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Topic: Chia seeds revisited

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Subject: Chia seeds revisited
Date Posted: 8/22/2010 11:26 AM ET
Member Since: 11/2/2005
Posts: 505
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     About a year or so ago there was a thread in CMT on chia seeds. I figgured I try them (it was easy) and now a year later I feel great after losing 48 pounds and lowering my blood pressure.  My DIL also uses them and lost over 50 lb. (and looks great). However my DH tried and keeps trying but other than feeling a little better has not really lost weight. Several other friends have tried them and report back that they definately feel better and have more energy but have not lost weight.  I was just wondering what success or failure other PBSers have found. 

     FYI-  I started wearing size 16 that were becoming tight and am now swimming in my size 4 pants.  I still need a 6 or 8 on top. 

KajunFriend avatar
Date Posted: 6/10/2012 2:35 PM ET
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I am using them and they do help, but I'm also trying to eat healthy. It does help me lose.

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Date Posted: 7/6/2012 9:48 AM ET
Member Since: 11/28/2007
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I have been adding some almost every morning to my breakfast cereal, and have noticed no weight loss from them alone (I keep hoping, though!).  And while I can't say I feel physically different from adding them to my diet, I feel better psychologically knowing I'm incorporating them after having read about so many health benefits.  

Linda, you lost 48 pounds in one year just by adding them to your diet?  That's amazing!  Did you also go on a diet regimen or add exercise to your days?  I can't believe chia seeds alone would cause such a change...please tell more!