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Topic: CD Boxes?

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Subject: CD Boxes?
Date Posted: 4/17/2015 4:43 PM ET
Member Since: 5/21/2009
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Since the Audiobooks I've collected over the years often came in "timeworn" boxes, and since one of the WORST things you can do to a disc (I'm convinced) is drag it in and out of a cardboard slot over and over again, I have always moved my Audiobooks to individual "clamshell" type cases, and discarded the boxes.  Now that I am ready to swap some of them (mostly those I have duplicates of) what are the PBS rules on this.  I know all of the discs play perfectly, but do I need to qualify before each trade to let the person requesting a book that their packaging has been changed?  To me it is definitely an upgrade, but I do not know the PBS position!  I have (literally) thousands!

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Subject: cd boxes
Date Posted: 5/7/2015 9:43 PM ET
Member Since: 11/30/2007
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PBS says they all should be in the original boxes. 


You can post them on Book Bazaar and tell the members they are not in the original packaging.


I would be willing to give you credits for discs that are not in the original packaging. What titles do you want to trade ?

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Date Posted: 5/14/2015 8:52 PM ET
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Actually the PBS rules state the discs must be the originals but do NOT have to be in the original box.  Many times the boxes simply do not hold up.


Alameda avatar
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Subject: Audio sets w/o the container
Date Posted: 12/7/2015 4:59 AM ET
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From the Librarian "Help Desk" (Posting Books)

  • Audiobooks MUST be the original cassettes/CDs, but do NOT have to include the outer "box" that held the set.
  • Audiobooks must be playable and have all the CDs/cassettes.


I've always wondered - if you have Audio Books that you want to 'post' and you no longer have the boxes they came in, then how do you know what the ISBN is? Some Audio CD's and Cassette sets have multiple ISBN, and some never had ISBNs to start with . . . should these all be posted just like a book w/o an ISBN???


I have about 10-12 CD Sets that came from my local library where they placed all the CDs into special clam shells with the "D" ring binder made just for sleeves to hold CD's - most of these have portions of the original box cover cut-out and placed into the outer jacket sleeve (just like a DVD clam shell). Some of these still have the ISBN, some don't. I also have perhaps 6-8 CD sets from the local library where all thats there is the (original) CDs and part of the original wrapper or box held together by rubber bands - some have their ISBN, some do not.

I'm reluctant to post these as I would be upset if I had received these in the mail for 2 credits each.

Some are even WIshlisted!  


Last Edited on: 12/8/15 10:00 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
sasssy25 avatar
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Date Posted: 1/3/2016 8:08 PM ET
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If they don't have an ISBN on them, then you post them without an ISBN.

Alameda avatar
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Date Posted: 1/6/2016 10:32 AM ET
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Ahhh...but there's the rub - if you bought them (used or new) and you 'knew' they 'had' an ISBN then would you, or could you, go ahead and post them as you saw fit?

That would be part of my concern if I were to order Books on CD (or Cassettes) and they arrived without the package and I had 'paid' full proice for them - I would feel that I could not re-post them at some later date and would fell compelled to only offer them on the book bazaar as part of a deal (and at perhaps at a loss of credits) to move them on. And, only after I had provided a clear descriptin that they came without packaging. 

I think many members who like Books on CD would be inclined to pass-up such a deal...

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Subject: audio cd's
Date Posted: 1/12/2016 3:31 PM ET
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I post many ex-library audio cd's that are in the library box with a  half the cover on the front of the box. I would be willing to give you 2 cedits for each of these. What titles and arthors do you have ?

I would also be interested in the one without the boxes but need titles and authors. I will give you 2 credits for these too.

Alameda avatar
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Subject: Hi Drillo - got 26 - but can't accept 2 credits ea - wouldn't be right - 1
Date Posted: 1/13/2016 11:49 PM ET
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Edited for brevity...

List provided. Deal accepted. All gone to a good home.

...thanks of CDs on their way.
Danny N (Alameda) - Havelock NC
(PM sent as well)....


Last Edited on: 1/14/16 3:22 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: cd sets
Date Posted: 1/14/2016 9:48 AM ET
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I will take them all for 20 credits. Thanks.

Larry Drill

77 Meadow Lane

Marianna PA 15345

Janjunebug avatar
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Date Posted: 4/4/2017 4:15 PM ET
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Just read this today after receiving an audio book packaged in an oversize envelope.  Needless to say, the box was smashed flat and the CD's were loose in the envelope.  Fortunately, they all appeared to be intact.

And after receiving an audio book on CD's WITHOUT the packaging quite some time ago, I placed a Requestor Condition that requires the original packaging.