Ginette B. (Niteowl7) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 242 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 8
Between Anita's sex life with several lovers, her self-defense battles with supernatural creatures - in this case Belle Morte and Musette -, her fight to save the lives of were creatures and "good" vampires, I don't know where Anita finds the time to do her job of raising the dead. Oh, then there's her on-call job with the police when a crime appears to be supernaturally committed. In this book, there is indeed some horrendous crimes that seem to be the work of a serial killer. All of the victims have been torn apart and some crucified. Is it the work of one of the werewolves? Or of something different? Read and find out.
As for her love life which is, at times, separate from her sex life, Anita is on the outs with her werewolf lover which causes several problems for Anita. Then she has 2 or 3 - I lost count - men who she "feeds" from sexually to keep the ardeur from overtaking her. As for her lovers, they include Jean-Claude, Nathaniel and Micah. They also "feed" the ardeur but have more of a "love" relationship with Anita.
Asher, Jean-Claudes ex-lover centuries ago, appears more in this book and I got to know him better. I found him to be an interesting character and am glad Ms Blake has included more of him in this book. It appears Asher become another one of her lovers by the end of the book.
Belle Morte and her vampire spokeswoman, Musette, both come along to confront Anita in that underhanded, manipulative way that vampires have. There's one point where it gets all intricately metaphysical. I don't think I'm giving part of the plot away by stating that Anita gains the upper hand over these two vicious beings. After all, there are other books that appear after this one featuring Anita Blake. But I usually find the parts where Anita suddenly winning against these malevolent creatures in all the books pretty unbelievable. Especially as it's explained in some kind of made-up metaphysical context that doesn't make much sense to me.
I liked Anita Blake in the earlier books. But lately, in these later books, I'm getting annoyed by Anita. The more power she gains, the more annoying she's becoming. Yet I continue to read Ms Hamilton's books since I like the other characters and look forward to seeing how they're doing with each subsequent book. I find it strange that the only heroic female in these books is Anita. Maybe because Anita spends lots of time having sex with them though this book has less sex than Danse Macabre. I prefer the Feehan books. Her stories feature a lot of love along with the lust. The Carpathanian men, though dominating, are very loving men. Their lifemates know how to tame them though and there are quite a few of these women who are heroic. Unlike Anita, they've retained their femininity and their own power. They don't spend all their time being angry at the slightest perceived offense and they're not power seeking, since first they seek the continuation of their race. Though, I must say, the one part of Anita that's still alive is her defense of the weak. That's the best time for her to hold on to her anger and fight for justice.
As for her love life which is, at times, separate from her sex life, Anita is on the outs with her werewolf lover which causes several problems for Anita. Then she has 2 or 3 - I lost count - men who she "feeds" from sexually to keep the ardeur from overtaking her. As for her lovers, they include Jean-Claude, Nathaniel and Micah. They also "feed" the ardeur but have more of a "love" relationship with Anita.
Asher, Jean-Claudes ex-lover centuries ago, appears more in this book and I got to know him better. I found him to be an interesting character and am glad Ms Blake has included more of him in this book. It appears Asher become another one of her lovers by the end of the book.
Belle Morte and her vampire spokeswoman, Musette, both come along to confront Anita in that underhanded, manipulative way that vampires have. There's one point where it gets all intricately metaphysical. I don't think I'm giving part of the plot away by stating that Anita gains the upper hand over these two vicious beings. After all, there are other books that appear after this one featuring Anita Blake. But I usually find the parts where Anita suddenly winning against these malevolent creatures in all the books pretty unbelievable. Especially as it's explained in some kind of made-up metaphysical context that doesn't make much sense to me.
I liked Anita Blake in the earlier books. But lately, in these later books, I'm getting annoyed by Anita. The more power she gains, the more annoying she's becoming. Yet I continue to read Ms Hamilton's books since I like the other characters and look forward to seeing how they're doing with each subsequent book. I find it strange that the only heroic female in these books is Anita. Maybe because Anita spends lots of time having sex with them though this book has less sex than Danse Macabre. I prefer the Feehan books. Her stories feature a lot of love along with the lust. The Carpathanian men, though dominating, are very loving men. Their lifemates know how to tame them though and there are quite a few of these women who are heroic. Unlike Anita, they've retained their femininity and their own power. They don't spend all their time being angry at the slightest perceived offense and they're not power seeking, since first they seek the continuation of their race. Though, I must say, the one part of Anita that's still alive is her defense of the weak. That's the best time for her to hold on to her anger and fight for justice.
Dinah R. (WhiteRose) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 27 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 7
I am lukewarm on this book. I am a fan of the Anita Blake series but I am not liking the turn the series seems to be taking. It's not really about the gratuitous (and mostly pointless) sex scenes either. It's mostly that the main character is becoming unbelievably powerful, and pretty much always right. Plus Anita's self-righteous attitude. She isn't all that much fun to read anymore. It's a shame. However, I love the world that Hamilton has created. People who love Asher (like me) won't want to miss him in this book. I still love so many of the characters in this series. Thanks for PBS for giving me the opportunity to keep up on them without actually having to buy the books! LOL I hope the next person to read this book enjoys it more than I did. It's not really bad, it's just not what I was looking for.
Janet B. (JannyB) - , reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 162 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 4
11th book in the series. Definitely not a stand alone. These are the continuing adventures of Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. Explicit sex.
Kristina R. (crazybluegirl) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 7 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
I thought it was okay. I believe that Hamilton is padding her books for lack of story line.

