I enjoyed reading this story centered around Lily Decker, an orphaned girl from Kansas, who finds a job as a Las Vegas showgirl. She quickly realizes that things are much different in Las Vegas but she learns how to become successful as a showgirl. Unfortunately, she has great difficulty in accurately reading and understanding men and struggles to find love. This is a heartbreaking story but you just can't help but root for her to find her way out of the paper bag to true happiness.
A heart wrenching premise and a strong character should make All the Beautiful Girls by Elizabeth J Church a moving, emotional read. It is that to an extent. Lily aka Ruby is a sympathetic character, and I want things to work out for her. However, the book corrals the topic into too neat a package. Life, as we know, is not that simple, and I am left wanting something more.
Read my complete review at http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2018/06/all-beautiful-girls.html
Reviewed for NetGalley
Read my complete review at http://www.memoriesfrombooks.com/2018/06/all-beautiful-girls.html
Reviewed for NetGalley