Page: Unlock Forum posting with Annual Membership. |
I've seen something like this on another forum and thought it might be fun to try here. Maybe if the interest isn't very high but some of us post we could change it to monthly? The other forum starts a thread for each day but they have a lot of people posting and chatting and they pretty much post what they did frugal-wise for the day and some post their shortcomings. I was thinking maybe combine the frugal goals with perhaps other goals some of us may have such as de-cluttering, organizing, recycling..just whatever to help keep us accountable and hopefully motivate each other.
ETA: how about doing a thread each month?? Last Edited on: 4/5/10 5:57 AM ET - Total times edited: 6 |
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I'll start a post a day early as a 'warm up'! my goals are to try to get by on less groceries/eating out/spending money in general and less wasting. I'm also attempting to lose weight for health reasons with Weight Watchers for support and balancing carbs/proteins with my meals/snacks. Also need to get organzized but oh well hasn't happened yet! oh, and adding in exercise! right now 3x week is my goal. Today started out as frugal..ate breakfast with what I had on hand since I ran out of egg whites. I try to watch my eating for weight loss and to balance carbs/proteins. I had a packet of instant apple cinnamon lower sugar or no sugar oatmeal with a vanilla carbmaster yogurt. The yogurt was the last I had in the fridge and the oatmeal I have a lot of since Randall's had a good sale last year and I purchased the max to stock up on. I was headed to a weight watchers meeting but noticed my german shepherd's eye was giving her problems..she has a growth on it that the vet doesn't feel comfortable operating on so the testing and ointment cost around $70 (and yes I need to doublecheck my receipt because I have to write it down in the little ledger since I used my credit card and my goal is to keep up with charges better) Then I went by ubs and found a paperback I was wanting to read. no, it wasn't necessary and yes I could have lived without it. So no stars for frugality there but if I like the book as much as I expect to then it will have been worth it. My library didn't have it catalogued in the system either so I get a point for at least checking there first! Finally made the meeting and didn't purchase any extra goodies there! score a frugal point for that! Then to Kroger for more Carbmaster yogurt and some of the $1 per bag carrots I like to munch on. sigh..frugal went out the window here. I tried not to overbuy since I have stuff in the freezer and pantry but I did get a lot of the yogurt since it's a good source of protein and low about 5 baggies of the carrots. I may have overdone it here but I've been snacking on them and made soup the other day and can always freeze them I suppose. ok, I should have stuck with 2 bags..sigh..but I'll see how I do with them.I find some mixed salad greens marked down and got some other salad stuff, most on sale, and some stuff to use up things I already have and a few things for a couple of new recipes. I didn't use any coupons. I did buy an early Sunday paper for the coupons and found several I can use for future trips. I'm mixed on this grocery shopping..I feel I could have planned better and waiting for walmart to save money but I think the prices at Kroger were reasonable overall esp with the store brand items and sale items. Before I left on my errands I put some sirloin and roast in the slowcooker with some carrots/potatoes/onion and mccormick beef stew seasoning packet. The meat I've had in the freezer and decided to thaw and use. The veggies were nearing the end of their life! The seasoning packet I got at the grocery store a few months ago. I should have let it cook longer to make the veggies tender..put it back in the crockpot and resumed cooking. the meat was good though! An earlier meal I had salad with leftover chicken breast I cooked for work yesterday. I still have 1-2 servings left. and I hate to waste it but so tired of chicken! But I feel good knowing I 'rescued' the older veggies and used meat from the freezer and have been eating the leftover chicken. also went by the library and returned a lot of books and picked up on that was on hold and 2 others in a series I've been reading. zero cost and was nice to get out of the house for a bit. Then called a friend and went to visit with her for a few hours. something I haven't done in a really long time. I did resist the temptation to not go through jack in the box and boy was it hard! but that's bad for weight loss as well as frugality! |
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i decide to start blog about this. so it keep me motivated. i am doing better about this one of thing i need to do is not buy on internet . i didnt realize how much. i been at parent and know about dog expense samson end up not feel well so 300.00 dollar he doing better thank god i had money from having cheap holiday and not buying much . smiles. i been stay at mom and dad to keep an eye on him but will go back to apartment tommorow so we will see . i did order weight watcher kit on ebay for calculaot rlast night so need to work on it. but other wise do pretty good. i will be doing this with you as i need to atone . carol |