Helpful Score: 2
LOVED THIS BOOK!!! But I am a HUGE Anita Blake fan. I love most of the characters and can't wait to see where they go. Jason and Nathanial are two of my favorites. (next to Jean Claude and Asher of course) I just like Jasons off the wall humor, and the sweetness of Nathanial. This along with all the others are just really great reads.
Helpful Score: 2
Better than NIC, but LKH has lost it. The series will be focused on badly written sex from now on. To bad too. I enjoyed the books up through Obsidian Butterfly.

Helpful Score: 2
Good story, though not as suspenseful as earlier writing. If you are a Jason fan, he is starting to grow up in this one!
Suzanne S. (latteelover) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 50 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Part of the Anita Blake Series
1. Guilty Pleasures
2. The Laughing Corpse
3. Circus Of The Damned
4. Lunatic Cafe
5. Bloody Bones
6. The Killing Dance
7. Burnt Offerings
8. Blue Moon
9. Obsidian Butterfly
10. Narcissus In Chains
11. Cerulean Sins
12. Incubus Dreams
13. Micah
14. Danse Macabre
15. The Harlequin (2007)
1. Guilty Pleasures
2. The Laughing Corpse
3. Circus Of The Damned
4. Lunatic Cafe
5. Bloody Bones
6. The Killing Dance
7. Burnt Offerings
8. Blue Moon
9. Obsidian Butterfly
10. Narcissus In Chains
11. Cerulean Sins
12. Incubus Dreams
13. Micah
14. Danse Macabre
15. The Harlequin (2007)
Jeanne G. (MommaJo) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 7 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 2
Anita Baker has two great challanges in this adventure: Muzette (the representative of Belle Morte) and a series of gruesome murders in which all of the were-animals are under suspicion.
I enjoyed this book a lot!
I enjoyed this book a lot!
Lauran H. (Bookerskid) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 82 more book reviews
Helpful Score: 1
Although I like her earlier writing, the later Anita Blake series is for a VERY mature audience.
Helpful Score: 1
Wherein Anita participates in the first of her various threesomes, if that gives you any idea of where the books are in their arc of devolution.

Helpful Score: 1
I absolutely love this series and Cerulean Sins is a fabulous story. Cerulean Sins is pretty far into the series though so if you haven't read the books that lead up to it, I would go back and read them first.

Helpful Score: 1
One of my favorite books from my one of my favorite series.. this is the book where the serie takes a real erotic turn, it changes a lot but it is good too.. I absolutely devoured this whole series over the summer of 2003 and gobble up the new ones as soon as they come out.. can't wait for another one..
Helpful Score: 1
Entertaining fast read. There was more sex than there was in her earlier books. A lot of people say that they think that there is too much sex, but there seemed to be more protesting about the sex before it even happened and explaining why they "had" to have sex. I don't think that Anita can continue to be a sex kitten (no pun intended) and spend twenty pages deciding if she is comfortable with doing it. The rest of the story was still murder and mayhem like all the others.

