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Topic: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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caljane avatar
Subject: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Date Posted: 1/18/2015 2:32 PM ET
Member Since: 4/8/2013
Posts: 17
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This question slipped accidentally into the wrong forum, I moved it to "Paranormal" where it belongs. Not sure how to get rid of it here, sorry!


I just finished "Halfway to the Grave" by Jeaniene Frost, kind of liking it, but also missing something. I think mostly the heroine annoyed me, she was obnoxious. However, when scrolling through the reviews for this book on amazon it was often said that this book is just a bad copy of Buffy/Spike. Okay. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I've heard of that, but now finding THE books that are, presumably, so much better than the Grave series is a challenge because, obviously, there are so many out by different authors.

Question: which or by whom are the romantic fantasy books with Buffy and Spike as the protagonists?

Last Edited on: 1/19/15 7:28 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
susank17 avatar
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Date Posted: 1/19/2015 5:36 PM ET
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You might try posting this in the Paranormal Forum.  Lots of vampires there.

caljane avatar
Date Posted: 1/19/2015 7:23 PM ET
Member Since: 4/8/2013
Posts: 17
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*Uhh* I guess I stumbled over "Fantasy" first, considering "Paranormal" as part of it ... didn't get to <P> for Paranormal. Sorry for using the wrong forum, and thanks for the tip!