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I'm bad with the internet too but I figure going into the stores in person is also tempting! so far today I've eaten breakfast at home, went to try out a church..wasn't exactly super-spiritual but it's a large church and has some activities and classes I may give a couple of months to see how it goes. I did commit toa $5 Wed night supper of southwestern grilled chicken..figured it was worth it to get out of the house and hopefully meet some people plus a meal. They also kicked off a sermon topic on Generosity and the books were free..they had a 'love offering' basket but no change on me so may give some later or pass the book on to someone else or both. now I'm eating lunch - leftover steak/roast from my slowcooker fiasco yesterday..the veggies are a lost cause they never softened up enough. oh well. finishing up the lettuce mix and tomato along with some other salad stuff. thinking about experimenting wth some lasagna rollups later today for dinner. those are the cabbage I bought! no plans for any shopping. ETA: took a s hort nap and am now waiting for the chicken lasagna roll-ups to finish baking! hope they're good! turned out to be a LOT of cheese filling but they have to bake an hour til I can find out the verdict. I bought the fat free ricotta and Weight WAtchers mozzarella yesterday..I also used the last bit of cooked c hicken breast and also used a bit from what I just bought(broke my 'rule' of first in first out but the first in was frozen solid and the new wasn't frozen yet!) but the sauces and seasonings and noodles came from what I already had on had(the sauce was leftover from a few days ago so it didnt get wasted - at least not yet!) Last Edited on: 1/3/10 5:59 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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i been try to do good but had to take two cab for 35.00 as i feel this morning off stepat apartment and had to change and would have miss. also mom was nervous about me going to work so i took cab also yesterday . i also didnt lunch or breakfast as i was all mix up this morning and couldnt think cook tonight some chicken tender, some biscut an pea and bring that for lunch decide not to go food shopping as i am going to try to use some of food here. Last Edited on: 1/4/10 7:55 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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gosh Carol hope you're ok..sounds like a rough couple of days. I had trouble sleeping today - working nights tonight and tomorrow night so I mostly dozed. I brought different things with me to work tonight - egg substitute, leftover roast, leftover chicken roll-up, bag of baby carrots(actually finished one of the 5 bags already!), some microwave far no spending today but have 2 prescriptions to fill so will be paying for those tomorrow or Wednesday most likely. Possibly Thursday. so far I've gotten in exercise since Tues though nothing tonight..may or may not walk at work tonight. kinda cold. so far on track with the eating though I may go over a bit since I'm adjusting to nights and still woke up during the day hungry. |
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so sometime you work night and osme time you work day may i ask what kind of work you do. i could work any hours and my stomach would know it 9pm i try to eat something little . but it hard time. im not so bad at work. |
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I work in the lab of a chemical plant Carol..we're around the clock pretty much except for a holiday when they dont' want to pay the overtime. I do 12 hour shifts, 2 weeks on days and 2 weeks on nights and occasionaly callout on the opposite shift if we're really shorthanded. well today was pretty frugal. still trying to adjust to night shift...didn't sleep well and think I may be coming down with something..scratchy throat an burning eyes and feel a little blah. hopefully it'll pass. I'm at work and no plans to buy anything tonight! :-) ate some breakfast using stuff I had on hand and some of those little 'cuties'..tiny orange looking fruit not really sure what they're called but the label says 'cuties'. lunch was half of one of the chicken lasagna rollups I made the other day. need to freeze the rest when I get home tomorrow. have 3 1/2 left I think. and more 'cuties'..figure I could use the vitamin C! I was wanting chili and thought about going through Wendy's drive thru then remembered I have taco soup which is very similar to chili so diced some fresh onion and took a container out of the freezer here at work and nuked it, added low fat cheese and the onion. also used my apple corer and ate apple slices. yum! very filling and nothing new bought. the apple was left from my christmas stocking. I have light cheesesticks, tea, yogurt, sugar free storebrand 'crystal light' tubs to make in the gallon container I keep here at work, a chicken lasagna roll up..basically just some odds and ends. The rest of the crockpot beef stew went