I LOVE the original novels associated with the BtVS series. HOWEVER, this was my LEAST FAVORITE that I EVER read... Because it is really a novelization of the video game, there is very little plot, and it's mostly a book of fight-description. The blow-by-blow of what seems like dozens of physical altercations in only 100 pages or so.
I was very disappointed. I'd rather play through the video game and read a better Buffy novel.
I was very disappointed. I'd rather play through the video game and read a better Buffy novel.

I finished this book in record time. I love how it is a book about a video game and still held my interest indefinitely. I give this book a sold A.
An interesting read, especially if you've played the game. Some of the character's dialog seemed a bit out of character(especially for Willow and Anya). However, Oz fans will love the fact that he (sort of) has a little cameo in this book.