Helpful Score: 1
I agree that he's a very good story teller. But, somehow, it's the same story Moneyball. Smart misanthrope (in this book, several, I lost count at 3) performs circles around his conformist-and-stupid colleagues.
Helpful Score: 1
The Big Short is about the real estate bubble and it's subsequent meltdown. It's focus is what was happening on Wall Street. It's an excellent insight into what was going on behind the scenes and how blinded the people who should have seen it coming were. While this sounds very dry, it's really not because it follow several investors who did see it coming. Like most contrarians, these are interesting people. The book does not go into heavy analysis or charts and graphs--it's not that kind of book--but there is some technical talk that might go over some readers heads. You can get by with just pick up the general gist of that stuff, so you don't overtax your brain, and still find the book fascinating. I do wish the author had made it clear what caused the bankers to start making these loans (pressure from the Federal government via Freddy Mac and Fannie May) but the story he's telling doesn't really start until later.