in the trash..the remaining meat didnt' taste 'right' and the veggies never softened..what a waste. also the canned asparagus was disgusting so out it goes(I like fresh but have decided canned isn't for me maybe frozen but I hate it mushy like the stuff in the can) got in a 15 minute indoor 'walk' bfore work. wanted to do 30 min but hey I lazed around in bed :-( but I did good to get that in considering how draggy I was feeling. off the next 2 nights..tomorrow night is the $5 supper at the church I visited last Sunday so I signed up for that. figure a meal out is worth $5. I'm really hoping it'll get me out of the house and meet some people. not necessarily single men LOL though that wouldnt hurt but just to be around other people..I tend to be too much of a loner and homebody. but I figure I can make 3 a month - 2 on my day/night off and one when I'm on night shift that Wed..can eat before work. the wed I work days I'd have to leave early and that would still be pushing it. but anyways I'm really looking forward to it! hope everyone else is sticking to their goals! I know I'll fall short but hopefully I wont' too often! |
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so far today has been leftovers but I've only had one meal! tonight I have the $5 meal at church which I consider worth it since I want to get out and meet people and am hoping this will be a nice outing. later I'll probaby work on a quilt or sewing project if I feel like it - feeling a little sick today.think it's allergies again but my ears are stopped up and my nose itchy/sniffly. no shopping planned though I'm wanting to pick up a book at Borders with my giftcard. I also may go by the library and pick up a book that's on hold. |
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that great you are going to church supper. i am start diet and so tempt but other time i dont care. oh well. today was little depress .so i feel pig out but i wont . |
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well I went to the church supper. not a bad deal,esp for someone not watching what they eat! it was a weird combination though..southwest chicken breast(but tasted sweet), mashed potatoes with garlic(good!), a corn/avocado/relish kinda of salad that did taste 'mexican', and a roll...also a small salad bar and dessert included along with water/tea/lemonade. I was good and skipped the dessert. turned out to be mostly older people there..saw one younger guy but no one my age that I noticed. they had several round tables for 8 set up around the room. I'll do it again though just to get out of the house! went by randall's to get some milk ot make pudding...99c ents but had to buy $20 worth of stuff..had 93% ground meat on sale and I was low on that..ended up with several things but think it'll all get used. |
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susanna too bad we dont live near each other i think we would get along . and i would go with you to some of these thing. smiles. anyway i did nt bring lunch today so not oing too good at this yet . 1 of 5 day . so i did feel good. i bought 3 dry racks because everytime i do wash someone is allwayusing dryer . so wash clotes and oh course people are use dryer . so i save 2.00 that way. |
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Hi, today witn with neighbor to several stores; but only got a BIG muffin pan from the Goodwill As Is store: for $1.00; had some crackers and cheese for a snack; if you are trying to lose weight, and even if you are not: popcorn is an excellent snack; my daughter got me an air pop corn maker; it's faster than microwave popcorn; cheaper, & healthier for you! Both my neighbor & I love popcorn:we make various toppings: pamisian cheese with garlic is superb; but we also split the cost of nacho seasoning to go on them; love with garlic salt, & regular salt to. So many different varieties to choose from! (frugal and GOOD!) Some fun frugal sites I have found:;;;; I get the granola bars 96 for $12.00 at Cosco & carry with me; so if I get hungry; I have something to eat! |
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you had a good haul Ashley! I need to find one of those air poppers..I buy the microwave 100 cal bags and those really aren't cost effective though they're pretty convenient! Iv'e done the tiphero with it's links. I'll have to try the others. thanks for the links! I had to spend some money today - picked up a prescription and was billed for a mail order prescription. also picked up some dog food as well as a bag of snacks they like- mother hubbard pnuttier 'bones'. pet store so wasn't dirt cheap but they enjoy them. then to wally world aka walmart. wanted to get a hat but no luck there! did find some gloves (it's cold down here w hich is very unusual!) I bought some of htose Green Giant Healthy entrees and cooked some chicken to go with them for a nice good-szed meal .they're $1.18 at wally world and I already had the chicken in the freezer. I tried the healthy heart and healthy vision..both were good. I think I'll buy some of these and keep in the freezer here and at work and cook up some of the chicken breast and have handy for a quick meal here or there. I