Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for TeensReadToo.com
With Massie crushing on a ninth grade boy, she's decided that the Pretty Committee must all upgrade, as well. Dylan, Kristen, and Alicia can't wait to fall for someone new, but there's no way Claire is giving up Cam. If only she could make Massie understand. She sets out determined to change her alpha's mind.
Meanwhile, Massie's still trying to understand ninth grade rules and how to approach Landon. When she realizes that he's hanging out with other girls, her suspicions force the committee into stalking the school, crashing a fundraiser party, and spying in windows.
Has the Pretty Committee gone too far? Will they be caught stalking and downgraded faster that you can say LBR? Will Massie give Claire some slack, given the recent turmoil of the PC, or will Claire be forced to choose between Cam and the upgraded crush?
I like Claire sticking up for herself as the PC is back together once again and attempting to move higher on the social ladder. Massie is still clueless, but fun to watch. I adore these books because they're catty and full of fashion, crushes, and friendship drama.
With Massie crushing on a ninth grade boy, she's decided that the Pretty Committee must all upgrade, as well. Dylan, Kristen, and Alicia can't wait to fall for someone new, but there's no way Claire is giving up Cam. If only she could make Massie understand. She sets out determined to change her alpha's mind.
Meanwhile, Massie's still trying to understand ninth grade rules and how to approach Landon. When she realizes that he's hanging out with other girls, her suspicions force the committee into stalking the school, crashing a fundraiser party, and spying in windows.
Has the Pretty Committee gone too far? Will they be caught stalking and downgraded faster that you can say LBR? Will Massie give Claire some slack, given the recent turmoil of the PC, or will Claire be forced to choose between Cam and the upgraded crush?
I like Claire sticking up for herself as the PC is back together once again and attempting to move higher on the social ladder. Massie is still clueless, but fun to watch. I adore these books because they're catty and full of fashion, crushes, and friendship drama.