Jack Campbell writes amazing Space Opera. If I didn't have to eat and sleep and have other necessary chores, I would read his books straight through. I have heard some young adults do this with every Harry Potter book release. It even has a medical name... "Hogwarts Headaches."
I've read most of Campbell's books and hope he keeps releasing more. Campbell doesn't get bogged down in needless detail as some authors do, including one series I'm reading on alternate Earth history. That has a good premise but the mindless detail only serves to add numerous pages to the books so they cost more. Whereas, with this Campbell book, which is almost 400 pages long, I actually wanted it to be longer as I enjoyed the story so much.
And most of Campbell's books aren't filled with just space battles, but with leadership and relationship problems which---for me at least---add so much to the story. He has at last two series which have spun off from his original series and I've come to know the characters in all so well that I think of them as friends.
It almost pains me to re-post his books, but there is only so much room in my house. Plus, most of his books are WLed, so it's only fair I pass them on to his other fans.
I've read most of Campbell's books and hope he keeps releasing more. Campbell doesn't get bogged down in needless detail as some authors do, including one series I'm reading on alternate Earth history. That has a good premise but the mindless detail only serves to add numerous pages to the books so they cost more. Whereas, with this Campbell book, which is almost 400 pages long, I actually wanted it to be longer as I enjoyed the story so much.
And most of Campbell's books aren't filled with just space battles, but with leadership and relationship problems which---for me at least---add so much to the story. He has at last two series which have spun off from his original series and I've come to know the characters in all so well that I think of them as friends.
It almost pains me to re-post his books, but there is only so much room in my house. Plus, most of his books are WLed, so it's only fair I pass them on to his other fans.