did buy Robyn Carr's newest book(one of my favorite series) though I keep thinking I should have just waited in the wishlist queue but oh well. it was 25% off at least. I also put back 2 puzzles I did not need - I bought some right before Christmas and right after and haven't done all of those yet. there were differnt pictures but still didn't need them so I put them aside. I've also held off on an amazon purchase for now though I did cave and get some exercise dvds from deepdiscount..under $23 for 3 Leslie Sansones. No I didn't need them but I do like her stuff and it motivated me a bit. also got some ww ice cream bars which I know are addictive and am struggling now not to binge on them. so far so good I guess..only ate 2 today. still stopped up though..ick..hate colds. couldn't sleep and need to stay up tonight if I can so I can sleep during the day tomorrow. haven't done any sewing like I'd thought I'd do last night but did finish a book! may do some more exercise tonight - walked the dogs for about 40 min today - 20 min each doggy. they seemed to enjoy it but I was freezing! think I was numb til I was nearly done in wally world! so far on plan with the weight watchers and exercise. also played catch-up with the Bible reading I'm doing with a group o here i the christian book recommendations forum. didn't like the reading Numbers and Leviticus..a bunch of rules and the israelites being all whiny from wandering around the promised land..of course it's easy for me to criticize since I'm not in their shoes! :-) but I hate detail stuff and all those names...but I'm trying my best to stick with it!! Last Edited on: 1/7/10 11:16 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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Mind if I join in? I could use some inspiration, lol. I'm not used to being frugal, but being a single mom with a three month old son, I've had to do a total re-haul of my spending habits, lol. I've done fairly decent this week, though...I think, lol. Here's a few ways I stretched a dollar: Tuesday I had a doctor's appointment, and instead of paying the $3 parking garage fee, I got there early, and parked in the free lot. Had to hoof it through 18 degree weather, but it was worth it! Healthy AND frugal! And...since I was out that day, and my mom was home with the baby, I met my friend for lunch. He's an old fashioned guy who believes the man should pay for the woman (which hey, feminism be darned in lieu of a free meal!). We had a GREAT lunch, and since we got an appetizer, I ended up taking most of my meal home, and enjoying it for supper. I've also started using coupons for the first time ever in hopes of stretching my budget. Had to buy the baby diapers, so bought a bulk pack, and used a coupon. I did the same thing with baby wipes, and even switched to a cheaper brand, which is still made from organic cotton and intended for sensitive skin. And even though he technically didn't need it...I found the cutest knit hat and mitten set at Walmart for six dollars. It's a little stretchy, so it should last him all of this winter, and most likely, next winter as well. I needed to mail out a book for another swapping site I belong to, so I re-used a bubble mailer, and wrapped the book in plastic left over from ANOTHER swap that was in excellent no need to buy new supplies! The book was fairly small, too, so I was able to send it first class for cheaper than media mail. For less than $2 out of pocket, I received a point which I spent on a book for the baby...since I've discovered that baby books are REALLY expensive, lol. Hehe, I even managed to get a little Christmas shopping for next year done. I found a teddy bear ornament that says "Aunt" for only $1.75 on sale. I even have the perfect sized gift bag for it, left over from a present from THIS year. For less than another $2 out of pocket, my sister's present from my son for next year is DONE. |
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Way to go Theresa! I was and wasnt' frugal last night..I have a cart with goodies at that I've been holding off on ordering. I saw someone post on a forum that bookdepository had one for 50% off - a really good buy! and they have free shipping. so I ordered that one from there and deleted from my amazon cart..but that left me a couple bucks short for the free shipping on the other 2 books. seems like I have one of hte books(2 stories) in ebook format plus the price really wasn't super-great. The other I checked at Border's and put it on store reserve(IF they have a copy!) because I have a $10 card for them I got doing mypoints(which I need to focus on more!) I also printed out a 33% off coupon so I figure I may be out of pocket less than $2 with the tax after using the coupon and giftcard. It's a tradesize paperback. so far today I've eaten stuff I already had on-hand and plan to continue at work tonight. forgot yesterday I DID hold off on going to chick-fil-a w hich wasn't easy LOL! I had stuff here though and no reason to stop off there. would've just been money. I know I need to get to the point where frugal is not buying the stuff instead of just finding the cheapest deal for the stuff! but I HAVE cut way way way back on buying books compared to 2 years ago and I'm proud of that fact though I could still cut back even farther. also started doing searchs with swagbucks more so I can get amazon e-certificates..last year I had 2 and used one for a magazine subscription to Cooking Light which was cheap at the time and the other I applied to my brother's christmas present.(both were $5 each) same with mypoits though I got 2 Borders cards at $10 each so $30 for mostly reading emails and a few p urchases at I did through mypoints. I found a lot of the stores are also through Discover which is actual cash-back if I choose so I always try to check there first then try mypoints next. |
