take some personal responsibility. 9/11 and the brave actions of the passengers on United Flight 93 taught me that. They didn't sit passively by waiting for an air marshal while the terrorists carried out their plans; they took some action.
Patterson says in an Afterword that this completes his Kerry Kilcannon trilogy; I couldn't be happier - maybe I'll be able to finish the next of his books I attempt.
That being said, I have thoroughly enjoyed everything else Patterson has written. His prose is excellent, his characters lively, and his plots usually hold my interest.
I read enough of this book to see that Patterson was about nine years ahead of his time when he completed it in 2003, since the main focus of the book is gun violence and its aftermath. You've probably already guessed what my position is on gun control. Having spent over twenty years in the military, I have an deep and abiding respect for the policeman in uniform, but that doesn't change the fact that the job of the police is reactive - they show up after a crime has been committed and do their best to apprehend the doer. I believe that when it comes to my personal safety, I need to be proactive - I need to take some personal responsibility. 9/11 and the brave actions of the passengers on United Flight 93 taught me that. They didn't sit passively by waiting for an air marshal while the terrorists carried out their plans; they took some action.
Patterson says in an Afterword that this completes his Kerry Kilcannon trilogy; I couldn't be happier - maybe I'll be able to finish the next of his books I attempt.
I am in the 60% that Patterson speaks about. I felt the book was well written and enjoyed reading it because, although the book is very long, it kept me intrigued.
Great courtroom and political drama. Like new.
A story worthy of Richard North Pastterson if you like a detailed insight into the politics of Washington, D.C IT has an engrossing blend of courtroom and political drama.
A blend of courtroom and political drama.
Richard North Patterson is a favorite. This book reveals the skill he has in researching his material. The political drama is here, as well as a twisting plot.
Richard North Patterson is always good. Great plots, fast action, good depth, and a good, head twisting mystery. This is one after his Balance of Power, about Kerry Kilcannon, president of the US, and his fiance Lara Costello, a tv journalist. High stakes politics and mystery - very good.

Great read in the Kerry Kilcannon series.
Great read.
Very good book, very intriging.
Excellant reading
I was in suspense through the entire book.
Good insight into some things that go on in our Congress.
A novel of political issues, gun control and abortion rights, with a young President and his fiance television journalist forced to reveal their most personal lives. Ponts out the hypocrisy of our representatives in Washington giving in to the gun rights lobby.
This is a book about the Presidency, special-interest politics and gun violence. Richard North Patterson, again, does an admirable job of telling a good story and showing us how all of these subjects give insight into how Washington works.
I am in the 60% that Patterson speaks about. I felt the book was well written and enjoyed reading it because, although the book is very long, it kept me intrigued.
An epic story that moves with force, passion, and authority. Pres. Kerry and T.V. ournlist Lara at last decide to marry. Watch out
Good action drama.

I fond this book way too long. I also found the storylines so complex because there was a lot going on.
When the president and a TV journalist finally marry, the momentous occasion is followed by an unspeakable tragedy, a massacre of innocents by gunfire--that ignites a high-stakes game of politics and legal maneuvering in the Senate, the courtroom, and across the country.