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Topic: Contemporary Challenge for 2014 - LISTS only

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escapeartistk avatar
Subject: Contemporary Challenge for 2014 - LISTS only
Date Posted: 10/25/2013 12:28 AM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s)
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list
  2. Your WL or RL
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list
  4. Any PBS book club list
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children
  2. Teenagers
  3. 20-30-somethings
  4. Middle aged
  5. Senior citizen

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014
  2. 2010-2013
  3. 2000-2009
  4. 1990-1999
  5. 1964-1989

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.

Last Edited on: 10/25/13 12:29 AM ET - Total times edited: 1
escapeartistk avatar
Subject: My List
Date Posted: 10/25/2013 12:29 AM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography): Child 44 by Smith
  2. Paranormal fiction: Agyar by Brust (1/13/14) 4 stars
  3. Fantasy: The Republic of Thieves by Lynch (9/14/14) 4.5 stars
  4. Romance: Wildfire by Micklem
  5. Mystery: When Gravity Fails by Effinger (1/21/14) 4 stars
  6. Science fiction: Open Minds by Quinn (2/20/14) 3 stars

Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list: The Woman in Black by Hill (11/15/14) 3.5 stars
  2. Your WL or RL: âFirst Activation: A Post Apocalyptic Thriller by Wearmouth & Wearmouth (6/30/14) 1 star
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list: Shift by Howey (louieg's July 2013 choice)
  4. Any PBS book club list ("Where to start in SF"): Spin by Wilson (2/17/14) 4.5 stars
  5. TBD

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children: Angels of Destruction by Donohue
  2. Teenagers: In the After by Lunetta (4/1/14) 2 stars
  3. 20-30 something: The Postman by Brin (3/18/14) 3.5 stars 
  4. Middle aged: The Traitor Queen by Canavan (6/11/14) 4 stars
  5. Senior citizen: Hexed by Hearne (4/10/14) 4.5 stars

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014: Ruin and Rising by Bardugo (7/27/14) 3 stars
  2. 2010-2013: Under the Never Sky by Rossi or Hammered by Hearne
  3. 2000-2009: A Feast for Crows by Martin (8/4/14) 2.5 stars
  4. 1990-1999: Cetaganda by Bujold (9/1/14) 4 stars
  5. 1964-1989: Dune by Herbert (5/26/14) 4 stars

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)â
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.

Last Edited on: 11/15/14 7:24 PM ET - Total times edited: 46
DieHard avatar
Bruce -
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Date Posted: 10/25/2013 12:33 PM ET
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Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography) Southern Cross the Dog by Bill Cheng 2/04/14
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict Doctor Sleep by Stephen King 1/10/14
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US. The Thousand Names by Django Wexler 4/16/14
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s) Worthy Brown's Daughter by Phillip Margolin 2/21/14
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden  Twice A Spy by Keith Thomson 1/02/14
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future Ecko Rising by Danie Ware 1/16/14

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list - The Hit by David Baldacci  1/01/14
  2. Your WL or RL  Cliff Walk by Bruce DeSilva 1/11/14
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list And the Mountains Echoed by Khalid Hosseini 1/25/14
  4. Any PBS book club list    11/22/63 by Stephen King 2/28/14
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee. The Good Lord Bird by James McBride 2013 National Book Award for Fiction Winner 2/10/14

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children  The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson 1/31/14
  2. Teenagers A Tap On The Window by Linwood Barclay 2/20/14
  3. 20-30-somethings  Echo Burning by Lee Child 1/20/14
  4. Middle aged  Best Kept Secret by Jeffrey Archer 2/12/14
  5. Senior citizen The Last Kind Words Saloon by Larry McMurtry 6/10/14

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014   To Rise Again At A Decent Hour by Joshua Ferris 2/21/14
  2. 2010-2013  Let Me Go by Chelsea Cain (2013) 1/13/14
  3. 2000-2009  Leadville by James Best 2/13/14
  4. 1990-1999  The Mercy Rule by John Lescroart (1998) 1/18/14
  5. 1964-1989

