Books I've Read in 2021
List created by Nancy W. (BrownEyesBlue) - on Jun 4, 2021
List Votes: 1 Books: 2 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Open
List created by Nancy W. (BrownEyesBlue) -
List Votes: 1 Books: 2 Contributors: 1 Watchers: 1 List Type: Open
Nancy W. (BrownEyesBlue) - |
Silent Treatment by Michael Palmer
With his wife, Evie, scheduled for surgery the next day, Dr. Harry Corbett goes to the hospital for what he hopes will be a quiet evening of reconciliation. In recent weeks Evie, never quick to share her feelings, has been more closed and distant than ever.
But when... more
Book Votes: 0
Nancy W. (BrownEyesBlue) - |
Hidden: A True Story of the Holocaust by Fanya Gottesfeld Heller & Joshua M. Gree...
"I peered out the second-floor window of my grandparents' villa. Through an early morning haze I saw men in German uniforms jumping off trucks. The Germans were carrying rifles and dicking in doors of house up and down main street. Some of the men restrained big barking dogs on leashes.... more
Book Votes: 0