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Topic: Cloth Diapers

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Subject: Cloth Diapers
Date Posted: 3/13/2009 1:02 PM ET
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I've been using cloth diapers on my 10 month old daughter since she was born.  I LOVE THEM.  They are way, way, way better than disposables.  If you are interested, I can give you some really good information and tips!

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Subject: Me too!
Date Posted: 4/5/2009 11:56 PM ET
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Hi, I have been using cloth diapers for my 10 month old son also. I use pre-folds and I also make these cute fitted diapers with aplix (velcro type) closures. Jessica
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Date Posted: 9/8/2009 9:27 PM ET
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Are there any good daycares that allow cloth diapers?

I do not like the idea of disposable diapers, but without a diaper service like my mother had and with every daycare I know of requiring disposable diapers---I don't see a way to use cloth.

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Date Posted: 10/14/2009 12:58 PM ET
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Both my daughters went to different, but fantastic day care centers and I never had any issues using cloth.  A lot of people think there are licensing regulations that prohibit the use of cloth, but, at least in my state, that is not true.  I do think the chain centers are more likely to have a no cloth policy, but it is worth it to ask. 

Punkin avatar
Date Posted: 10/17/2009 8:50 PM ET
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Lovely to see other CD families!!  I cloth diaper my 9 month old and my 2 1/2 year old.  We use a good mix of fitteds, pockets, prefolds, flats == you name it!  I just use what suits the occassion.  LOVE it and enjoy trying new things.  I've even started using mama cloth as I love the cloth diapers so much.  If anyone needs any resources let me know!

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Subject: Cloth pads are the best! They're so much less scratchy and irritating.
Date Posted: 10/24/2009 11:32 PM ET
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shoni avatar
Date Posted: 11/25/2009 6:17 PM ET
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I love cloth diapering as well, although I'm a bit newer to it than some of you ladies.  I just had my first baby on Sept. 8 and have been using Sunbaby diapers on him since he was 5 weeks, but I already love them!  They are so much better than disposables.

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Subject: cloth diapers
Date Posted: 12/12/2009 6:47 PM ET
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Kayote!  I've gotta say, I think a good daycare is one that does use cloth diapers! 

Last Edited on: 12/12/09 6:48 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 12/12/2009 6:47 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 12/12/09 6:49 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Subject: cloth diapers
Date Posted: 12/12/2009 6:47 PM ET
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Sorry about the repeat posts...I kept hitting enter when I was just trying to go to the next line :)

Last Edited on: 12/12/09 6:50 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 4/12/2010 4:36 PM ET
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I'm a cloth diapering mama as well! We do use disposables overnight but otherwise we're full time in cloth. I used cloth with both my older 2 (they are both potty learned now) and am currently using them with my 3 month old.

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Date Posted: 4/19/2010 4:15 PM ET
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I used cloth diapers for all five of mine, and now the diaperts are the rags that we use :)Some of the diapers, most of the diapers, lasted through all, and the age range is 14 years, so they lasted quite a bit! Just think of how much money we saved over the years

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Date Posted: 4/20/2010 2:02 PM ET
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Used cloth diapers when mine were little except when they went to Grandma's house or we went to church.

rainfall avatar
Date Posted: 4/25/2010 8:43 AM ET
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Another cloth diaper momma here, too! :) I've used cloth on my 2yo since she was 3 months old and started cloth with my youngest when he was born. Love them! We started with prefolds, moved to pockets, went back to prefolds, and now use flats (so they fit both the 2yo and 6mo old).

Also, for the daycares - when DD was in daycare, I asked about cloth and the infant room women were really excited about using cloth as long as it was easy. I used Bumgenius OS pockets (which look and work just like a disposable to them) and they LOVED them! I would just bring a clean wetbag every day for them to stick the dirties in and then take it all home every day and return with a new bag and however many clean diapers they needed to make up for the previous day.

When I left work to stay at home, I moved back to prefolds (mainly for cost, but I just love them). Then when my youngest was big enough to fit into the flats, I moved over to all flats with one-size covers. It's such a dream to have them fit both kids. Packing the diaper bag is just so easy. :)

I'd never give up my cloth diapers and wipes! LOL

turtle10312001 avatar
Date Posted: 5/9/2010 2:58 PM ET
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I don't have kids, but I'm glad to know people use cloth diapers! They are the #1 item in the landfills!

