Helpful Score: 3
I liked this book about as much as the first one, though this one was a lot more different from the movie than the first one was.
Like in the first one, I found myself constantly criticizing Bridget for everything I see wrong with her—her lack of self-esteem, her inablity to see the consequences of her actions, and her continual tardiness. I mean, I'm a continually tardy person myself, but I wouldn't do something stupid like go out shopping when my plane is due to leave in a few hours. That's just asking for trouble. Heck, I refrain from leaving the house the entire day I'm leaving to go anywhere till I have to leave to catch the plane.
In any case, though I found myself constantly scolding her in my head, her actions and those of her friends, are amusing indeed. The fact I'd find myself chuckling at Bridget's stupidity, despite the fact that I thought she was an idiot, allowed me to give this book a rating of 8 anyway. :)
Now that I've read both Bridget books, I've got a small 50 page copy of Bridget Jones's Guide to Life to read as part of a BookCrossing bookring. Looks like fun!
Like in the first one, I found myself constantly criticizing Bridget for everything I see wrong with her—her lack of self-esteem, her inablity to see the consequences of her actions, and her continual tardiness. I mean, I'm a continually tardy person myself, but I wouldn't do something stupid like go out shopping when my plane is due to leave in a few hours. That's just asking for trouble. Heck, I refrain from leaving the house the entire day I'm leaving to go anywhere till I have to leave to catch the plane.
In any case, though I found myself constantly scolding her in my head, her actions and those of her friends, are amusing indeed. The fact I'd find myself chuckling at Bridget's stupidity, despite the fact that I thought she was an idiot, allowed me to give this book a rating of 8 anyway. :)
Now that I've read both Bridget books, I've got a small 50 page copy of Bridget Jones's Guide to Life to read as part of a BookCrossing bookring. Looks like fun!
Helpful Score: 2
A fun book, but falls short of being as amusing as the first Bridget Jones book. It is still a funny and quirky tale with an original character that one can't help but feel for.
Helpful Score: 2
I think I enjoyed this book even more than the first one. The diary enties were longer in general and I think that made the book flow a bit better than the first. It is funny and every woman can relate to Bridget in one way or another. If you are fan of chick lit this is definitely a must read.
Helpful Score: 1
Loved it, even funnier than the first Bridget Jones, with a Persuasion bent to it.
Helpful Score: 1
Very enjoyable. Not quite as good as the first one (when are sequals ever as good?) but a very fun read. If you enjoyed the first book, you will like this one too.
Helpful Score: 1
You know you are getting old when you admit that the book was WAY better than the movie.
Helpful Score: 1
Quick read, not great literature but fun.
Helpful Score: 1
Bridget is back, again! Not as good as the first, but if you find yourself on a cross-continental flight or on a beach somewhere, sipping margaritas... kick back and read!
Purchased this book to read before seeing the movie, but didn't get to read it beforehand. I did read it after seeing the movie and they are almost identical.
Not as good as first, but still worth reading!
Not my cup of tea.
Just as good as the first. Loved it.
Hilarious. I usually don't like sequels, because I worry they will ruin the first book for me. This one doesn't disappoint though. Laugh out loud funny.
This one didn't annoy me as much as the first Bridget Jones book. In fact, I quite enjoyed it and had a good time reading it and just marvelling at all of the crazy situations that Bridget manages to get herself into.
Laugh out loud funny! I love to read about Bridget to see what kind of trouble she's going to get herself into, yet again.
The second Bridget Jones book. A lot of fun.
A good sequel
A wonderful sequal to Bridget Jones Diary!
Nice read. Good sequel to the first.
Just as funny, if not funnier, than the first!
Good chick lit, funny!
What an enjoyable read!
This book is another hilarious adventure in the life of Bridget Jones! If you've read the first once or seen either of the movies, this is a must-read! Join Bridget as she "searches for The Truth in spite of unevolved men, insane dating theories and Smug Married advice - 'I'm just calling to say in the potty! In the potty! Well, do it in Daddy's hand then!'"
I loved this book and its sequel. I thought they were much better than the movie... I even bought the book twice.
Better than the movie.
Anonymous reviewed Bridget Jones : The Edge of Reason on
I enjoyed this sequel to Bridget Jones's Diary. It was a nice easy fun read. Hope you enjoy it also.
Cute Chick book. Funnier than Bridget Jones Diary. Simply fun!
hilarious - even better than the movie!!
Book is good as the movie!
Hilarious! I love the Bridget Jones books....even better than the movies!
A funny story. Just watch how much trouble Bridget can get into.
I have to admit that (like a previous reviewer) I also preferred the movie to the book -- but this isn't my usual type of book either. A fun, quick read.
A very funny book. I think it was better than the first one.

love her.... can\'t wait till the movie!
Not as good as the first one, but a fun read! Better than the movie, of course!
This books is the sequal to Bridget Jones's Diary. It's rare that a sequal is better than the original, but this one truly is a great book!! My favorite character is Magda and I've learned that I don't think I want to visit Thailand anytime soon. ;)
4 stars = would read it again. How can you not love Bridget?
