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Black Beauty tells the story of the horse's own long and varied life, from a well-born colt in a pleasant meadow to an elegant carriage horse for a gentleman to a painfully overworked cab horse. Throughout, Sewell rails--in a gentle, 19th-century way--against animal maltreatment. Young readers will follow Black Beauty's fortunes, good and bad, with gentle masters as well as cruel. Children can easily make the leap from horse-human relationships to human-human relationships, and begin to understand how their own consideration of others may be a benefit to all. (Ages 9 to 12)-
my 8 yr old grandaughter is reading it,not i.i did scan thru it.seemed like it would rough for her to read about death,and loss of family..but she is interested still,and reading it slowly.
When Black Beauty is just a young colt, his mother warns him that a horse's life is often difficult. and this strong, handsome horse soon meets wiht many adventures and all types of people- some kind and caring, others cruel and indifferent. but no matter what circumstances he encounters, nothing can break Black Beauty's spirit.
This is my all-time favorite story! There are several good life- lessons in this book teaching us how to be a good "horse" but better yet...a good person.
This is a great children's classic! Good for horse lovers, too. Although older, the lessons of kindness and honesty are timeless. A book my kids will read!
Black Beauty is well loved and happy at Squire Gordon's. But when the kindly old squire is forced to sell his favorite thoroughbred, Black Beauty finds out whit it is like to live with cruel, uncaring grooms and masters who overwork him. After his knees are broken in a careless accident, Black Beauty is sold and re-sold. Then, one lucky day......
My 4 and 5 year old kids liked reading this with their dad. There were some depressing and mean parts of the book that were a little too young for them. It was an enjoyable story for them though.
This is from the "Bring the Classics to Life" series; it contains vocabulary lists, student activity pages, and a very, very abridged text of the original novel.
This children's book is sweet. It is from the perspective of a horse and all he goes through from the beginning of life to the end. At times it can be a tear jerker.
A classic tale, slightly toned down and put into text a younger reader will appreciate; a good way to hedge your child into the classics, which all children should learn to love and appreciate.
A beautifully told story of a horse told from the horses point of view. Starts soon after birth and follows the horses life through to old age. A timeless treasure. A great read aloud.
This is not only a horse lovers' classic but a classic children's story as well. Black Beauty has been extremely popular for over a century now. This tale of horse's life is inspiring and presents wonderful learning opportunities to teach children about morals, being kind & humane to animals AND people.
Black Beauty's earliest days are spent growing up happily with his mother, Dutchess and then working in Squire Gordon's stables at Birtwick Park where he meets his friends Ginger and Merrylegs. His later years are not so happy, and the horse endures fires, floods and hard times with harsh masters, before he at last finds a happy home with his old friends.
A horse's life can be filled with love and tenderness. It can also be filled with meanness and cruelty. Black Beauty learns both sides of life, in this classic tale by Anna Sewell. Told from a horse's point of view, Black Beauty's own story takes you into the mind and heart of sensitive animal searching for love and understanding. From happy times as a young foal romping with his mother. Duchess, to harsh years as a cab horse in the city and finally to a peaceful old age, Black Beauty's life shows that horses have feelings too, and something they even know things people don't.
A horse's life can be filled with love and tenderness. It can also be filled with meanness and cruelty. Black Beauty learns both sides of life, in this classic tale by Anna Sewell. Told from a horse's point of view, Black Beauty's own story takes you into the mind and heart of sensitive animal searching for love and understanding. From happy times as a young foal romping with his mother. Duchess, to harsh years as a cab horse in the city and finally to a peaceful old age, Black Beauty's life shows that horses have feelings too, and something they even know things people don't.
The enthralling story of the life of Black Beauty. Beginning as a young colt, through a life filled with the compassion and cruelty of his owners, Black Beauty takes readers on a journey of spirit and opens them to a new experience of feelings.
Black Beauty remains one of the best loved animal stories ever written.