Crying Wind Author:Crying Wind, Crying Wind Stafford "I'm the accidental offspring of two people who hated each other. I never saw my father's face, because he abandoned my mother before I was born, and she hated him for it. My mother was young and didn't want to be tied down with a baby she hadn't wanted in the first place, so she left me with my grandmother on the reservation. I'm a worthles... more »s halfbreed; two people trying to live in one body. That's who Crying Wind is -- nobody."
At fifteen, Crying Wind is forced to move into a large city after her grand?mother died. Friendless, and penniless, she tries to commit suicide. Paging through the yellow pages, she recognizes a church's address. Hesitantly she ap?proaches the pastor, and the encourage?ment and love of the pastor and his wife help Crying Wind to accept herself and appreciate her own worth.
Simply and sensitively written, Crying Wind's true story gives insights into American Indian culture and the cultural barriers an Indian must hurdle when he accepts Christ.« less