Melody M. (beachlover) - reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 155 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Minister's wife Faith Fairchild finds herself involved in another murder when her Aunt Chat asked her to snoop around at a retirement home where her friend recently died. I like this series.
Franci R. (FranciJo) reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 40 more book reviews
A nice cozy with a bit of a Christmas theme.
Jeanie S. (JeanieS) reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 192 more book reviews
Another good Faith Fairchild story
Priscilla B. (Skeeter1942) reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 131 more book reviews
In this book Faith goes to work in the kitchen of a pricy and elegant retirement home. And of course murder again pays a visit and Faith does her usual brilliant sleuthing to uncover the murderer.
Jack Q. (AlabamaJack) reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 170 more book reviews
From Publishers Weekly
In Page's third Aleford, Mass., mystery (after The Body in the Kelp ), young minister's wife Faith Fairchild, formerly a trendy New York gourmet caterer, scatters upscale brand names like confetti while acting as an amateur investigator. Asked to look into strange doings at a luxurious retirement retreat operated by saintly old Dr. Hubbard, his doctor son and nurse daughter, Faith soon turns up blackmail, illicit sex, cocaine and murder. The Fairchilds, who apparently haven't heard of Christian charity, cold-shoulder a graceless divinity student intern and poke lighthearted fun at folks who neither serve nutty basmati rice for lunch nor wear Faith's designer originals. (Readers may find themselves longing for V.I. Warshawski, rooting around in her dirty laundry in search of a decent outfit she can don one more time.) There are some hair-raising scenes, however, as well as a leisurely, happy final chapter featuring a yuletide party at the parsonage and the Christmas Eve children's pageant at the church.
In Page's third Aleford, Mass., mystery (after The Body in the Kelp ), young minister's wife Faith Fairchild, formerly a trendy New York gourmet caterer, scatters upscale brand names like confetti while acting as an amateur investigator. Asked to look into strange doings at a luxurious retirement retreat operated by saintly old Dr. Hubbard, his doctor son and nurse daughter, Faith soon turns up blackmail, illicit sex, cocaine and murder. The Fairchilds, who apparently haven't heard of Christian charity, cold-shoulder a graceless divinity student intern and poke lighthearted fun at folks who neither serve nutty basmati rice for lunch nor wear Faith's designer originals. (Readers may find themselves longing for V.I. Warshawski, rooting around in her dirty laundry in search of a decent outfit she can don one more time.) There are some hair-raising scenes, however, as well as a leisurely, happy final chapter featuring a yuletide party at the parsonage and the Christmas Eve children's pageant at the church.
Holly E. (Ducky) reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 223 more book reviews
Wonderful book.Number 3 in the series. You will love the trouble Faith finds herself in this book.

Faith's Aunt Chat asks Faith to "look into" Hubbard House, an assisted living home, where Chat's dear friend suspected strange goings on. Faith arrives and finds herself a "Pink Lady" (volunteer) in the kitchen to help until the staff recovers from the flu. One of Tom's dearest parishioners dies and is found with his face in Faith's bouillon! From that point on, there are accidents and deaths that have no easy answer to them. Detective John Dunne asks Faith to find out what she can, not knowing what peril she puts herself in until it faces her. There are staff and relatives of staff that all seem a bit "off" and, as Faith learns, each revelation is another piece of the onion peeled. Great twists in this story which I always enjoy. I really like Faith Fairchild as a protagonist - she is not dumb, she is not a doormat, but determined to get to the bottom of things. She is also a very likable person.
Sherry C. (sherryinmo) reviewed The Body in the Bouillon (Faith Fairchild, Bk 3) on + 192 more book reviews
From back of book:
Minister's wife, sometime sleuth and culinary artist Faith Sibley Fairchild is intrigued by rumors of mysterious doings at Hubbard House -- an elegant, secluded retirement home for the well-heeled Yankees of Aleford, Massachusetts. Determined to do some surreptitious snooping, she joins the pricey retreat's flu-depleted kitchen staff--only to witness an aging resident collapse face-first into a bowl of Faith's hot and savory bouillon. And when a blackmailing drug dealer turns up dead in her bedroom, the amateur investigator realizes that murder is the specialty of the house--and her own untimely demise might be the next item on the menu!
Minister's wife, sometime sleuth and culinary artist Faith Sibley Fairchild is intrigued by rumors of mysterious doings at Hubbard House -- an elegant, secluded retirement home for the well-heeled Yankees of Aleford, Massachusetts. Determined to do some surreptitious snooping, she joins the pricey retreat's flu-depleted kitchen staff--only to witness an aging resident collapse face-first into a bowl of Faith's hot and savory bouillon. And when a blackmailing drug dealer turns up dead in her bedroom, the amateur investigator realizes that murder is the specialty of the house--and her own untimely demise might be the next item on the menu!