Reviewed by Me for TeensReadToo.com
I think it would be safe to say that, for the majority of teens at least, drinking (and by this I mean consuming alcoholic beverages) is something that will come up sooner rather than later. Seen by many as a "right of passage," teens and alcohol are things that seem to go hand in hand. Although I know this isn't true for every teen--I myself never had a drop of alcohol until I was twenty-one, due to a strict upbringing--what I remember from my high school years, and what I see today among teens, shows that teen drinking is on the rise.
What many teens don't realize, and quite possibly don't even understand, is that due to their actual adolescence and the changes that brings, their bodies are actually at risk to suffer greater negative effects from alcohol. Sure, it can give you a buzz, and in some social circles there are even those who will say it makes you look cool. The problem is, that just like with the nicotine in cigarettes and the unhealthy substances in marijuana and other illegal drugs, that the changing bodies of teens can be harmed to a greater extent than those of full-grown adults.
FROM BINGE TO BLACKOUT is the story of Toren Volkmann and his mother, Chris. Toren was like any teen, one who experimented with alcohol in ways that didn't, at first, prove to be a problem. Unfortunately, this experimentation later led to full-blown blackouts and an eventual stay in a rehab center for alcohol addiction.
This is a book that is part autobiography, part scientific text, part guidebook. You'll find the warning signs of teen drinking, references to places that can help you both as a drinker and a family member affected by someone who is a drinker, and questions that can help you talk about alcohol dependency. This is the perfect book not just for parents, but also for teens who struggle with an alcohol problem--or even those who don't yet, but realize they could be on that path. This is a touching, heartwarming story that ended, thankfully, with recovery. Unfortunately, many more teens might not be as lucky as Toren Volkmann was, and those are the ones who really need to pick up a copy of FROM BINGE TO BLACKOUT.
I think it would be safe to say that, for the majority of teens at least, drinking (and by this I mean consuming alcoholic beverages) is something that will come up sooner rather than later. Seen by many as a "right of passage," teens and alcohol are things that seem to go hand in hand. Although I know this isn't true for every teen--I myself never had a drop of alcohol until I was twenty-one, due to a strict upbringing--what I remember from my high school years, and what I see today among teens, shows that teen drinking is on the rise.
What many teens don't realize, and quite possibly don't even understand, is that due to their actual adolescence and the changes that brings, their bodies are actually at risk to suffer greater negative effects from alcohol. Sure, it can give you a buzz, and in some social circles there are even those who will say it makes you look cool. The problem is, that just like with the nicotine in cigarettes and the unhealthy substances in marijuana and other illegal drugs, that the changing bodies of teens can be harmed to a greater extent than those of full-grown adults.
FROM BINGE TO BLACKOUT is the story of Toren Volkmann and his mother, Chris. Toren was like any teen, one who experimented with alcohol in ways that didn't, at first, prove to be a problem. Unfortunately, this experimentation later led to full-blown blackouts and an eventual stay in a rehab center for alcohol addiction.
This is a book that is part autobiography, part scientific text, part guidebook. You'll find the warning signs of teen drinking, references to places that can help you both as a drinker and a family member affected by someone who is a drinker, and questions that can help you talk about alcohol dependency. This is the perfect book not just for parents, but also for teens who struggle with an alcohol problem--or even those who don't yet, but realize they could be on that path. This is a touching, heartwarming story that ended, thankfully, with recovery. Unfortunately, many more teens might not be as lucky as Toren Volkmann was, and those are the ones who really need to pick up a copy of FROM BINGE TO BLACKOUT.