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I'm going to join in here as well, I've always been pretty frugal but haven't been working for a while now, so I'm having to stretch my dollars even more. I've gotten very good at resisting things I'd like to buy, but there's always room for improvement. I do want to work on not wasting any food, and to making better use of my coupons and sales. I'm trying to write down what meals I have in my fridge to use up (on a piece of paper on my fridge door) and looking there when it's time to eat something--to encourage myself to eat things up before they spoil. I was happy with myself this week, I had most of a loaf of bread in the fridge that was getting stale (should have put it in the freezer but I forgot.) I made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch all this week to use up the bread--it was still good, just not as appetizing for fresh sandwiches. The grilled cheese was really delicious too, haven't had them in a while. January is a good month for coupons and sales so I need to clean out my coupon organizer and make sure I make shopping lists every weekend. It makes a big difference if you take the time to plan out what you buy using sales and coupons. |
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I've been doing the c heck the fridge thing it's time for the freezer..that sucker has gotten stuffed! I can't find anything in it easily. at least the fridge and pantry I've gone through and pretty much know what's there. another motivating website is I think you have to have a membername but it's free. I already had one from the quilting forum there.they do a daily checkin there which I need to check out at work tonight as well as have other threads. ONe lady had a really good thread going since last year - her hubby was low on work and she was being very frugal..I swear it was like reading LIttle house on the 'woe is me' stuff she was almost having fun it seemed like! nice positive thread and she was even giving stuff away at one point because her kids had enough videos people had given her. there was also a really good blog from someone here but it's not being updated as regularly..I found that one very motivating this time last year though. I also like reading Jane4girls blog and there's another I'm drawing a blank on but it's $1200 a year and I found her end of hte year wrapup good where s he admits they fell off the wagon earlier in the year bu ttheat she picked a number out of the dark..seemed very honest and she did a great job I think on the budget she did. |
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i didnt go food shooping this month yet . i did get chinese food tonight which i shouldnthave . but back to new start tommorow. got paid today so this will be first budget check see how i do. tommorow is disability group food bank so see what stuf they have to stretch it for weekes. |
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yum chinese food sounds yummy Carol! i'm tring to be more frugal but not deny myself. I do plan on eating at chick-fil-a here and there but if I'm not careful I'll be going there every time I"m off! I did buy that book at Borders today and a couple of Hello Kitty puzzles for a b-day gift for my friend's niece. then to walgren's for rip-off giftbags..I hate spending money on wrapping but it tooks too tacky when the others are wrapped and mine aren't! have another present for Little Dude(friend's almost 2yr old) next month to buy ..thinking another geotrax play thingy or mayb eLittle People from Fisher Price.don't know yet. already have him 2 personalized books like I got him at Christmas only these are Sesame Street ABC and 123 'educational' stories! I have to be careful with these kids though or I'll go overboard! |
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One thing I'm getting better at is buying fewer items each time I go to the store. I don't drive, but there are two grocery stores in two different directions from where I live that are handy to other places I go. So over the years I've gotten into the habit of stopping every time I pass by, to carry a few things home at a time. Well, I would be in the store, and really only need one thing, and I'm walking around thinking "what else can I buy?" Partly because I should carry a few things home at a time, but partly out of habit. I'm getting better at saying "I just don't need anything else today, it's okay to walk out of the store with only one item!" Of course, that doesn't count really good sales, especially if you have multiple coupons. I do stock up whenever that happens, as long as it's not something that will spoil. I save a ton of money stocking up on the lowest price sales--after a while you kind of know what the lowest price sale will be and about how often they come around. |