Helpful Score: 1
Books 1-9 I loved. They took a bad turn 10-14 but The Harlequin made it seem like LKH is getting back to the good stories.
If you like your sex scenes subtle don't pick up this series! I on the other hand blushed and giggled my way happily through this book. I picked this book up mid series at a gas station near Grand Coulee Dam and fell in love. Very descriptive characters with realistic personalities. Anita (the main character) says the things in situations that you wish you had the gumption to say. Highly reccomended!

Anytime I get to spend time with Jean Claude, I'm excited. But this book was thoroughly disappointing. We meet Musette and Belle Morte (whose line Jean Claude is descended from) - 2 very old enemies of Jean Claude. We learn more about the ardeur and where it started. Belle Morte is one scary vamp, but I thought LKH could have done better with this plot. Most of the book focused on Anita dealing with the ardeur and her numerous lovers, her threesomes and foursomes. Just a bit too raunchy for my taste.
Okay so it needs more....more pages! All these books just seem too short. Love the story and enjoy the heat from the characters. I recomend the whole series!

I have all of her Anita Blake Series. And, recommend all of them. Make sure you start from the beginning!! (Better than True Blood!)

This is an awfully good series. You have to really like gritting and not mind all the sex but I like Anita. You just don't push her too far. I understand this isn't everyone's cup of tea but they always work for me.
this book as with all in the anita blake series is great. it is filled with action and in depth detective work from the number 1 vampire excutioner. in this book you get a lot of info on Edward aka Ted Foresster. great read.

A great read in the Anita Blake series.

Really good

A lot of group sex issues. I liked her other books that dealt with relationships and action and had less sex.
I love this series. This particular paranormal, vamp, werefolk thing works for me in the stories that L.K.H. tells. Sexy guys, strong yet insecure woman, saucy, erotic by-play - LOVE IT! The drama of a Master Vamp who wants to get to the heroines guys through her keeps you on the edge, making it hard to put the book down. It is also tantalizing to watch the drama of how her relationships with "her" guys intensifies. Each book pulls you in to see which one of the guys if any will really and truly, get the girl. On the other hand, hey, if it at broke - don't fix it.
April B. (pooh3465) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 35 more book reviews
good book, loved the detail of the gowns and the insight we got into all the characters and why they all have the personalities they do but I guess I am still like anita and waiting for the other show to drop on Micha. Richrd is killing me lol but Anita is just as bad sometimes. Very good, very entertaining, worried about Dolph. LOL

Another great read by Hamilton!
Brad C. (bcondray) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 55 more book reviews
Very explicit but very well written.

another in a great series
Eleni P. (justleni) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 127 more book reviews
Honestly, I think her standards are lowering as the sex in her books increases and the mystery, crimes and zombie raising decreases.
Book 11 in the series, still have some detecting and crime, but it's noticeable thinner. Lots of relationship angst.
I love the Anita Blake series!
When a sinister stranger tries to hire the magically potent Anita Blake to raise the dead, she finds herself embroiled in the search for a vicious, supernatural serial killer, and also in the clandestine international politics of the vampires. And as she becomes more deeply enmeshed in cruel plots and counterplots, her tangled personal life only becomes more demanding, more wrenching, and more erotically fraught.
THis is by far my favorite book of the series. I loved it!

wow very steamy this one i love this series
Love, Love, Love ALL the Anita Blake series!

Simply loved it! Like all of LKH's book, this one was a really great read!

Belle Morte is at it again, and this time trying to steal away Asher. I think this is where Asher gets his day, and fans fall even more in love with him. This one is dark and emotional, and definitely one of the good ones.