Last Edited on: 5/9/10 2:59 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
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Date Posted: 5/17/2010 12:23 AM ET
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I have been using cloth on my 6mo boy and I love them. It took a little while to find some that worked for us, and I'm still learning the lingo, but my favs so far are fuzzi buns and thirsties. My daycare doesn't use them either, but by using them at home we have saved a ton of money already. I think my little guys bum looks adorable in cloth. Check out to by used.

IlliniAlum83 avatar
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Subject: Cloth diapers medically necessary
Date Posted: 6/1/2010 5:46 PM ET
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 Some daycares don't allow them, but my oldest daughter, now 21 years old, was allergic to the chemicals in disaposables--- you know the gels they invented to hold more liquid in the diaper and keep them from leaking.  Anyway, the daycares she went to tried to fight me on it and demanded a doctor's note. Guess they thought I was lying about the allergy---- like I wanted to haul dirty diapers home everyday in the car!  So they had to get used to it!

My second daughter, born 23 months later, wasn't allergic, but I found I'd gotten used to the routine so I used them on her too and had no regrets. She went to a daycare in a private home so there were no rule issues.

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Date Posted: 9/3/2010 11:41 PM ET
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My friend who is incredibly creative and owns a fiber arts store called Puffy Mondaes in Nampa Idaho also has a line of cloth diapers called Baby Boms. I hope I spelled that right. She says her diapers are one size and you only need about 10 of them I think. I am not sure if I understood her right because I would think you could change that many in a day with a newborn.

She sells them in her store and has a website I think. I don't know if the diapers are on her website for her store or not because she has it as a seperate business even though she sells them in her store. My baby is almost 14 so I am long past the diaper days but I did use cloth too. I have not tried her diapers but have heard lots of good comments on them.

catwings3 avatar
Subject: cloth diapers
Date Posted: 11/30/2010 5:15 PM ET
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Well, I've used cloth diapers on my babys for over45 years.  No throw-away back then. Glad to know everyone is saving money on cloth.

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Date Posted: 1/10/2011 4:13 PM ET
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I did find a daycare that will do cloth.  We even got in!

I wish I had a diaper service like my mom did, but the laundry isn't proving too much of a problem. Just added to it out evening routine.

clairekundinger avatar
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Date Posted: 1/29/2011 12:25 PM ET
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oh man! If its saving you guys money then your not hooked like me!! blush Payson has been in cloth since her cord fell off! And we were in Gdiapers exclusivley when she was in smalls and we did the flushies... so the whole hybrid thing... but then when she started fitting in the ebay cheapies I had gotten I fell in love with the One Size pockets! Now that shes in medium We have like 13 Gcovers and 40 cloth G inserts and 10 pockets 5 itti bitti delish and if anyone EVER needs a diaper that they LOVE .... try and itti bitti delish! THEY ARE AMAZING! But you can't really get them in the US that I have found :( then we have a random slodge (like my made up word lol) of cute AIOS in medium! With dancers on them and polka dots! I just can't say no!!  The hubs has finally put a stop to it :| lol . BUt I LOVE cloth! before I got pregnant we didn't even recycle... but then when I started looking in to cloth diapers I was looking at them because they were best for the baby... but then i figured if we're going to go green... we might as well go green!

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Date Posted: 5/3/2012 9:04 PM ET
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I love my clothes. We use GroVia - for my 3 month and sometimes on my 17 month (he is 95% potty trained) but we used them for him from 6 weeks on. Both were born early so we had to use disposibles for the first couple of weeks until they got a littl bigger. I love them. They snapp right in and bam, we move on. My total investment in both kids so far? Less than $700!

Ediesbeads avatar
Date Posted: 5/30/2012 10:46 AM ET
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We are trying for #4 and are going to try cloth if we get lucky!  I think if you don't go crazy and get diaper happy you can save money.  I will probably start with covers and prefolds, and have a few pockets for babysitters or what have you.  I have actually started collecting some baby stuff.  We visited family and told them we were trying.  My BIL gave us a bunch of stuff that he was going to put in a garage sale and on craigslist.  Woo Hoo!  Free stuff is great!  I also bid on ONE cloth diaper on Listia.  It's a BabyCity pocket.  That's one of the eBay cheapies, but I figured it was basically free, so why not!  If you don't know how Listia works... check it out!  Just google it.