I grew up with my grandfather's 1917-ish copy of this book. For a girl living in the city, the projects such as how to build a boat, how to build an archery target, how to have a pretend deer hunt (including making deer-track irons for the feet of the "deer") were often frustratingly beyond reach, but the book still rooted itself deep in my imagination.
Kevin Kelly posits in "What Technology Wants" that no class of human tools, once invented and widely adopted, ever truly stops being used, and "Woodcraft" ends up being an introduction to many of those tools in a way that's accessible by young people -- including how to cook over a fire, how to lash poles together into structures, how to use a knife, and most importantly, how to entertain yourself with a story and a few friends.
Kevin Kelly posits in "What Technology Wants" that no class of human tools, once invented and widely adopted, ever truly stops being used, and "Woodcraft" ends up being an introduction to many of those tools in a way that's accessible by young people -- including how to cook over a fire, how to lash poles together into structures, how to use a knife, and most importantly, how to entertain yourself with a story and a few friends.