Great book for kids and rottweiler lovers alike
This is a beautiful gift book. Carl the Rottweiler and the inquisitive baby are off and running again. In Good Dog Carl , this delightful duo confined its adventures to the house; here, mother displays more confidence in her "babysitter" by leaving the twosome by themselves in a busy department store while she goes in search of curtains. After a whirlwind inspection of the toy, millinery and book departments--baby is enthralled with a copy of Rottweilers I Have Known --Carl and his charge head for the electronics section where they try out the camcorders and manage to get themselves on all the TV screens. Famished after a romp through carpeting, they sample crackers and dog biscuits in the gourmet section. Spotting mother on her way to the "DOWN" escalator, the adventurers streak back to the carriage and innocently await her return. Animated tempera paintings convey the same endearing quality evidenced in Day's previous book; once again she presents a winning combination of hilarious and tender moments in this--practically--wordless charmer.