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I wanted to read this book so much because I was greatly influenced by Keith's music when I was a teenager. In all truth, I must say I wish I had not read this book. As we used to say "I just wasn't edified" by it. Keith and Melody came from a background of drug abuse and searching for love and God and meaning by dabbling in all sorts of mystical and occult and Eastern religions. They went from that to Christianity with a wholehearted devotion to Jesus, which I understand. But I don't understand why they immersed themselves in communal living and immediately became 'leaders' when they had so little training and could have benefited by following first rather than leading first. Still, Keith's music ministry was profound and their living style didn't take away from the impact they made on many, many people. If you want to know their background, this is the book for you!
How inspiring! The life of Keith Green starts out with his questions of life and his longing for spiritual fullfillment in all the wrong places. The whole time he was looking for Jesus and wanted badly to accept Christ. Eventually he did and used his talents of music and ministered to thousands of people in only his short seven years as a Christian before he died. Melody Green writes a beautiful story about the life of her husband and his walk with the Lord and the relationship she shared with him. I really enjoyed it because it showed the transformation and growth he displayed to dedicating his life to Jesus. His music really ministers to me as well, so to read the story behind the music was a blessing for my life.
Biography of Christian music pioneer, written by his wife Melody. This is an excellent look at Green's all-too-brief life and career. And the author does a great job of talking about the struggle between ministry and artistry in Christian music.
I was a huge fan of Keith Green in the 80s ... and was shocked by his accidental death at such a young age. This book, written by his wife, tells his life story.