Big Blue Author:Shelley Gill BIG BLUE Grade: Kindergarten - 4th Kye knows everything there is to know about whales, and dreams of swimming with a blue whale. When she travels to Mexico with her mother, Kye is closer to her goal than ever. Will her wish of swimming with Big Blue come true - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... more »- Author's Note: - When my nine-year-old daughter, Kye, came home from school and asked me if she could swim with a blue whale, I was hooked! It's illegal to pursue whales, or to harass them. And for sure those were the last things we wanted to do. So we went swimming every day, hoping that one day a whale would come. And one did! - Whales have lived in harmony on this planet for 18 million years. Imagine a young blue whale. Like you, whales love to play and sleep. They zooom along the surface of the water, using their tails as sails. They spy hop to get a look around, and if their mother is not paying enough attention, they drape themselves across her blowhole, cutting off her air until she gets the picture! - Once there were some 400,000 blue whales swimming the waters of the world. My daughter and I were approached by Big Blue off he coast of Mexico. There, in the winter of 1« less