The best one she's had in awhile. It wasn't quite so heavy on the sex. Still over the top there, but this time there was actually a pretty good plot line. :)
Jo P. (boopbok) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 242 more book reviews
#11 Anita Blake hunter novel
Anita begins this fantastic dark adventure by raising the dead and ends it by tackling a murderous monster. In between, she wades (literally) into a bloody investigation of a preternatural serial killer and (metaphysically and physically) into dangerous vampire politics. ber-vampiress Belle Morte has sent her dreaded surrogate, Musette, to demand that Anita's paramour, Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City, return the vampire Asher to her-a fate worse than a stake through the heart. In order to save Asher, Anita must be both sexually and psychically creative. Anita and the vampires also need head werewolf Richard to help defeat Belle Morte's designs. But can Richard, who recently dumped Anita because she was more "monster" than human, be relied on? Meanwhile, cop Dolph Storr, who's gone violently anti-preternatural, won't let Anita (now a federal marshal) help stop a series of gruesome murders.
Anita begins this fantastic dark adventure by raising the dead and ends it by tackling a murderous monster. In between, she wades (literally) into a bloody investigation of a preternatural serial killer and (metaphysically and physically) into dangerous vampire politics. ber-vampiress Belle Morte has sent her dreaded surrogate, Musette, to demand that Anita's paramour, Jean-Claude, Master Vampire of the City, return the vampire Asher to her-a fate worse than a stake through the heart. In order to save Asher, Anita must be both sexually and psychically creative. Anita and the vampires also need head werewolf Richard to help defeat Belle Morte's designs. But can Richard, who recently dumped Anita because she was more "monster" than human, be relied on? Meanwhile, cop Dolph Storr, who's gone violently anti-preternatural, won't let Anita (now a federal marshal) help stop a series of gruesome murders.
Another great book in the Anita Blake series
enjoyed the story

Anita Blake #11
Belle Morte sends a party to visit, 3 months early. Chaos ensues. All I have to say is that LKH really knows how to write, because I have a lot of hatred for Richard.
Belle Morte sends a party to visit, 3 months early. Chaos ensues. All I have to say is that LKH really knows how to write, because I have a lot of hatred for Richard.