Last Edited on: 6/12/14 2:10 PM ET - Total times edited: 20
Generic Profile avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
Date Posted: 10/25/2013 12:44 PM ET
Member Since: 5/31/2009
Posts: 5,143
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DONE!  2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction:  The Chaperone :: Laura Moriarty (historical fiction), 7/10/2014, 5 stars
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict:  The Black Rose by Tananarive Due:  Tradsies Sub:  Gentlemen of the Road (See explanation below)
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.:  Temeraire by Naomi Novik (dragons fight Germans), 7/30/2014, 5 stars
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s): Lady of the Glen by Jennifer Robertson, 8/12/2014, 3 stars 
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden:  Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, 6/2014, 4 stars
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future - The Technologists by Mathew Pearl, 1/19/2014, 4 stars

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list -  House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III, 7/21/2014, 3.5 stars
  2. Your WL or RL -  Daughters for a Time by Jennifer Handford, 8/9/2014, 3.5 stars
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list:  The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer (Deb)  Tradsies Sub:  The Technologists (see explanation below), 4 stars
  4. Any PBS book club list:  Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay (best historical fiction):  Tradsies Sub:  All the Light We Cannot See (see explanation below)
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.   The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka:  Tradsies Sub: The Coroner's Lunch (See explanation below)

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children:  The Cat's Table by Michael Ondaatje, 4/5/2014, 3 stars
  2. Teenagers:  Young Pioneers by Rose Wilder Lane, 1/17/2014, 3 stars (She was 16 when they married.)
  3. 20-30-somethings:  A Curtain Falls by Stefanie Pintoff.  Simon Ziele, key character, is 30, 4 stars, 1/31/2014
  4. Middle aged:  Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon, 3/2014, 4 stars
  5. Senior citizen:  The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterell, 1/18/2014, 4 stars

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014:  No One to Trust by Lynette Eason, 2/5/2014, 2 stars
  2. 2010-2013:  The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion, 3/2/2014, 4 stars
  3. 2000-2009:  The Kindness of Strangers by Katrina Kittle, 3/28/2014, 4 stars
  4. 1990-1999:  Blood Kin by Roy Hart, 2/9/2014, 4 stars
  5. 1964-1989:  A Fine and Peaceful Kingdom by Kent Durden, 3.5 stars

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):  (Some of the following may have to exchange for categories I haven't yet read.  Will see what is left.)

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)​   All the Light We Cannot See  by Anthony Doerr (first read sent by publisher), 5 stars.
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.   The Technologists by Matthew Pearl:  from 2012 challenge - One word says it all: a work with a one-word title (but will accept 2 words such as "The Infinities",  The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterell, Gentlemen of the Road by Michael Chabon and two unpostables:  Young Pioneers by Rose Wilder Lane (from 2013 challenge:  A work that takes place near you, and The Cat's Table by Michael Ondaatje, mailed to other pbs members.  For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.



Last Edited on: 11/16/14 1:35 PM ET - Total times edited: 89
Cosmina avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Subject: My spot:
Date Posted: 10/25/2013 2:33 PM ET
Member Since: 6/21/2008
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)The Homesman by Glendon Swatho
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict The Five by  Robert McCammon
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.     The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill.  Actually the whole series.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s)  Just Kids by Patti Smith.   10 stars unabridged audio book.
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden   Amish Crime Series by Linda Castillo
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the futureREREAD         World Made By Hand by  by James Kuntsler

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list     Replay by Ken Grimwood
  2. Your WL or RL   The Territory by Patricia Fields
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list   The Midwive's Confession by Diane Chamberlain
  4. Any PBS book club list   The Things We Do for Love   Debbie Macomber
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). The Medieval Mystries by Priscilla Royal                

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children   Rainwater by Sandra Brown
  2. Teenagers    Imperfect Birds by Anne Lamott
  3. 20-30-somethings   The Daughter's Walk by Jane Kirkpatrick
  4. Middle aged     The Abortionist's Daughter by Elizabeth Hyde
  5. Senior citizen    The Coroner's Lunch by Colin Cotterill

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014        History of the Future by James Kuntsler 
  2. 2010-2013      Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Rifka Brunt  2012
  3. 2000-2009    Blessed are the Cheesemakers by Sarah-Kate Lynch    2003
  4. 1990-1999     The Beekeepers Apprentice By Laurie R. King
  5. 1964-1989    The Killer Brand by William Colt MacDonald    1977

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)​
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.

