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Cancer: Natural Cures: "They don't want you to know about!"
Cancer Natural Cures They don't want you to know about Author:K A Thomas "Let food be they medicine and medicine by thy food." `Hippocrates I wrote this book after my father passed away from Small Cell Lung Carcinoma (Stage 4) in the hopes of helping even just a few people understand that there are natural ways of reversing the devastating effects of this global killer called "Cancer". It's a matter of educating our... more »selves and understanding the underlying cause of the problem. Once you understand this, then you can treat the cause appropriately and naturally and beat this battle. It is a frightening fact that over 20,000 people die every day from Cancer across the globe. That number equates to more than 7.6 million people per year and growing at an amazing rate. In addition to this, another 12 million people are diagnosed with some form of cancer every year. There have been over 350 reported cures online to date, although most of these cures have been deemed quackery by the medical world or just not enough data to conclude that they are true forms of cures. If you?re fed up with your illness and the traditional Western Medicines that the medical world calls successful treatment than read this book. Radiation, Chemotherapy, and surgery can temporarily reduce tumors, but you have to understand that these therapies do not change the underlying cause which created the problem in the first place. This book will offer you other natural alternative ways that will help you fight your illness. Cancer: Natural Cures "That they don't want you to know about" will help you understand: ? How to beat cancer by rebalancing your bodies pH back to a normal level ? Natural Cures that have helped save the lives of thousands at any stage of cancer ? Understanding what feeds cancer and makes it grow ? Simple testing that allows you to know if you still have cancer cells within your body ? Starving cancer cells by the intake of nutrition and supplements and much more Once you have the proper understanding and education of the cause of your cancer, you can beat anything with your mind, body and spirit! It's time to take charge of your life because no one else is going to do it for you.« less