Helpful Score: 1
Peace had broken out all over the planet. Which made it tough to be a mercenary captain. If his enemies would just leave him alone, Miles Naismith decided bitterly, the Dendarii Free Mercenary Fleet would collapse all on its own. But Miles's enemies plot a more deadly fall. For some unexplained reason the Dendarii payroll is missing and the orders from the Barrayaran Imperial Command are being delayed by Miles's superior, Captain Galeni. What connects the impeccable, insufferable Captain Galeni and the Komarran rebel expatriates on Earth anyway? But the most deadly question of all before Miles is more personal: are Mile's two identities, Admiral Naismith of the Dendarii and Lieutenant Lord Vorkosigan of Barrayar, splitting apart along the lines of his divided loyalties? And who is trying to assassinate which version of Him?

Helpful Score: 1
Peace had broken out all over the planet... Which made it tough to be a mercenary captain. If his enemies would just leave him alone, Miles Naismith decided bitterly, the Denarii Free Mercenary Fleet would collapse all on its own. But Miles's enemies plot a more deadly fall...
A Miles Vorkosigan adventure.
A Miles Vorkosigan adventure.