Last Edited on: 10/18/14 5:21 PM ET - Total times edited: 17
Generic Profile avatar
Subject: My 2014 Contemporary List
Date Posted: 10/29/2013 11:52 AM ET
Member Since: 11/15/2011
Posts: 56
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)--Thunderstruck by Erik Larson
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict--Rose Cottage by Mary Stewart  (Completed 1/13/14)
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.--OMIT
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s)--OMIT
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden--Isadore's Secret by Mardi LInk
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future--OMIT

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list--Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley (Completed 5/29/14)
  2. Your WL or RL--OMIT
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list--Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl  (Completed 9/20/14)
  4. Any PBS book club list--OMIT
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.--Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout  (Completed 7/16/14)

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children--The Cat's Table by Michael Ondaatje  (Completed 4/28/14)
  2. Teenagers--OMIT
  3. 20-30-somethings--The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty  (Completed 8/5/14)
  4. Middle aged--OMIT
  5. Senior citizen--Correspondence by N. John Hall  (Completed 3/12/14)

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014--OMIT
  2. 2010-2013--A Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian  (Completed 6/20/14)
  3. 2000-2009--The Turk and My Mother--By Mary Helen Stefaniak (Completed 3/7/14)
  4. 1990-1999--Daughter of Fortune by Isabel Allende
  5. 1964-1989--OMIT

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.






Last Edited on: 9/26/14 10:04 PM ET - Total times edited: 11
barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 10/29/2013 5:47 PM ET
Member Since: 9/14/2009
Posts: 611
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2014 Contemporary Fiction Challenge:  CHALLENGE COMPLETED!

2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction      Blue at the Mizzen   by Patrick O'BrianDONE
  2. Paranormal fiction      Coraline   by Neil Gaiman DONE
  3. Fantasy     A Feast For Crows   by George R.R. Martin DONE 
  4. Romance     The Man on the Balcony  by Sjowall-Wahloo DONE (sub from 2013 challenge[titles with more than 4 words] as I'm also participating in the 2014 Classic Lit. challenge).
  5. Mystery     Hypothermia   by Arnaldur Indridason  DONE
  6. Science fiction     Neuromancer   by Wm. Gibson (hb-276)DONE

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list     Travels With My Aunt  by Graham Greene (1969) DONE
  2. Your WL or RL     A Prayer For Owen Meany   by John IrvingDONE
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list       The Kitchen House   by Kathleen GrissomDONE
  4. Any PBS book club list        The Bean Trees   by Barbara Kingsolver DONE
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.).  Amsterdam   by Ian McEwan  (Man/Booker Prize 1998)DONE

     Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)
  6. Children     The Amber Spyglass   by Philip Pullman DONE
  7. Teenagers   The Hatchet   by Gary Paulsen DONE
  8. 20-30-somethings Ceremony   by Leslie Marmon SilkoDONE
  9. Middle aged   Quartet in Autumn   by Barbara Pym DONE
  10. Senior citizen  Correspondence: An Adventure in Letters   by N. John Hall DONE
  12. Category 4: Work originally published in
  13. 2014     The Smoke at Dawn: A Novel of the Civil War   by Jeff Shaara DONE
  14. 2010-2013   The King's Gold   by Arturo Perez-Reverte DONE
  15. 2000-2009   Gone Tomorrow   by Lee Child DONE
  16. 1990-1999   Pure Drivel   by Steve Martin DONE
  17. 1964-1989   Testing The Current   by William McPherson DONE
  18. Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):
  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.


Last Edited on: 8/28/14 1:56 PM ET - Total times edited: 49
Generic Profile avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Gold medalPBS Blog Contributor medal
Date Posted: 10/30/2013 6:45 PM ET
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Last Edited on: 10/31/13 8:31 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
drw avatar
Date Posted: 11/7/2013 9:22 AM ET
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Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s)
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list
  2. Your WL or RL
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list
  4. Any PBS book club list
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children
  2. Teenagers
  3. 20-30-somethings
  4. Middle aged
  5. Senior citizen

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014
  2. 2010-2013
  3. 2000-2009
  4. 1990-1999
  5. 1964-1989

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.


