Helpful Score: 6
This is the third book of the Mortal Instruments trilogy. It is a shame it has to end. This book along with the other two were superb reads. It gave depth into the characters by drawing you into their worlds, thoughts, and feelings. The description of the places were great- felt like I was there.
If you have not read the other two (city of bones, city of ash), you will need to before reading this one. The other books lay groundwork for this book that otherwise will have you lost. GREAT READ AND SERIES!!!!!!!
If you have not read the other two (city of bones, city of ash), you will need to before reading this one. The other books lay groundwork for this book that otherwise will have you lost. GREAT READ AND SERIES!!!!!!!

Helpful Score: 6
Reviewed by coollibrarianchick for
I really have to stop reading books out by the pool. When I do this, especially with the good books, I forget about the thing called the "sun" and I end up getting roasted. I should've known better yesterday when I sat down to read Cassandra Clare's CITY OF GLASS. I should've known that I was not going to be able to put down the book, and now, unlike Simon who is not affected by the sun, I am a little bit burned.
It has been one really long - as well as crazy, heartbreaking, exhilarating, and anxiety-filled - month for Clary. She has been one busy girl - mixing it up with vampires, werewolves, and fairies, fighting demons, and falling in love completely and totally. Like I said, it has been one helluva month for Clary.
When we last saw her, both Clary and Jace were reeling from the fact that they were brother and sister. I think you were able to hear a collective moan of "oh no" across the country when everyone reading the book got to that part. On top of that, her mother was in a coma and Simon, her BFF, was turned into a vampire. Seriously, can anything else go wrong?
Welcome to the final chapter in THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS trilogy.
The trip has been planned. Everyone is going to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters. Clary was going to save her mother, learn more about her past. Life was going to be good once again. However, keep in mind the saying "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry"....
So what goes wrong? For starters, Jace doesn't want her to go, claiming that it is too dangerous, especially if people, the wrong people, find out what she can do with runes. Then the Forsaken attack before Clary arrives, wrecking havoc and forcing everyone left alive (including Simon) to escape through the portal to Idris.
It is not easy getting into Idris. You have to get permission from the ruling body, and if you enter without permission, you run the risk of death. Uh oh.... now how in the world is Clary going to save her mother? Clave be damned is how, and she draws her own portal rune to transport her. Luke latches on at the last second in hopes of saving her, but it is too late - and they both wind up in Idris.
Good news is they made it; bad news is that Downworlders like Luke aren't exactly welcome.
The action in this installment starts early and doesn't let up until the very last page, but now with Clary, Luke, and Simon (who really shouldn't be there) in Idris, the twists and turns really begin. If you thought what happened on the ship in the last book was intense, you haven't read anything yet. Valentine, who has yet to show all of his cards, is planning something huge. He is just itching to use the mortal cup and he already has the sword. Everybody is on full alert, ready to battle for his or her lives.
I don't want to reveal that many spoilers, so lets just say Ms. Clare wrote a satisfying conclusion that will please her legions of fans. There is a lot going on in this book, that much I will say. This one was probably my favorite out of the three. The story moved at a very good pace and delved more into the relationships that have entwined all of the characters together. Familial issues take center stage, and romantic issues also abound.
There is also one really big surprise. Does that mean Jace and Clary are together in the end?
I'm not telling....
I really have to stop reading books out by the pool. When I do this, especially with the good books, I forget about the thing called the "sun" and I end up getting roasted. I should've known better yesterday when I sat down to read Cassandra Clare's CITY OF GLASS. I should've known that I was not going to be able to put down the book, and now, unlike Simon who is not affected by the sun, I am a little bit burned.
It has been one really long - as well as crazy, heartbreaking, exhilarating, and anxiety-filled - month for Clary. She has been one busy girl - mixing it up with vampires, werewolves, and fairies, fighting demons, and falling in love completely and totally. Like I said, it has been one helluva month for Clary.
When we last saw her, both Clary and Jace were reeling from the fact that they were brother and sister. I think you were able to hear a collective moan of "oh no" across the country when everyone reading the book got to that part. On top of that, her mother was in a coma and Simon, her BFF, was turned into a vampire. Seriously, can anything else go wrong?
Welcome to the final chapter in THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS trilogy.
The trip has been planned. Everyone is going to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters. Clary was going to save her mother, learn more about her past. Life was going to be good once again. However, keep in mind the saying "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry"....
So what goes wrong? For starters, Jace doesn't want her to go, claiming that it is too dangerous, especially if people, the wrong people, find out what she can do with runes. Then the Forsaken attack before Clary arrives, wrecking havoc and forcing everyone left alive (including Simon) to escape through the portal to Idris.
It is not easy getting into Idris. You have to get permission from the ruling body, and if you enter without permission, you run the risk of death. Uh oh.... now how in the world is Clary going to save her mother? Clave be damned is how, and she draws her own portal rune to transport her. Luke latches on at the last second in hopes of saving her, but it is too late - and they both wind up in Idris.
Good news is they made it; bad news is that Downworlders like Luke aren't exactly welcome.
The action in this installment starts early and doesn't let up until the very last page, but now with Clary, Luke, and Simon (who really shouldn't be there) in Idris, the twists and turns really begin. If you thought what happened on the ship in the last book was intense, you haven't read anything yet. Valentine, who has yet to show all of his cards, is planning something huge. He is just itching to use the mortal cup and he already has the sword. Everybody is on full alert, ready to battle for his or her lives.
I don't want to reveal that many spoilers, so lets just say Ms. Clare wrote a satisfying conclusion that will please her legions of fans. There is a lot going on in this book, that much I will say. This one was probably my favorite out of the three. The story moved at a very good pace and delved more into the relationships that have entwined all of the characters together. Familial issues take center stage, and romantic issues also abound.
There is also one really big surprise. Does that mean Jace and Clary are together in the end?
I'm not telling....
Helpful Score: 4
Oh My! I loved this book so much. The best analogy I can give is this: When you are reading a good book & you get to those last couple chapters where it gets so compelling to finish & you cant read it fast enough - that is the way this whole book was from beginning to end. I would say this trilogy was one of my very favorites. I do not want to give spoilers, so I will just say everything is explained and tied up in this last book of the trilogy, although, I can still see places where there could possible be a spin-off of the story. I hope there is!! I would hate for it to be over.
Helpful Score: 3
This is the best book out of the trilogy. Clare finally ironed out some of her writing flaws such as cardboard characterization, underdeveloped scenes, and a propensity to copy Harry Potter. The scenes between Clary and Jace and between Alec and Magnus were outstanding and the plot flowed much better than it did in City of Glass (or City of Bones for that matter). It felt like Clare became truly comfortable with her world and with her own unique voice. I liked the resolution between all the main couples and that Clary finally had a bigger role in the destruction of Valentine than it seemed was going to happen. I still felt some characters were more obvious than Clare intended them to be--I picked out Hodge's and Sebastian's identities a mile away. However Valentine finally got a little fleshing out and his final scene with Clary is very satisfying. I read not so flattering reviews of the sequel to this book (City of Fallen Angels) and so I choose to end my journey in the world of Mortal Instruments here with this nicely wrapped and packaged conclusion. This was a very nice way to end the series and I wouldn't ruin that sense of harmony by attempting to read a new book that could essentially unravel everything good about this book.

Helpful Score: 2
This was spectacular! I can't say a single thing about it without giving something away so I'll just setting on superb! Lots and lots of surprises. Get ready for a super conclusion to the series though I've heard that book 4 is coming next year. If you liked the first two books in the series, you will absolutely love this one. If you didn't, why are you even looking at book 3?