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Topic: CVS Pays You To NOT Use Plastic Bags

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Prunella avatar
Subject: CVS Pays You To NOT Use Plastic Bags
Date Posted: 10/29/2009 4:51 PM ET
Member Since: 10/14/2005
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New program starting...

CVS customers who shop on four occasions and don't ask for a plastic will get a $1 cash bonus on their CVS loyalty card.  When you sign up you get a luggage style tag to attach to your reusable bag that can be scanned each time.  Sounds great!

Last Edited on: 10/30/09 1:14 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
donnatella avatar
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Date Posted: 10/29/2009 10:26 PM ET
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I think I heard about this, and if I remember correctly you have to pay to sign up in the first place...?

donnatella avatar
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Date Posted: 10/29/2009 10:29 PM ET
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Found it.  You have to buy the bag at 99 cents first.  I appreciate the idea, but the last thing I need is another reusable shopping bag (I shop for one person, and walk to the grocery store, so three is the most I can handle at once.  I have more than that)

Prunella avatar
Date Posted: 10/30/2009 1:11 AM ET
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You don't have to buy a buy the tag that can be put on any reusable bag. 

"For 99 cents, members of CVS' ExtraCare rewards program will get a leaf-shaped Green Bag Tag card, which can be attached to a cloth bag or knapsack. When they complete their purchases, the card will be scanned. After every fourth shopping trip, a $1 Extra Buck coupon will be printed on their receipt."

Last Edited on: 10/30/09 1:14 AM ET - Total times edited: 3
donnatella avatar
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Date Posted: 10/30/2009 7:00 AM ET
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Okay, but you're still paying 99 cents and hoping to get a dollar back in savings - after four visits.  You'd have to be a pretty frequent visitor at CVS to get anything worthwhile out of the program.  It'd take 8 visits for it to be starting to be worth your money, assuming you actually use your extra bucks. 

...and I can't be the only one who finds the idea of getting yet another store card (especially when I already have a CVS card) to be not very appealing, at all.

Last Edited on: 10/30/09 7:03 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
Prunella avatar
Date Posted: 10/30/2009 2:57 PM ET
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Since my cloth bag is always attached to my purse, attaching a tag to the attached bag is no big deal for me.  :)

KB9NIY avatar
Subject: info
Date Posted: 12/30/2009 6:00 PM ET
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CVS is running promos the get you the tag for free or a penny.  Some areas off the country are doing away with plastics so trying to change the peoples mindset on through away bags.   I never know how many I will need and always forget them.  I just reuse as many as I can to keep them out of the landfills.

Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 12/31/2009 10:00 PM ET
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Our Super Target gives you a discount (can't remember amount) if you bring your own bags.   They don't have to be Target branded.

gingerkitty avatar
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Date Posted: 12/31/2009 11:43 PM ET
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Target gives you 5 cents off every time you use a reuseable bag at their stores.

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Date Posted: 1/6/2010 12:37 PM ET
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County Market also just gives you a nickel for using your own bag.  

I already have a CVS card.  I wish they'd just use that one and have the clerk key yes or no on own bag.  I have several reusable bags, so the tag is probalby not going to be on the correct one.  Some are in the house being filled with stuff to take places, others are in the car and it varies.

I'm glad they are encouraging using reusable bags, but requiring multiple cards for one place--blah.  Bad enough I have one!

kellyanne avatar
Date Posted: 1/25/2010 9:49 AM ET
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It sounds like they're making it more complicated than it needs to be.  Other stores just give money back immediately for each cloth bag (Whole Foods and Stop & Shop do that here.)  Much easier than buying a tag and always having to bring the tagged bag.  I have tons of cloth bags and they all get mixed up.

Generic Profile avatar
Subject: Reusable Bag Credits
Date Posted: 1/30/2010 8:42 PM ET
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Our co-op gives you a token for every reusable bag you use, and you can then designate which organization gets that token (Help Haiti fund, a food bank, environmental organization, etc.). At the end of the month they tally up the tokens and give that amount to the organization. It's a really nice program.

Our Safeway also gives you a penny for every plastic bag you reuse and three cents for every cloth bag. This can add up really fast, especially if you use multiple bags during each trip.

sasssy25 avatar
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Date Posted: 2/8/2010 7:41 PM ET
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Food Maxx gives me 5 cents back for every reusable bag I bring.  Since I never shop more than once a month, I usually have quite a few reusable bags.  Anything that helps, I'm all for it!

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Date Posted: 4/19/2010 1:51 PM ET
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Albertsons grocer used to give a nickle for every bag you brought back, no matter what it was. The store closed, and I no longer go there :-( so I don't knoiw if they still do it.

What does CVS have?

donnatella avatar
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Date Posted: 4/23/2010 8:24 AM ET
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What does CVS have?

You pay 99 cents for a card that you must provide (in addition to your CVS ExtraCare card) every time you don't get a plastic bag at CVS.  After four scans, you get $1 to spend on a future purchase at CVS.  I don't like the program because you have to pay to start and it's another card to remember to get scanned every time you go shopping.  

detectivegiggles avatar
Date Posted: 9/12/2011 11:58 PM ET
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Stores in my area give a nickel off the purchases if you reuse a reusable bag. Annoyingly enough, if you tell them no bag (that you'll just carry your items out) they won't give you the same--which i think is silly.  lol. 

simgirl avatar
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Date Posted: 1/3/2012 6:17 PM ET
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Fairly often, CVS around here runs promos where you can get the bag tag free.  It's 6 scans here for $1 and I just keep the bag tag with my other tags, not on an actual bag, so I can use whichever reusable bag I want to at the time.

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Date Posted: 1/22/2012 10:14 PM ET
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Stores in my area give a nickel off the purchases if you reuse a reusable bag. Annoyingly enough, if you tell them no bag (that you'll just carry your items out) they won't give you the same--which i think is silly.  lol.

The same around here. They pay for each reusable bag you use, rather than for each plastic bag you don't use, which would be more to the point. I realize it would be difficult for the cashiers to determine that, but the best way would be to charge for the plastic ones. I suppose they think it would be hard to get customers to accept that, but at some point it will have to come to that, I think.