Last Edited on: 11/7/13 9:24 AM ET - Total times edited: 2
Generic Profile avatar
Date Posted: 11/7/2013 1:10 PM ET
Member Since: 4/7/2007
Posts: 335
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I'm in!

2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)  TRADESIE:  Peony in Love by Lisa See (completed 6/9/14)
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict  (Tradeies!) The Devil and Miss Prym, a Novel of Temptation by Paulo Coelho (completed 9/5/14)
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s) Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler (about Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald) completed 5/26/14
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future The Law of Love by Laura Esquival (completed 6/18/2014)

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list
  2. Your WL or RL  Joanna Trolloppe Sense and Sensibility (completed 5/29/14) *
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list
  4. Any PBS book club list
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee. 

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children  Life after Life by Kate Atkinson (completed 4/20/14) ***
  2. Teenagers SUBSTITUTION for posting books which numbered ) in the system: another book from Children's POV: The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake (completed 6/10/14) and posted to the system so I can trade another subject.
  3. 20-30-somethings  Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho (completed 3/19/14) ****
  4. Middle aged
  5. Senior citizen  *Tradesies!!  Evening by Susan Minot (completed 6/22/14) ***

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014  Adultery by  Paulo Coelho (completed 9/12/14) *
  2. 2010-2013  The Love Affairs of Nathaniel P. by Adelle Waldman (completed 8/11/14) *
  3. 2000-2009
  4. 1990-1999
  5. 1964-1989

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.) The Unchangeable Spots of Leopards by Kristopher Jansma (book about writers and writing from 2013 challenge; were 0 copies in system when posted) Completed 1/3/14! Purchased, read and posted The Ethical Slut, there were 0 copies when posted. (5/11/2014: posted 4 books to the system that had 0 when posted: Stories I Only Tell My Friends by Rob Lowe; Night Train to Lisbon by Pascal Mercier, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, and Around the Year with Emmet Fox)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics. (Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, purchased and posted and mailed!) 2012 Challenge!
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.

Last Edited on: 9/12/14 8:34 PM ET - Total times edited: 20
nisforneville avatar
Friend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 11/9/2013 9:47 PM ET
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Posts: 597
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography) The Husband List by Janet Evanovich
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict Abby Cooper, Psychic Eye by Victoria Laurie-----------------------------------------------------finished Jan. 12
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US. The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s) Soulless by Gail Carriger
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden  Malled to Death by Laura DiSilverio
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list   Cherry Cheesecake Murder by Joanne Fluke -------------------------finished Jan 2
  2. Your WL or RL Bonnie of Evidence by Maddy Hunter
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list Trade-sies Dead Men Don't Crochet by Betty Hechtman---finished Jan. 21
  4. Any PBS book club list Sprinkle With Murder by Jenn McKinlay
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee. Trade-sies By Hook or By Crook by Betty Hechtman--------finished Jan. 29

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend by Matthew Dicks -------------------------- finished Jan. 15 (posted WL book)
  2. Teenagers The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Goth Girl by Barry Lyga
  3. 20-30-somethings The Chase by Janet Evanovich
  4. Middle aged Hooked on Murder by Betty Hechtman ------------------------------------- finished Jan. 3
  5. Senior citizen The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014 The One by Kiera Cass
  2. 2010-2013 The Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan
  3. 2000-2009 The First Days by Rhiannon Frater -------------------------------------------- finished Jan. 1
  4. 1990-1999 Greek Odyssey by Carolyn Keene
  5. 1964-1989 Nemesis by Agatha Christie

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)​
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.

