Catherine Palmer has just published her third book in her Miss Pickworth series. The Courteous Cad focuses on William Sherbourne a cad, and Prudence Watson a wannabe crusader who has vowed never to marry.
William fully admits to being a cad. Was a cad, is a cad, but will he stay a cad?
Prudence only wants to make changes for the good, but seems to fail at her attempts. When her feeble efforts involve Mr. Sherbournes worsted mill, a clash of the two opposites ensue.
Prudence (sister of Sarah from book 1, The Affectionate Adversary) was hard for me to figure out. Although, I think that was all part of her character. Prudence is trying to figure her own self out.
Throw in a dashing, charming, supposed-to-be-but-maybe-not villain, and any female character in a novel is confused. ;-)
If youve been waiting for Catherine to finish book 3, then you will likely enjoy revisiting the characters, as well as a few oldies from her English Ivy series.
By the way, for those of you who have read the other two books in Palmers series, society tattler Miss Pickworths identity is revealed in The Courteous Cador I think it was!
For the last several months, I have been in a Jane Austen kind of mood. Books, movies, doesnt really matter; anything set in that time period is holding my interest at the moment.
Because Im in that Jane Austen mood, I enjoyed the flow and feel of The Courteous Cad; however, although I am always glad to finish a series, The Courteous Cad was not a couldnt-put-down kind of read.
Check out more book reviews on my blog: thecreativesideofsteph DOT blogspot DOT com
William fully admits to being a cad. Was a cad, is a cad, but will he stay a cad?
Prudence only wants to make changes for the good, but seems to fail at her attempts. When her feeble efforts involve Mr. Sherbournes worsted mill, a clash of the two opposites ensue.
Prudence (sister of Sarah from book 1, The Affectionate Adversary) was hard for me to figure out. Although, I think that was all part of her character. Prudence is trying to figure her own self out.
Throw in a dashing, charming, supposed-to-be-but-maybe-not villain, and any female character in a novel is confused. ;-)
If youve been waiting for Catherine to finish book 3, then you will likely enjoy revisiting the characters, as well as a few oldies from her English Ivy series.
By the way, for those of you who have read the other two books in Palmers series, society tattler Miss Pickworths identity is revealed in The Courteous Cador I think it was!
For the last several months, I have been in a Jane Austen kind of mood. Books, movies, doesnt really matter; anything set in that time period is holding my interest at the moment.
Because Im in that Jane Austen mood, I enjoyed the flow and feel of The Courteous Cad; however, although I am always glad to finish a series, The Courteous Cad was not a couldnt-put-down kind of read.
Check out more book reviews on my blog: thecreativesideofsteph DOT blogspot DOT com
#3 in the series. Good conclusion to the saga. It was an easy read, great for beach or vacation reading. Will stand alone, but better read as conclusion of the series.