Helpful Score: 2
I have read the whole Little House series, and loved every moment. I kinda of hate getting ride of the books, but I know my boys wont read them. So instead of letting them waste, I'm passing them on. The books are different from the tv series. As much as I love the Tv series, the books are much better. This series is a classic and should be read by every child, well at least every girl...lol.

Helpful Score: 1
The Ingalls family moves from Kansas to Minnesota. The family's first home in Minnesota was made of sod. But Pa builds a clean new house beside Plum Creek. The money for materials will come from their first wheat harvest. Then, just before the wheat is ready to harvest, a strange glittering cloud fills the sky, blocking out the sun. Soon millions of grasshoppers cover the field and everything on the farm. In a week's time, there is no wheat crop left at all.
This is number 4 in the Little House on the Praire series.
This is number 4 in the Little House on the Praire series.