Love love love Bridget Jones. I have such a crush on Mark Darcy.
This book was ok, but not really my type of book. I actually liked the movie better.
This one was not as good as the first, but still an entertaining read. Great entertainment for a long plane flight!!
just as darling as the first book...... a couple of cute insights that were overlooked in the movie.
Great story. Fun read for those who loved her first book.
Bloody g. fun, dur! (As Bridget might say!) You must try this! I think that its actually funnier than the 1st one - I have this book on CD and I listen to it all the time on trips and such. Funny, Witty, & Warm, just like the original - slide into Bridget's absurd little world for a while! Of course if you're expecting anything even vaguely resembling reality - read an Al Franken book instead!
Great sequel! Equally funny and entertaining!
Thankfully, Bridget is as silly and amusing as ever. She still gains and loses pounds, eats, drinks, and smokes too much. She still works too little. This time around she has a wonderful boyfriendfor a while anyway. She suffers heartache, the African chap her parents bring back from Africa to live with them, a hole in her apartment wall, a death threat, a trip to Thailand, a stint in jail, a botched interview with Colin Firth, her favorite actor from the BBC's "Pride and Prejudice," embarrassing Christmas cards written in a drunken state, and a nasty blonde nemesis. She evengasp!sees one of her best singleton friends become a Smug Married. Of course, she witnesses the event in perfect Bridget fashion: hungover, with a nail-polish-induced hole in the front of her bridesmaid dress and a bra caught on her shoe. Delightful.
I'm not big on contemporary fiction, but I loved the Bridget Jones movie, so I thought I'd give the book a fair chance. It was delightful. Light, fluffy, fast read, that held ones interest- delightful. I read the whole thing in a day.
I read this a week before seeing the movie and liked it almost as much as the first book. I "awwwwed" at the end. Should've read it months ago, though -- as I watched the movie, I kept comparing it to the book, instead of enjoying it on its own merits. I did the same thing a few years ago with the first Spider-Man movie--I'd grown up reading all my brother's Marvel comics, so for the first ten minutes of the movie, I was horribly distracted by all the things they'd changed.
Excellent read, very funny!!
In this continuation of her diary, Bridget again recounts the ups and downs of the single life. During this period she has a somewhat steady boyfriend; however, the joys of having a man in her life are tempered by his seeming indifference to her at times. To her consternation she discovers that he is spending time with another woman. Besides the trials and tribulations of this relationship, Bridget must contend with confrontations with an obstinate boss, dealings with a weird contractor, working on her apartment, and the unpleasant experiences during the worst vacation of her life. Through it all Bridget is supported by her married and unmarried friends. Her comments are both harsh and humorous. This is the first book to make me laugh out loud!
This was a very humorous book- much better than the movie!
A hilarious sequel, almost as perfect as the first! :)
I loved this. I was skeptical at first...but it was a good fast read. I plowed through it in two nights....and I'm not that fast of a reader. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I did not read the first Briget Jones, but I did see the movie. As I read it I visualized all of the actors from the movie....but I enjoyed that.
Funny! Great continuation of the original.
Fans of Helen Fielding's Bridget Jones's Diary will recall that at the end of that sly and funny version of Pride and Prejudice, singleton heroine Bridget landed her Mr. Darcy at last--Mark Darcy, that is. Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason picks up four weeks later, and already the honeymoon is over. In addition to discovering that the man of her dreams votes conservative, left-leaning Bridget is also feeling just a mite uncomfortable with the realities of sharing bed and board with another person:
V. complicated actually having man in house as cannot freely spend requisite amount of time in bathroom or turn into gas chamber as conscious of other person late for work, desperate for pee etc.; also disturbed by Mark folding up underpants at night, rendering it strangely embarrassing now simply to keep all own clothes in pile on floor.
But all of these problems pale to insignificance with the arrival on the scene of Rebecca, a beautiful, man-hunting arch-nemesis with "thighs like a baby giraffe" and absolutely no girlfriend code of ethics when it comes to poaching another woman's man.
V. complicated actually having man in house as cannot freely spend requisite amount of time in bathroom or turn into gas chamber as conscious of other person late for work, desperate for pee etc.; also disturbed by Mark folding up underpants at night, rendering it strangely embarrassing now simply to keep all own clothes in pile on floor.
But all of these problems pale to insignificance with the arrival on the scene of Rebecca, a beautiful, man-hunting arch-nemesis with "thighs like a baby giraffe" and absolutely no girlfriend code of ethics when it comes to poaching another woman's man.
Not as good as Bridget Jones's Diary, but still a hilarious read.
Fun and entertaining, but not as good as the first one. Bridget's interview with Colin Firth had me laughing so hard I was crying!