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I'm really enjoying reading all your suggestions. Eating out is what kills my budget. We come home from work and are all tired and nobody feels like cooking anything we have. So I have tryed to start keeping some quick meals handy for those nights, like frozen pizza or chili dogs, probably not as economical or nutrional as what some of you are serving but still better than going and spending $ on eating out as DH isn't crazy about fast food so thinks it has to be a restaurant, which takes time and money. We live in a very small town, pop 1200 so as some said in other posts I have read it can cost more at stores here. I try to buy at Wal-Mart in next town to save. There are no Kroger, Safeway or other large chains available. I am also trying to go with the list to Wal-Mart and avoid all other things, I'm no where close to being on track like some of you are, but wanted to let you know that your posts are inspiring me. Like I said eating out is our downfall. We went out on New Year's Eve for a meal that was on budget and did not eat out again until the next Friday night. THIS is a major accomplishment for us, so thanks for all your help. Hoping to have more good news after another week. Last Edited on: 1/9/10 12:17 PM ET - Total times edited: 1 |
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Susie, I completely sympathize about the coming home from work and cooking--when I was working full-time that was the last thing I felt like doing. Do you have time on the weekends to prepare some things for the freezer that could just be thrown in the oven? Like a tray of lasagna, or some kind of casserole? I always had to make up containers of things to be heated up when I came home, because there was no way I could come home and start preparing a meal, even a quick one. Even now when I have more time I still try to prepare meals in advance so I don't just take the easy way out and grab a bag of junk food when I should be eating a healthy meal. |
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well tomorrow will not be frugal! the record freeze down here busted one of my faucets(and I'm hoping that's all!) so have a plumber coming out tomorrow since I'm definitely not handy with that sorta thing plus it looks to be on their pretty tight. I had actually taken the time to wrap the stupid thing. the front faucet is also leaking at the cutoff valve I think so homeowners knows about that one..the one that was spraying water everywhere I'm responsible for. I went out to eat with a friend before work but they picked up the tab this time..we usually take turns but there are 3 of them counting the toddler and one of me so we dont always split it even and sometimes I eat at their house. I haven't been too hungry.not feeling good to begin with plus dealing with this plumbing stuff and trying not to worry about tonight and tomorrow night's freezing temps and even more damage...sigh...but one of the things i was working on last year was to just try to take things as they with what I can the best I can and try not to worry over the rest. sometimes I do better than other times! I did stop at Randall's this morning for some carb balance tortillas. got some cherries that were on sale, reduced fat cheese, and some laughing cow light cheese wedges..they have a long expiration date so they'll last. was really hard with 20 degrees outside passing by the bakery though! it's always hard but for some reason cold weather brings out the sweet tooth in me. |
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So sorry to hear about the frozen pipes Susanna. We also have been experiencing some extremely cold temps here in AR. We usually get some cold weather but nothing like we have been with temps @ 0 degrees. All you can do is what is suggested like leaving faucets dripping in every room, open cabinet doors to keep the pipes as warm as you can and then hope for the best. Yesterday was not a frugal day for us, we went to see "Little House on the Prairie" the Musical with Mellisa Gilbert as Ma and it was fantastic. Ate at our fave Mexican restaurant but b/c we had tickets to the play we got 10% off our meal and a free cheese dip so I thought that was at least a bargain we hadn't planned on. This was an early Bday celebration and no credit card. Another HORRIBLE downfall for us. We are trying to reduce our credit card debt, which we have been seems like forever. But hopefully this will be the time it works. Well off to Wally World to grocery shop, made a list, have my coupons sorted, now to just STICK to the list! Easier said than done. Have a good day all! Still snow and ice on the ground here but they say it should get above freezing which is something we have not seen in @ 2 weeks, highly unusual for this area but gotta take what you get. |
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