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Basic Japanese Dictionary (LL(R) Complete Basic Courses)
Basic Japanese Dictionary Complete Basic Courses - LLR This dictionary includes more than 15,000 of the most frequently used Japanese words. You'll find more than simple definitions: Phrases, sentences, and idiomatic expressions show how the words are used in everyday Japanese conversation. More than 1,000 of the most essential words are capitalized to make them easy to find. — TheLiving... more » LanguageJapanese Dictionary has been revised and updated to reflect modern usage and features new entries related to business, technology, and the media.
The dictionary is included in the complete Living Language Japanese Complete Course, the best-selling home-study program available on cassette and compact disc.
Also available in French, German, Inglés, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
Thousands of Phrases and Idiomatic Expressions Included
Over 15,000 Words
1,000 Essential Words Highlighted for Easy Reference« less
It's pretty good If you can't read kana, just interested in speaking, or are just beginning but there's way better out there but it goes with the language courses so it may come in handy with that.