Last Edited on: 1/30/14 2:29 PM ET - Total times edited: 26
Generic Profile avatar
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Date Posted: 11/10/2013 7:28 AM ET
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s)
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list
  2. Your WL or RL
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list
  4. Any PBS book club list
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children
  2. Teenagers
  3. 20-30-somethings
  4. Middle aged
  5. Senior citizen

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014
  2. 2010-2013
  3. 2000-2009
  4. 1990-1999
  5. 1964-1989

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
susank17 avatar
Standard Member medalPrintable Postage medal
Date Posted: 11/13/2013 10:06 PM ET
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I'm Traditional!  Going for Deluxe 16  FINISHED!

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Non-fiction work about history or politics Empty Mansions - Bill Dedman 2/21
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual or philosophical How to Be Alone - Sara Maitland 12/8
  3. Fantasy  Feast of Crows - George R. R. Martin 12/17
  4. Romance  The Fault in Our Stars - John Green 3/20
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden 
  6. Non-fiction work about a scientific topic  Consider the Fork - Bee Wilson  2/5

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list  Apologize, Apologize - Elizabeth Kelly 9/19
  2. Your WL or RL   The Rosie Project - Graeme Simsion  1/6
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list
  4. Any PBS book club list   The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt  4/24
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/Faulkner).  Housekeeping - Marilynne Robinson 1/21

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children   Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card  6/15
  2. Teenagers  Black Swan Green - David Mitchell
  3. 20-30-somethings  The Care and Maintenance of Lies 8/21 
  4. Middle aged  The Last Chinese Chef - Nicole Mones 7/13
  5. Senior citizen  Crossing to Safety - Wallace Stegner  1/28

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014  The Invention of Wings   5/12
  2. 2010-2013  The Last Policeman - Ben H. Winters  9/13
  3. 2000-2009 
  4. 1990-1999   The Perks of Being a Wallflower  8/14
  5. 1964-1989    Doruntine - Ismail Kadare 4/19

Last Edited on: 12/18/14 11:30 AM ET - Total times edited: 30
Generic Profile avatar
Subject: Traditional 12
Date Posted: 11/21/2013 7:02 PM ET
Member Since: 11/18/2009
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I'm going to do a traditional 12 challenge, and have selected three items from each category.


   1. historical fiction--Suite Francaise (Irene Nemirovsky)

   2. significant relationship--A Very Close Conspiracy/Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf (Jane Dunn)

   3. non-fiction about a secret--When Evil Came to Good Hart (Mardi Link)


   4. TBR list--The Whistling Season (Ivan Doig)

   5. award winner--Charming Billy (Alice McDermott)

   6. from 1001 Books--Doctor Faustus (Thomas Mann)


   7. 20-30 somethings--Bad Haircut (Tom Perrotta)

   8. middle-aged--The Granny (Brendan O'Carroll)

   9. senior citizens--The Sorrows of an American (Siri Hustvedt)


 10. 2014--Stand Up Straight and Sing! (Jessye Norman)

 11. 2010-2013--Fever (Mary Beth Keane)

 12. 2000-2009--When We Were Orphans (Kazuo Ishiguro)

I'll have to work in a couple I won't have finished by the end of 2013, but I have determination!


garrity avatar
Friend of PBS-Gold medal
Date Posted: 11/21/2013 7:28 PM ET
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)  City Room by Arthur Gelb
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict
  3. Fantasy  The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherine M Valente
  4. Romance  Zoe's Gift by Jory Strong
  5. Mystery  Murder in the Rue Dumas by M L Longworth
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future  The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century by David Salsburg

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list   Crazy by Han Nolan
  2. Your WL or RL   True Colors by Clare London
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list   The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion (Rhonda's Best of 2013 list)
  4. Any PBS book club list   The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows (Christa H's Essential Historical Fiction)
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.  A Conspiracy of Faith by Jussi Adler-Olsen  (winner of the Glass Key award 2010)

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children   Speaking From Among the Bones (Flavia de Luce, Bk 5) by Alan Bradley
  2. Teenagers   The Hurricane by Hugh Howey
  3. 20-30-somethings   The Cookbook Collector by Allegra Goodman
  4. Middle aged  The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd
  5. Senior citizen  The Memory of Blood by Christopher Fowler

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014   Spider Woman's Daughter by Anne Hillerman (2014)
  2. 2010-2013   A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron (2010)
  3. 2000-2009   Another Man's Moccasins by Craig Johnson (2008)
  4. 1990-1999   Bachelor Brothers' Bed & Breakfast by Bill Richardson (1996)
  5. 1964-1989   No Word From Winifred by Amanda Cross (1986)

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)â
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.