I love the Anita Blake series.
Again another excellent book in the series
Sally S. (bobsall) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 151 more book reviews
great book great author
Heather Y. (Heathery) - , reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 81 more book reviews
11th book in the series
What can I say? I love this series. Sure it gets a little crazy with sex, but I am so glad that there's an author who doesn't us a namby-pamby priss as her leading lady!
Without overly rehashing was some of the other reviewers have said and without trying to give away the plot, I must point out that these books shouldn't be read out of order. Even with the author doing a good job of trying to catch the average reader up on events, the series is just better and easier to understand read in order.
I myself totally "get" the humor in them and yet to have been bother or offended by the sex scenes (not any real girl-on-girl so it's all good since I don't care for those kind of erotic stories). I've read FAR worse that has just bordered on yucky and ridiculous.
I do sometimes get miffed by Anita's solo kick-ass attitude, but this series is about her and is written in first person. So we tend to know how she thinks of herself and not necessarily what others think of her. If the author really wanted us to know about everyone else's details she would have written in in third person omniscient. Although, seeing her get more powerful should be expected. If she got weaker, she'd be dead and the series would be over.
It's also not like she doesn't have a disability (the ardeur). There are a lot of other problems that would be far less embarrassing (for Anita) than needing to rub one off a couple times a day or go crazy. At least she's not a nympho having to grab some ugly stranger off the street to do her wicked deeds.
I did get a laugh that the ACLU has been mentioned in this book after my review for the previous one. But I still don't get why lycanthropes continue to be treated as poorly as they are by the authorities. It's really like discriminating against someone who has HIV or another blood-borne pathogen. Plus, it's really odd that the non-humans haven't take a more important role in police work and other federal jobs. Most of the ones in the book are strippers or bouncers or working in Jean-Claude's businesses. You would think that having shapeshifter help track down the bad guys would be a good thing. After all, they can track in wolf form and then write up their reports afterwards. :D
Richard, once again, continues to be an jerk. What is it with this guy? He's always implying that Anita is a slut, yet several books ago he was happily trying to find a replacement Lupa by auditioning them in the sack.
Which brings me to the next issue, that the classic double-standards continue to be in play in the story. Why is it okay for guys to be players but when a woman does it they're sluts? It's really sad that society (well-portrayed in the story) continues to give independent women grief.
On a refreshing note, I was glad to see Sigmund make a small appearance. :)
Without overly rehashing was some of the other reviewers have said and without trying to give away the plot, I must point out that these books shouldn't be read out of order. Even with the author doing a good job of trying to catch the average reader up on events, the series is just better and easier to understand read in order.
I myself totally "get" the humor in them and yet to have been bother or offended by the sex scenes (not any real girl-on-girl so it's all good since I don't care for those kind of erotic stories). I've read FAR worse that has just bordered on yucky and ridiculous.
I do sometimes get miffed by Anita's solo kick-ass attitude, but this series is about her and is written in first person. So we tend to know how she thinks of herself and not necessarily what others think of her. If the author really wanted us to know about everyone else's details she would have written in in third person omniscient. Although, seeing her get more powerful should be expected. If she got weaker, she'd be dead and the series would be over.
It's also not like she doesn't have a disability (the ardeur). There are a lot of other problems that would be far less embarrassing (for Anita) than needing to rub one off a couple times a day or go crazy. At least she's not a nympho having to grab some ugly stranger off the street to do her wicked deeds.
I did get a laugh that the ACLU has been mentioned in this book after my review for the previous one. But I still don't get why lycanthropes continue to be treated as poorly as they are by the authorities. It's really like discriminating against someone who has HIV or another blood-borne pathogen. Plus, it's really odd that the non-humans haven't take a more important role in police work and other federal jobs. Most of the ones in the book are strippers or bouncers or working in Jean-Claude's businesses. You would think that having shapeshifter help track down the bad guys would be a good thing. After all, they can track in wolf form and then write up their reports afterwards. :D
Richard, once again, continues to be an jerk. What is it with this guy? He's always implying that Anita is a slut, yet several books ago he was happily trying to find a replacement Lupa by auditioning them in the sack.
Which brings me to the next issue, that the classic double-standards continue to be in play in the story. Why is it okay for guys to be players but when a woman does it they're sluts? It's really sad that society (well-portrayed in the story) continues to give independent women grief.
On a refreshing note, I was glad to see Sigmund make a small appearance. :)
Amy I. (AsphaltCowgirl) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 110 more book reviews
Yet another in the Anita Blake series. A good story if you follow the series.
Teresa G. (tagray41) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 33 more book reviews
Best book so far in the series. Can not wait to read the next.
Nancy N. (nan1970) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 30 more book reviews
Good Installment. Number 11 of the Anita Blake series.
Awesome. Powerful. Erotic. A MUST.
sexy great read
Stacy C. (bleusz) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 33 more book reviews
She is a great author and I love this character, but this was a bit to raunchy for me. So I didnt read it all.
Jadean P. (caseysmom) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 25 more book reviews
first AB book I tried didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would
Beth B. (snowgems) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 103 more book reviews
Another Anita Blake tale. Belle Morte causing trouble for the whole gang and Anita must face her down in dreams. Sets up well for Incubus Dreams witch is the next book.

Linda A. (Springfieldreader) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 458 more book reviews
Typical Laurell Hamilton.
This is book #11 in the Anita Blake vampire hunter series.
Chrisenda H. (dmpgirl08) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 22 more book reviews
I love this book! My fav in the series.
A centuries old vampire targets Jean-Claude and his clan and Anita Blake steps in to help. Part of the Anita Blake series.
Divina D. (divineone) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 8 more book reviews
***Great book*** -- definitely a must read!
I didn't finish this one, although I enjoyed Hamilton's writing. She has a great literary voice, humorous and descriptive. I'm just not into the Vampire thing.
Diana B. (LadyDi) reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 7 more book reviews
OMG! Readers beware.

Fantastic! A must read! Love LKH!
Christine E. (Scaper) - , reviewed Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, Bk 11) on + 240 more book reviews
"Whena centuries-old vampire targets Jean-Claude and his clan, Anita finds herself tested as never before---needing all the dark forces her passion can muster to save the ones she loves the most . . ."