Lurching from the cappuccino bars of Notting Hill to the blissed-out shores of Thailand, everyone's favorite Singleton Bridget Jones begins her search for The Truth in spite of pathetically unevolved men, insane dating theories, and Smug Married advice. She experiences a zeitgeist-esque Spiritual Epiphany somewhere between the pages of How to Find the Love You Want Without Seeking It (can self-help books really help self?), protective custody, and a lightly chilled Chardonnay.
Light and witty.
Very enjoyable. I saw the movie first. It was a bit different but still lovely. A must read for Bridget fans.
I read this a week before seeing the movie and liked it almost as much as the first book. I "awwwwed" at the end. Should've read it months ago, though -- as I watched the movie, I kept comparing it to the book, instead of enjoying it on its own merits. I did the same thing a few years ago with the first Spider-Man movie--I'd grown up reading all my brother's Marvel comics, so for the first ten minutes of the movie, I was horribly distracted by all the things they'd changed.
A good follow up book to the first. Bridget is just as clueless as before. She and her girlfriends remind me of my girlfriends. *lol* If you enjoyed the first one, better get the second.
In my opinion this one was not as good as the first. Still funny, but almost overdone.
Bridget is lighthearted fun, much better than the movies.
Funny, but not as good as the original.
I loved the interview with Colin Firth. This book is a little more intricate than the first. A good sequel
Hilarious...If you liked the movie, try the book
This is the follow-up to Bridget Jone's Diary.
Second in the "Bridget Jones Diary" saga. These books made me laugh out loud.
I love Bridge Jones, great easy read. There is alot of British slang, but I think it adds to the charm of it all.
Not as good as the first one, but still good nonetheless
As funny as the first one. I could see myself in Bridgette with her little catastrophies. I loved it!
wry sense of humor that i really enjoyed.
Hilarious sequel to Bridget Jones' Diary.
A fantastic sequel! Bridget is still as funny and lovable and real as she was in the first book.
british print cover
A fast, fun read chick-lit book.
Hilarious book about Bridget, a slightly neurotic woman, and her (lack of) dating life as she struggles with the mind games prescribed by her self help books and friends advice to win back the heart of her love.
I enjoyed it very much.
This is: Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
From Library Journal
In this continuation of her diary, Bridget again recounts the ups and downs of the single life. During this period she has a somewhat steady boyfriend; however, the joys of having a man in her life are tempered by his seeming indifference to her at times. To her consternation she discovers that he is spending time with another woman. Besides the trials and tribulations of this relationship, Bridget must contend with confrontations with an obstinate boss, dealings with a weird contractor, working on her apartment, and the unpleasant experiences during the worst vacation of her life. Through it all Bridget is supported by her married and unmarried friends. Her comments, often overstated, are both harsh and humorous.
In this continuation of her diary, Bridget again recounts the ups and downs of the single life. During this period she has a somewhat steady boyfriend; however, the joys of having a man in her life are tempered by his seeming indifference to her at times. To her consternation she discovers that he is spending time with another woman. Besides the trials and tribulations of this relationship, Bridget must contend with confrontations with an obstinate boss, dealings with a weird contractor, working on her apartment, and the unpleasant experiences during the worst vacation of her life. Through it all Bridget is supported by her married and unmarried friends. Her comments, often overstated, are both harsh and humorous.
Never got around to reading this. I'm sure if you enjoy the movies you will enjoy the book.
The cover looks different, it's newer.
Sae the movie - didn't read the book. The film was a typical "Chick Flick". The following review is from website:
From Library Journal
In this continuation of her diary, Bridget again recounts the ups and downs of the single life. During this period she has a somewhat steady boyfriend; however, the joys of having a man in her life are tempered by his seeming indifference to her at times. To her consternation she discovers that he is spending time with another woman. Besides the trials and tribulations of this relationship, Bridget must contend with confrontations with an obstinate boss, dealings with a weird contractor, working on her apartment, and the unpleasant experiences during the worst vacation of her life. Through it all Bridget is supported by her married and unmarried friends. Her comments, often overstated, are both harsh and humorous. Reader Tracie Bennett does an outstanding job with the characterizations of the variety of personalities, from Bridget's rather reserved boyfriend to her outspoken female acquaintances. This is a lively and entertaining work suitable for popular fiction collections.ACatherine Swenson, Norwich Univ. Lib., Northfield, VT
From Library Journal
In this continuation of her diary, Bridget again recounts the ups and downs of the single life. During this period she has a somewhat steady boyfriend; however, the joys of having a man in her life are tempered by his seeming indifference to her at times. To her consternation she discovers that he is spending time with another woman. Besides the trials and tribulations of this relationship, Bridget must contend with confrontations with an obstinate boss, dealings with a weird contractor, working on her apartment, and the unpleasant experiences during the worst vacation of her life. Through it all Bridget is supported by her married and unmarried friends. Her comments, often overstated, are both harsh and humorous. Reader Tracie Bennett does an outstanding job with the characterizations of the variety of personalities, from Bridget's rather reserved boyfriend to her outspoken female acquaintances. This is a lively and entertaining work suitable for popular fiction collections.ACatherine Swenson, Norwich Univ. Lib., Northfield, VT