Dave Barry's humor in this book ranges from chuckles to downright hilarious. Much like his columns. If you're in the mood for a few hours of laughs, this book may be the ideal light reading the doctor ordered!
Dave Barry is, of course, thrillingly wry. I tend to giggle out loud when I read his columns. This book is no different in that respect. Our culture is entwined with the personal computerand the net, and what does Barry do better than to comment upon the silly details of our culture?
I really like Dave Barry and his humor, however some of the material in this book was a bit dated for me, like the sections on DOS and Word Processing. I think I have read all the humor I ever needed to know on those platforms before reading this book. I really enjoyed the chapters on the internet toward the end, especially when he mentioned chat rooms. I was "LOL-ing" through the section on acronyms as well. I am most definitely going to add some of this author's other books to my wish list.
Dave Barrry is great. He and Bill Bryson make me laugh out loud. It drives my wife crazy. This book is all about the crazy computer, especially enjoyed, I think, by those of us over 40 years old!
I think Dave Barry is hilarious and lament the fact that he is no longer writing a column. However, you can get a fix of Barry humor with his book. I just uncovered this book again, reread it, and now willing to share it with friends.
very funny
lots of fun
Barry's take on the home computer is full of his usual hyperbolic wackiness, and suffers not at all from being 15 years old -- partly because of his accurate predictions about the speed with which home computer technology is changing.
very funny
Dave at his finest