Last Edited on: 12/18/14 4:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 25
janete avatar
Date Posted: 11/30/2013 7:42 AM ET
Member Since: 5/15/2010
Posts: 143
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2014 Challenge Options:

Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
Deluxe Challenge 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
Light Challenge 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography) Sarah Dunant. Blood & Beauty. COMPLETED 1/22/14. 4 Stars
2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict. Shade. Neil Jordan. Completed 9/1514
3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US. George R. R. Martin. A Clash of Kings Completed 5/6/14 4 stars
4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s) Jane Gardam. The Man in the Wooden hat. Completed 9/3/14. 4 stars
5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden. Benjamin Black. Vengeance . Completed 8/19/14 4 stars.
6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future. Swapped for a tradesie not in system when I read it:Jane Gardam. Last Friends. Completed 9/6/14. 5 stars for the entire trilogy.

 Category 2: As seen on 

1. Your TBR Pat Barker. Regeneration. Completed 7/24/14 4.5 stars
2. Your WL or RL Pat Barker. The Eye in the Door. Completed 7/27/14. 4.5 stars
3. A fellow PBSers best of 2012 or 2013 list.  Game of Thrones Completed 3/23/14 4 stars
4. Any PBS book club list: 1001 best of: Edward St. Aubyn. Never Mind Completed 8/24/14 4 stars
5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/Faulkner; Edgar; Lambda; Costa; World Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee. David Benioff. City of Thieves. Completed 8/16/14

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

1. Children. Philip Pullman. The Golden Compass COMPLETED 1/8/14 4 Stars
2. Teenagers Philip Pullman. The Ruby in the Smoke. Completed 8/2/14 4 Stars
3. 20-30-somethings Richard Mason. History of a Pleasure Seeker. Completed 2/2/14
4. Middle aged Colm Toibin. The Heather Blazing COMPLETED 6/3/14
5. Senior citizen Jane Gardam. Old Filth Completed 8/26/14 5 stars

Category 4: Work originally published in

1. 2014 Edward St . Aubyn. Lost for Words. Completed 6/22/14. 4 stars
2. 2010-2013 Benjamin Black. Holy Orders. Completed 7/31/14 4.5 stars

3. 2000-2009.George R. R. Martin. A Storm of Swords. Completed 6/8/14 4 stars

4. 1990-1999. Substituting a 2013 challenge category, a work that takes inspiration from a classic: Benjamin Black, Completed 10/10/14:The Black-Eyed Blonde: A Philip Marlowe Novel (Philip Marlowe #10)
5.1964-1989 Manchette. The  Mad and the Bad Completed 8/31/14 4 stars
Trade-sies (aka That topic sucks, aka Building good PBS karma):

Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isnt in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were 0 copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)​
Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 2013, 2012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 2013, 2012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.

Last Edited on: 10/10/14 9:33 PM ET - Total times edited: 52
tempie avatar
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Date Posted: 12/8/2013 12:40 PM ET
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2014 Challenge Options:

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography)
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s)
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list Light on Snow by Anita Shreve
  2. Your WL or RL Glass by Ellen Hopkins
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman
  4. Any PBS book club list
  5. Any nationally or internationally recognized awards list (Pen/FaulknerEdgarLambdaCostaWorld Fantasy, etc.). Choose a winner or finalist/runner-up/nominee.

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children- The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  2. Teenagers- Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
  3. 20-30-somethings The Virgin of Small Plains by Nancy Pickard
  4. Middle aged
  5. Senior citizen

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014
  2. 2010-2013 The Wishing Trees by John Shors
  3. 2000-2009 Testimony by Anita Shreve
  4. 1990-1999
  5. 1964-1989 Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics. Trick by Ellen Hopkins
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.


