Helpful Score: 2
I found the 1960s/1980s perspective on computers to be quite amusing. The Enterprise computer has experienced a malfunction that causes problems all over the ship. Before they are able to go to a starbase for repairs, they are sent to Centaurus to aid in the recovery from a huge matter/anti-matter explosion that wiped out the capital city and killed thousands of people. The tension builds steadily throughout the story, but the resolution is abrupt and unsatisfying. It seemed to me that the author had a much fuller story that got cut down in the editorial process. Too bad, because he had some interesting subtext with some of the minor characters like Chekov and Sulu.
Helpful Score: 1
Overall, I think the book was good. There are some parts that bothered me, such as (1) the explanation of the computer malfunctions and (2) the use of brand/company names that are in business today, like Baggies and Holiday Inn Express. I can't believe that these companies would still be in business so many years from now; very few companies today have that kind of longevity. If I look past these annoyances, however, I can enjoy the story.