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The Burgess Bird Book for Children (Classic Reprint)
The Burgess Bird Book for Children - Classic Reprint Author:Thornton W. Burgess THE BURGESS BIRD BOOK FOR CHILDREN CIIAPTER I JENNY WREN ARRIVES .f LIPPEHTY-LI'PPERT,Y·LIP scampered Peter Rabhit behind the tumble-down stone wall along one side of the Old Orchard. It was early in the morning, very early in tne morning. In fact, jolly, bright l:lr. Sun had hardly begun his daily climb up in the blue, blue sky. It was nothing ... more »unusual for Peter to see jolly lfr. Sun get tip in the mornihg~ It would be more unusual for Peter Dot to see him, for you know Peter is a great hand to stay out all night and not go back to the dear Old Briar-patch, where his home is, until the hour when most folks are just getting out of bed. Peter had been out all night this time, but he wasn't sleepy, bot the least teeny, weeny bit. You sec, sweet lIistress Spring had arrived, and there was so much happening on every side, and Peter was so alraid he would miss something) that [ 1 ]
Table of Contents
CONTENTS; PREFACE ? ?; I JENNY YREN ARRIVES; Introducing the House Wren; n TnE OJD OnCHARD BULLY; The English or House Sparrow; ? ? ?; ? ?; ? ? ?; III J ~~ lIAs A GOOD 'VORD FOR SOME; 1'&0111 VlI; 1; 8; SPARROWS 15; The Song, "'bite-throated and Fox Sparrows; IV CHIPPY, SWEETYOICE AND DOTTY ? 22; The Chipping Vesper and Tree Sparrows; V PETER LE'-R~6 SO:UETHNG liE HADN'T; GUEs~En ? ?? tJO; The Bluebird and the Robin; VI AN OLn FnmND IN A NFw HOllE 98; The Phcebe and tlle Least Flycatcher; VII THE 'YATCIDiAN OF THE OLD ORCHARD 46; The Kingbird and the Great Crested Flycatcher; VIII OLD CLOTTIES AND OLD HOUSES 64; The Wood Pewee and Some Nesting Places; IX LONG BILL A~D TEETER , 61; The "roodcock and the Spotted Sandpiper; [ix]; Content~; 8lLP1'ZB; X REDWuG AND YELLOW WrSG ?; The Red-winged Blackbird and the Golden~; winged Flicker; XI DRUMMERS A~ CARPENTEnB; The Downy, Hairy and Red-headed ","ood·; peekers; XII SOM~ UNLIKE RELATIVES; Thc Cowbird and the Daltimore Oriole; 69; 76; 83; J; XIII lloRE OF TnE BJ~ACKBIRD FA« less