Last Edited on: 7/3/14 12:03 PM ET - Total times edited: 11
Cosmina avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 12/23/2013 8:21 PM ET
Member Since: 6/21/2008
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I always forget about this: Are Audio books allowed to count for books read?

craftnut avatar
PBS Blog Contributor medal
Subject: Updated 10/25/14
Date Posted: 12/29/2013 4:59 PM ET
Member Since: 7/10/2011
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2014 Challenge Options:  Planned Finished

  • Over-achiever - 21 books: 1 for each topic
  • Deluxe Challenge – 16 books  (4 different topics per category)
  • Traditional Challenge - 12 books (3 different topics per category)
  • Light Challenge – 6-8 books (approximately 2 different topics per category)

Category 1: Genres (loosely interpreted)

  1. Historical fiction or a non-fiction work about history or politics (including auto/biography) – Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
  2. Paranormal fiction or a non-fiction work about religious, spiritual and/or philosophical beliefs and/or cultural conflict – Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill - 10/3/14 - terrible book, very disappointing!!
  3. Fantasy or a non-fiction work about [an] international event[s] or about events outside of the US. - Knives at Dawn: America's Quest for Culinary Glory at the Legendary Bocuse d'Or - the world international cooking competition held in Lyon, France, international contestants, the most prestigious contest, started in 1963 and the first to feature kitchens in front of live audiences.
  4. Romance or a non-fiction work about a famous historical couple or other significant relationship(s) -
  5. Mystery or a non-fiction work about a secret or something hidden – The Irresistible Blueberry Bakeshop and Cafe by Mary Simses - 5/1/14
  6. Science fiction or a non-fiction work about a scientific topic or about a topic that anticipates the future

 Category 2: “As seen on…” 

  1. Your TBR list – School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister - finished 1/10/14
  2. Your WL or RL -
  3. A fellow PBS’ers “best of 2012 or 2013” list - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn finished 8/30/14
  4. Any PBS book club list - on Books for Foodies created by Janelle C (jscrappy) on Jul 3, 2010.
  5. World Fantasy award list – Dance with Dragons by George RR Martin

Category 3: Age is just a number: (Main characters are of this age group or the conflict revolves around a character from this age group.)

  1. Children
  2. Teenagers
  3. 20-30-somethings -
  4. Middle aged - Quilter's Knot by Arlene Sachitano, finished 1/18/14
  5. Senior citizen - Buttons and Bones, Monica Ferris, finished 4/2/14

Category 4: Work originally published in

  1. 2014
  2. 2010-2013 – The Chocolate Moose Motive by JoAnna Carl
  3. 2000-2009 – Bread Alone, finished 10/22/14
  4. 1990-1999 – The Masterharper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
  5. 1964-1989

Trade-sies” (aka “That topic sucks,” aka “Building good PBS karma):

  • Any time you (break down and) purchase (or otherwise acquire) a book that isn’t in the PBS system, read it, and then post it to the system, you may swap any 2 topics for absolutely anything contemporary that you want to read! (Note: As long as there were “0” copies available at the time you acquired the book, you may use this category.)​
  • Any time you post a book to the system that you completed for this challenge, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.
  • For each additional PBS challenge you are participating in during 2014, you may trade one of the above topics for one of the 20132012 or 2011 Contemporary Challenge topics.


Last Edited on: 10/26/14 1:38 PM ET - Total times edited: 9
escapeartistk avatar
Subject: response to Pamela's question
Date Posted: 12/30/2013 11:13 PM ET
Member Since: 10/4/2010
Posts: 280
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re: I always forget about this: Are Audio books allowed to count for books read?

Some people count them. We've never made a specific rule. I think it's a matter of personal choice (that's more how we tend to roll). smiley

Last Edited on: 12/30/13 11:13 PM ET - Total times edited: 1
Cosmina avatar
Standard Member medalFriend of PBS-Silver medal
Date Posted: 5/8/2014 8:50 PM ET
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Personally, I think an unabridged audio book should count just like a book in print.  The point is to spread your reading wings and enjoy books.

just to bump this up!

barbieofmpls avatar
Date Posted: 8/28/2014 1:57 PM ET
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janete avatar
Date Posted: 10/10/2014 9:51 PM ET
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I completed this challenge! 10/10/14


Janet E